TPC Gold | The Art of Negotiation – Real Estate Edition

Today’s bonus snippet features one of Australia’s top property experts – our very own Bryce Holdaway!  

In this TPC Gold soundbite, Bryce puts on his Buyer’s Agent cap and shares all he knows about how to negotiate when buying property. He also makes the bold claim that everything is negotiable when it comes to real estate…?! 

Find out exactly what he means by this, and why negotiation is not just an art but also a science. 

Get essential insights into how to handle auctions, why it’s useful to understand the vendor’s motivations, and more. Tune in so you too can start negotiating to win! 

If you’re interested in the full episode, it’s here: Episode 93 | How to Negotiate to Win 

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Episodes You May Be Interested In

Looking for a trusted professional to help you source properties, negotiate with agents or bid on your behalf at auction? Our sister company Empower Wealth has a team of experienced Buyer’s Agents who can help! 


457 | CHRIS VOSS: FBI Hostage Negotiation Masterclass on Why You Should Never Split the Difference

Folks…we’re going to be honest with you. 

This episode took us 4 years (and countless emails) to land, and that’s because today’s super special guest is none other than the famous… 

CHRIS VOSS, former FBI hostage negotiator and author of the book Never Split the Difference!  

 He has had a jaw-dropping, movie-worthy career working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that spans 24 years. Across the time, he has worked in roles such as the Lead International Kidnapping Negotiator and Hostage Negotiation Representative for the National Security Council’s Hostage Working Group (Yep. We’re also jealous of those titles 😉) 

But of course, that’s not all! In 2019, he went on to create and narrate The Art of Negotiation Masterclass and is currently the CEO of the Black Swan Group. He also works as adjunct Professor at Harvard Law School, Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, and as a lecturer at the Marshall School of Business at University of Southern California. 

Basically, Chris has had a lifetime of experience in resolving crises and high-stake negotiations and today, we get to sit down with this inspiration and discover how to use his knowledge to win the property game.  

From the #3 tactics Chris uses to gain the upper hand in negotiations to the 3 extremely different and crucial Yes commitments, we’re digging into Chris’s fascinating brain to understand exactly what Tactical Empathy is and why you should NEVER split the difference.  

It’s an episode that’s been 4 years in the making and we promise you – it’s one that’ll completely enthral you. Give it a listen now folks!  


P.S. Be sure to stick around ‘til the end to hear the two golden tactics that’ll make you, as a buyer, the one they want to sell to!


 Give it a listen now or watch the Episode below! 


Free Stuff Mentioned… 

  • (NOT FREE) Join Chris’ global group coaching sessions on Fireside! Deep dive into one topic every month with the Black Swan’s best coaches. Find out more here.  


Here’s some of the gold we cover… 

  • 00:00 – CHRIS VOSS: FBI Hostage Negotiation Masterclass on Why You Should Never Split the Difference  
  • 3:18 – Mindset Minute: People default to whatever society tells them…  
  • 8:11 – We’ve been chasing this interview for 4 years?!?!  
  • 10:48 – Leading by example & learning money habits in college  
  • 14:06 – Kidnapping in Haiti…    
  • 17:05 – What’s more stressful?? 
  • 18:16 – When you put predictably in the process… 😮 
  • 19:47 – Putting certainty into the conversation  
  • 21:23 – “No plan ever survives the first encounter with the battlefield”  
  • 22:08 – The Accusations Order   
  • 24:26 – Listen to someone who….  
  • 27:46 – Sympathy vs. Empathy  
  • 28:18 – Tactical Empathy – it’s all about the packaging😉  
  • 30:50 – The Lizard Brain: These levels actually change in your brain…  
  • 32:59 – Use this 1 line to get people to open up!  
  • 34:17 – Never Split the Difference 
  • 37:26 – The Tactics & Question Chris Uses to Gain the Upper Hand 
  • 38:52 – Hearing “That’s Right” vs. Saying “That’s Right”!!!  
  • 40:44 – Why is “That’s Right” better than “Yes”?   
  • 42:51 – Manhattan Bank: The very first hostage negotiation he ever did!  
  • 46:38 – The Dark Side of Empathy  
  • 47:31 – What a win-win solution looks like  
  • 49:11 – Tone: They either fought, ran or flew 
  • 52:43 – Calm is Contagious (Here’s why)  
  • 53:44 – Like father, like son: Learning by watching 
  • 55:52 – How to use tactical empathy when buying properties  
  • 57:37 – Mirroring & Labelling: Why it increases your chances!  
  • 59:58 – Why Chris does what he does… 
  • 1:01:20 – The Black Swan Method 
  • 1:02:38 – Join Chris’s global group coaching sessions! Find out more about Fireside now.  



  • 1:05:47 – Wow! Thank you Chris – what an amazing episode!  
  • 1:12:05 – Lifehack: How can labelling and mirroring work with your budget?  
  • 1:13:38 – What’s Making Property News: WARNING! There’s a taxpayer creep… 


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360 | The XYZ of Property Pricing: Getting The Rules of Engagement Right

Imagine this…

You found your ideal property in the perfect location. You’ve inspected it, you know exactly what the purchase price is going to be AND you’re pre-approved for that budget. You’ve spoken to the selling agent and is crystal clear with the vendor’s motivation. You negotiated some terms and put your best offer forward and BAM!! it got accepted right away. Happy days!

Unfortunately, it’s probably NOT going to happen in the current market.

When it comes to property prices, getting it exactly right would be perfect for buyers. But in a hot market, it’s very very hard for most buyers to nail it right away. Unless of course you’ve got a lot of spare time in your hand or you’ve engaged a professional to help you out. In today’s episode, we will share the XYZ of property pricing that our own buyer’s agent team are practicing and some of the tips that you can implement right away to get as close to the selling price as possible.

But… are you wondering if it’ll work in the current market and with all these new ways of transacting?

On top of that, with lockdown restrictions, how are you going to inspect properties and if you can’t, should you buy sight unseen?

That’s exactly what we are going to unpack today.

PLUS Bryce and Ben will also be addressing the big old Fixed Rate vs Variable Rate question. With the impending lending requirement changes (check it out in Ben’s RBA update), it’s probably best that you get your loan questions answered sooner rather than later!

Tune in now for the gold!

Q’s we answer further below 👇


Free Stuff Mentioned

  • Summer Series is around the corner and we’d like to hear from you! If you’ve gone through (or even going through) a financial transformation journey, let us know. We’d love to listen to your story! Simply fill in the form below or go to thepropertycouch.com.au/mystory
  • We are also looking for a few talented individuals to join our team! From a Journalist/Copywriter to an Associate Property Investment Advisor and more. If you’re interested, head to our Career Page here to learn more.

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The Questions We Answer

Question from Mark about Buying in Covid Lockdowns

I’m currently looking for a home in Melbourne to live in.
Over the last month because of COVID you haven’t been able to inspect any properties however in the last month there’s been about four properties in the same suburb that have sold sight unseen for about $50 to $100,000 above asking price.
Is there any way you can explain this behaviour and give me any advice on how to could compete against these people.

Recommended episodes for Mark:



Question from Tracey about Best Questions to ask a Real Estate Agent

Hi Property Couch Team!
Thanks for the podcasts it’s really driven myself and hubby and has given us the confidence to buy investment property, so much now that we’re looking to buy a second one and this one I’m looking at the Gold Coast.
My question is I have a good handful of properties that I’m looking and interested in but they’re nearly all at auction and I live in northern New South Wales.
When contacting a real estate what are the the first best questions to ask when you can’t go to view the property and you wanna see if it’s in your price range.

Recommended episode for Tracey:



Question about Interest Rates – Fixing Your Loan before buying an IP

Hi guys, first of all thanks for the great podcasts. I’ve been listening for a little while and super inspired with all the informative information.
Just a quick question about interest rates and whether or not I should lock in an interest rate before planning to buy an investment property.
So I’m about to buy an investment property within three months. What are your thoughts on locking in a fixed interest rate today rather than waiting for three months?

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Question from Rhys about Buying Off the Plan and Co-Living Spaces

Good day Bryce and Benji, Rhys here I just want to ask two questions if that’s OK?
First question relates to property advisors/buyers agents. The guy who I’ve been recommended by a friend I’m a bit skeptical of because he doesn’t charge outright and so he takes Commission from the sale of properties and these properties tend to be building like off the plan from developers or builders.
Second question relates to this, he’s really big on co-living spaces, you know for young professionals or whatever, who are seeking out shared living space just because of the rental yield.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. I love your show guys thanks for that

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357 | How To Master Relationships With Real Estate Agents – Chat with Todd Sloan

Have you ever wondered what to say to a real estate agent to INCREASE your likelihood of being the winning buyer?

If you want to know how to get a real estate agent on your side and navigate the delicate dance between buyer and seller, then this is an episode you don’t wanna miss, folks!

Today we are interviewing Todd Sloan, an award-winning real estate sales agent and professional renovator who has been involved in more transactions every month than what most folks see in a life time. He is the host of Pizza & Property podcast, the author of Australia’s Home Buying Guide – How to buy a property faster and for less.

And Todd is about to reveal how you can master relationships with a real estate agent so you are front of mind (without giving away all your cards) and much more likely to secure the property!

You’ll get plenty of practical tips like What to say and What NEVER to say and, ultimately, an insider framework to get a return on relationship and seal the deal.

Plus, Todd also has a unique and useful perspective on selling investment properties and renovating them for profit, which could be up your alley if you’re interested in manufacturing equity and active investing.

So, are you in?

Listen now to get the gold on how to master your relationships with real estate agents!


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Here’s What We Cover…

  • 00:41 – The last weekend in September…
  • 02:42 – New PICA Webinar Announced!
  • 03:52 – Do you agree with this Mindset Minute?!
  • 05:45 – Meet Todd…
  • 08:10 – Learning To Save vs Learning To Invest
  • 09:34 – The Big Inhibitors of Investing in Property
  • 10:08 – Todd’s first investment property….
  • 10:30 – What made him realise it wasn’t the best investment?
  • 11:38 – The Accident That Changed Everything!
  • 12:50 – But then… The BIG Turning Point!
  • 13:40 – The $62,000 House…
  • 14:46 – The First Renovation Project
  • 16:32 – Investing in regional at a much lower price point
  • 21:20 – How to safeguard yourself from “What if I don’t know what I’m doing?!”
  • 23:18 – The pivot to being a real estate agent!
  • 24:55 – WHY should investors care about building relationships with real estate agents?
  • 27:09 – What buyers need to do in a hot seller’s market!
  • 28:37 – What’s a real estate agent always looking for?
  • 29:43 – Always Remember THIS!!!!!!!!
  • 30:05 – The best practical tip to master a relationship!
  • 31:30 – Why Buying Property Is NOT A Ride….
  • 32:34 – How real estate agents get paid
  • 33:18 – Make It Easy To Be ___!
  • 34:05 – HOW can you quickly build genuine rapport?!
  • 38:38 – What should you say to a real estate agent?
  • 40:15 – HOT TIP: How can you show your interest WITHOUT giving away all your cards!?!
  • 43:15 – What to do if you’re dealing with a volume agent…
  • 47:17 – Find The __ ___!!!
  • 48:28 – Renovation tips from Todd!
  • 50:13 – Should you be a borderless investor
  • 55:00 – The four-letter F word!
  • 56:04 – Life Hack: What to do with your bonus!


  • 59:45 – WMPN: The transactional numbers!



333 | Are We Property Spruikers?

Right. Let’s have the uncomfortable conversation – is The Property Couch just a platform for another couple of Spruikers to push property on you!?!

Look, we get it… this is a fair question to ask. One we recently received recently from a listener! And, who knows, maybe it might even be something weighing on the back of your mind as well.

So… Are we Property Spruikers?

Listen now, and you’ll hear our answer… we’ll leave it in your court to decide what you believe to be true.

Just a heads up – this is a Q&A episode, folks! So, while we definitely strip down to the bare bones on whether or not we are Spruikers, we’ve also got a couple of other themes in store for you…



Free Stuff Mentioned


The questions we answer…

Question about “Are WE Property Spruikers?” from Daniel/RIPPAA

Massive fan of your show, which leads me to my questions regarding in particular Episode 325 – How to buy on a hot property market.

Listening to your show for quite a while, I’ve found that you guys always seem to advocate for property being an effective means of investing. However, sure you’ve got to be in a point in time where that is not the case. Investing in shares & stocks, generally speaking was probably not the best idea, what about property? You guys have done episodes on warning against spruikers and so I’ve been having concerns about, “What about The Property Couch then – does it fall under that category?”

However, until you guys did this recent episode 325, which to be honest was very refreshing to hear that acknowledgement of you guys just really giving that message of warning of cautioning I should say against buying at this point in time which I really appreciate,

that message of you guys caring about the community really came through. So my question is when do you guys see, at least a minimum point in time, until which the market is gonna change and sort of calm down a bit?


Question about Land Tax from Bruce Adkins

Hi Bryce and Ben. My question is about land tax. After starting out with a passive ‘buy any hold’ strategy, and then moving on to some renovations. I have finally landed on a strategy 3 or 4 years ago of buying splitter blocks, knocking down the existing house, subdividing into 2 or 3 lots, and then building new homes on each lot. When I can afford to, I keep the new houses and rent them out I do. Occasionally I need to sell one or more of the houses to assist with cashflow, or to help fund the next project. All my properties are in Brisbane and surrounding areas as I feel the need to touch and feel the sites and keep an eye on construction, etc. Early in my property investing journey I did invest in a location distant from my home. After a little bit of research and a quick flight to inspect, I purchased the property and the whole experience was a disaster, made worse by not being around when things went wrong. This experience convinced me that I need to invest in my own backyard, and my current, more active investment strategy reinforces the need to invest locally.

My current portfolio is now more than a dozen properties with an unimproved land value of around $8 million, and the annual land tax bill is really starting to hurt.

Apart from investing in different States (which I will find hard to get my head around), Do you have any other strategies for minimising the land tax impact of a large and growing portfolio?

I love your podcasts and would love any ideas you have for easing the sting of land tax.



Question on Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) from  Francis Rivero

Not really a question but I would like to hear your thoughts on the following:

My wife and I bought a PPR in November 2018.

  • Purchase price – $345,000
  • LVR – 90%
  • LMI – $9700

Through making extra repayments and recovering a strong valuation result yesterday ($420,000) we are now sitting at 72% LVR just 2 years later. I realise this is just the way it is but I can’t help feeling like $9700 is a huge amount of money to pay in order to protect the bank for such a short time. Fair enough if we are still 5 years off getting down below 80% but I’m sure this happens to lots of people who buy well and are diligent with their money. Like I said, no specific question but would love to get your take on this.


Question on Being Gazumped from Matt Rose

Hi Ben, Bryce and the great Stig. I’m looking for some advice as my wife and I have been left disillusioned by the property system while trying to buy our 2nd investment property, this time in Melbourne.

The sequence of events went like this – we put in an offer on contract and put down 5% deposit, the agent phoned to say the owner has accepted, the agent then proceeded to shop our offer around telling everyone our exact price, the agent then entered into some sort of silent blind auction and sold it to someone else last night without coming back to us on the new price even though they told everyone else our price. Is this illegal or unethical and if not, how do we as a community vote to put better rules in place to protect the consumer?



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