084 | Why you Shouldn’t Invest in Property?

Yes, we know it can sound a bit contradictory. This is a property podcast with two of Australia’s top property experts and we even did an episode on why invest in property! So why would we talk about not investing in property?

Well, the fact is, investing in property is not the perfect type of investment for everyone. There are certain times in an investor’s journey where it is simply a bad time to start investing. There are also times when investors need to first reflect on their mindset before they start. Property investing is a high-value investment, and you’ve heard us repeatedly saying that it is for the long-term. It’s like following a recipe. If you don’t have all the essential ingredients in place, it’s best if you don’t cook the dish. So if you don’t have everything in line, it may be better for you to stay away from it for the time being.

So in today’s episode, Bryce and Ben will be sharing a few reasons on why you shouldn’t invest in property. The first is when you decide to invest purely for tax purposes.


Free resources mentioned in this podcast:

  • CoreLogic Pain and Gain report – Read here
  • Money SMART Report – Download here
  • Webinar with Bryce Holdaway and Jane Slack-Smith on Renovating an Ugly Duckling – Register here
  • FREE Tickets to the Sydney Property Buyer Expo (Coupon code: PBE16BRYHOL) – Get them here


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