499 | Why Choose an Investment Savvy Broker? – Chat with Brad Fraser


To give you an inside look at the real workings of mortgage broking, we’ve brought in an incredible broker from our investment savvy team…  

Please welcome Brad Fraser! 🙌  

We’re delving deep into the heart of this industry with two compelling real-life scenarios:     

🏡 First homebuyers: This young couple doesn’t want to compromise on their dream home yet are limited in borrowing capacity. How do we solve this with no net loss?   

💼 Aspiring Property investor: A young investor wants to buy his first investment property. Why did we initially say no, and how do we solve this problem amidst rising rates?   

Plus, we unpack Brad’s money story, which follows him as he pivots from spending it all to becoming the financial guru he is today.   

It’s an episode highlighting the importance of using an investment savvy broker who takes a holistic approach to your investment journey. Tune in now! 😊   


P.S. It’s our 500th episode next week! 🎉 Tune in for an exclusive guest appearance by a world-renowned sports psychologist and get the chance to win his $499 course for free.  Be among the first to know when it goes live 👉 https://bit.ly/3Xzvots 


Free Stuff Mentioned

  • This is the last week to help property investors across Australia:  
    • NSW’s No-Grounds Evictions:
      • Action 1 – Complete the consumer survey against the No Grounds Termination of Residential Tenancy Agreements  
      • Action 2 – Complete PICA’s Survey on why would you evict a tenant  
    • Victoria’s changes to minimum standards:   



  • 0:00 – Why Choose an Investment Savvy Broker?    
  • 2:15 – PICA webinar replay & have your say in legislative changes  
  • 3:51 – Mindset Minute: “Courage is not the absence of FEAR, but the triumph over it…” 
  • 4:46 – Welcome, Brad! 
  • 5:20 – Money Story: From scarcity mindsets to surf brands  
  • 11:58 – His life-changing shock at 18 years old  
  • 16:44 – Stepping stones to becoming a better saver  
  • 18:48 – The power of shared goals  
  • 19:46 – “How does money work?”  
  • 20:55 – What does the investment-savvy broker look like?  
  • 23:43 – Holistic Views vs. Product Selection  
  • 27:07 – Case Study #1: First Homebuyers   
  • 29:01 – The Problem: Reserved debts, smaller deposits & disappointments  
  • 33:55 – How we increased their borrowing capacity 
  • 37:24 – The genius behind Brad’s plan: No net loss?!  
  • 40:15 – Why it’s also about educating the client 
  • 41:05 – We didn’t use third-tier lenders; this is why. 
  • 43:04 – Case Study #2: Aspiring Property Investor  
  • 45:55 – The Problem: It wasn’t the right time to buy a property?  
  • 49:15 – Rising rates & the role of Buyers Agents 
  • 52:07 – The first lender isn’t your forever lender! 
  • 56:38 Why does Brad do mortgage broking?  
  • 57:16 – Ben’s meaningful moment in his broking career  
  • 59:19 – Book a free initial consultation with our team of investment savvy brokers!  


  • 59:44 – Lifehack: Turn your phone into a Nokia 3315!  
  • 1:01:52 – WMPN: NSW Gov increases taxes for property investors and RBA correction 
  • 1:04:05 – 500th episode next week! 😮  


460 | How To Navigate Cash Flow Challenges During Rate Rises: Real Life Case Studies

With today’s tightening rate cycle, it’s no surprise that many folks are refocusing and replanning their lending strategies to secure their cash flows. 

 That’s why, in this week’s episode we’re honouring those folks who are focusing on “prevention rather than a cure” (and encouraging others to get on board!) by unpacking 4 REAL mortgage stories from our own brokers covering:  

👉 Refinancing before maternity leave when she’s the main breadwinner and there’s a history of health complications,  

👉 Navigating cash flow challenges as a single parent (The solution this parent decides to go with is downright inspirational and represents the choices MANY parents are facing!), 

👉 Relocating across states with jobs that CAN’T be done remotely, and… 

👉 Exactly why you need good lending advice from a qualified, experienced broker!  

If you can’t tell folks, this episode is packed full of evergreen wisdom that’ll reveal how to navigate cash flow challenges and optimise your lending strategy today.

Tune in now!  


Free Stuff Mentioned

  • Need help making your money last? Check out Moorr’s MoneySTRETCH to gain a clear line of sight into your finances! Watch Ben’s video to find out more here.  
  • Keen to talk to an experienced and investment savvy Mortgage Broker? Check out the Free Initial Consultation with our sister company, Empower Wealth here or fill in the form below:
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  • 0:00 – The Incoming Gold Today!  
  • 4:12 Mindset Minute: Spending can be a representation of… 
  • 9:54 – SUMMARY: Morgan Housel’s The Art of Spending  
  • 12:58 – Context for today’s episode  
  • 15:07 – Case Study #1: Maternity Leave & Health Complications  
  • 21:28 – The “a-ha” moment!  
  • 24:22 – Our Solution  
  • 29:55 – Case Study #2: Single Mother with a 12-Year-Old Son 
  • 35:27 – The 2 critical options they had!  
  • 37:03 – She was having THESE conversations over the dinner table… 
  • 40:07 – Is it really essential?  
  • 45:32 – Case Study #3: Married Couple with 2 Kids relocating to WA!  
  • 48:12 – THIS is always critical for Lending 😮  
  • 48:33 – The Perfect Blueprint: How they achieved their dream  
  • 53:19 Case Study #4: The Importance of Good Advice  
  • 56:09 – This happened during the GFC (+ why it’s like this cycle) 🙁  
  • 1:00:35 – Beware: Conflict of Interest!  
  • 1:03:05 – The Solution: Tiered Lending!  
  • 1:05:24 – Why the relationship should ALWAYS be the most important thing… 
  • 1:08:58 – What you should (and shouldn’t) be looking for in a broker!  
  • 1:12:50 – Need help making your money last? Check out MoneySTRETCH in Moorr!  


  • 1:16:27  Lifehack: How to BUY time?!  
  • 1:18:47 – Choose a brokerage that sharpens iron on iron. (Check out our awesome team if you need one!)  
  • 1:20:57 – What’s Making Property News: Thank you to all the folks who participated in the 9th PIPA survey! Interesting findings + what they mean… 

(LIVE) The Early Warning Sign: Where Most Investors Go Wrong With FOMO!

Do you recognise this early warning sign!?!

Yep. Straight from the studio, we’re unpacking “The Early Warning Sign: Where Most Investors Go Wrong With FOMO!”

We’ll be honest with ya folks… this one’s a killer. ☠ And will cost you a LOT of money!

So if you can hear this warning bell (and you should be able to hear it a mile away!)…  STOP. 🛑✋

Like, immediately Stop.

… ‘Cos chances are you might be acting out of FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out.

And this is NO reason to invest in property!!!


Here’s just a bit of what we cover:

👉 What’s “The Early Warning Sign” most investors foolishly ignore!?!
👉 How many properties do you need to create a passive income?
👉 How to invest without sacrificing the family budget!
👉 The lending tweak that will allow you to easily service multiple home loans
👉 Established vs New Property
👉 Borderless Buying: What is it & should every property investor be a borderless buyer?
👉 Interest Only vs Principle & Interest Loans
👉 Is now a good time to buy property?
👉 The biggest tip to avoid FOMO!
👉 What do some of the BEST investors have to share?
👉 The Power of Land Value: The Recent Property That Got 13 – 14% Compounding Returns!


… Tune in now to get the gold!


Resources Mentioned:


Episodes Mentioned:










Free Report: Top 10 FOMO Mistakes Investors Make

There’s no doubt about it – the “Great Australian BBQ Topic” tends to be PROPERTY!

Thanks to a combination of low interest rates, rising property prices, and a lack of supply in the market… we’ve got a PERFECT STORM for FOMO on our hands!

FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out.

And here are 10 FOMO mistakes investors make that are specific to a hot property market!

So if you’re a property investor or home buyer, make sure you familiarise yourself with all of the mistakes outlined in this free report so you don’t fall prey to ignorance and FOMO!

Remember… property investing is a PROCESS, not an event.

Fill in the form below and we’ll email you the “Top 10 FOMO Mistakes Investors Make” report right away!


333 | Are We Property Spruikers?

Right. Let’s have the uncomfortable conversation – is The Property Couch just a platform for another couple of Spruikers to push property on you!?!

Look, we get it… this is a fair question to ask. One we recently received recently from a listener! And, who knows, maybe it might even be something weighing on the back of your mind as well.

So… Are we Property Spruikers?

Listen now, and you’ll hear our answer… we’ll leave it in your court to decide what you believe to be true.

Just a heads up – this is a Q&A episode, folks! So, while we definitely strip down to the bare bones on whether or not we are Spruikers, we’ve also got a couple of other themes in store for you…



Free Stuff Mentioned


The questions we answer…

Question about “Are WE Property Spruikers?” from Daniel/RIPPAA

Massive fan of your show, which leads me to my questions regarding in particular Episode 325 – How to buy on a hot property market.

Listening to your show for quite a while, I’ve found that you guys always seem to advocate for property being an effective means of investing. However, sure you’ve got to be in a point in time where that is not the case. Investing in shares & stocks, generally speaking was probably not the best idea, what about property? You guys have done episodes on warning against spruikers and so I’ve been having concerns about, “What about The Property Couch then – does it fall under that category?”

However, until you guys did this recent episode 325, which to be honest was very refreshing to hear that acknowledgement of you guys just really giving that message of warning of cautioning I should say against buying at this point in time which I really appreciate,

that message of you guys caring about the community really came through. So my question is when do you guys see, at least a minimum point in time, until which the market is gonna change and sort of calm down a bit?


Question about Land Tax from Bruce Adkins

Hi Bryce and Ben. My question is about land tax. After starting out with a passive ‘buy any hold’ strategy, and then moving on to some renovations. I have finally landed on a strategy 3 or 4 years ago of buying splitter blocks, knocking down the existing house, subdividing into 2 or 3 lots, and then building new homes on each lot. When I can afford to, I keep the new houses and rent them out I do. Occasionally I need to sell one or more of the houses to assist with cashflow, or to help fund the next project. All my properties are in Brisbane and surrounding areas as I feel the need to touch and feel the sites and keep an eye on construction, etc. Early in my property investing journey I did invest in a location distant from my home. After a little bit of research and a quick flight to inspect, I purchased the property and the whole experience was a disaster, made worse by not being around when things went wrong. This experience convinced me that I need to invest in my own backyard, and my current, more active investment strategy reinforces the need to invest locally.

My current portfolio is now more than a dozen properties with an unimproved land value of around $8 million, and the annual land tax bill is really starting to hurt.

Apart from investing in different States (which I will find hard to get my head around), Do you have any other strategies for minimising the land tax impact of a large and growing portfolio?

I love your podcasts and would love any ideas you have for easing the sting of land tax.



Question on Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) from  Francis Rivero

Not really a question but I would like to hear your thoughts on the following:

My wife and I bought a PPR in November 2018.

  • Purchase price – $345,000
  • LVR – 90%
  • LMI – $9700

Through making extra repayments and recovering a strong valuation result yesterday ($420,000) we are now sitting at 72% LVR just 2 years later. I realise this is just the way it is but I can’t help feeling like $9700 is a huge amount of money to pay in order to protect the bank for such a short time. Fair enough if we are still 5 years off getting down below 80% but I’m sure this happens to lots of people who buy well and are diligent with their money. Like I said, no specific question but would love to get your take on this.


Question on Being Gazumped from Matt Rose

Hi Ben, Bryce and the great Stig. I’m looking for some advice as my wife and I have been left disillusioned by the property system while trying to buy our 2nd investment property, this time in Melbourne.

The sequence of events went like this – we put in an offer on contract and put down 5% deposit, the agent phoned to say the owner has accepted, the agent then proceeded to shop our offer around telling everyone our exact price, the agent then entered into some sort of silent blind auction and sold it to someone else last night without coming back to us on the new price even though they told everyone else our price. Is this illegal or unethical and if not, how do we as a community vote to put better rules in place to protect the consumer?



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