532 | Hold or Sell? How to Decide if Your Property Is Worth Keeping

How can you create a financial buffer WITHOUT impacting your family budget?

Are you wondering if your underperforming property is worth keeping? (Here’s the key reason why you should be asking, “Will the banks like it?”) 

And are property finfluencers manipulating the market?  

Folks, after a ripper Summer Series we’re BACK for 2025 and kicking off the year with a Q&A session answering your most pressing questions and giving you golden strategies that’ll allow you to act now.  

PLUS… we’re revealing major upcoming projects!
🔥 Our THIRD book, How to Retire on $3K a Week (and how to get first exclusive access!)
🔥 Huge Moorr upgrades to supercharge your money management
🔥 And plenty more insider insights…  

Listen now folks!  

Free Stuff  

  • FREE MASTERCLASS: How To Buy an Investment Property Without Impacting the Family Budget
    As mentioned in Q2, Secret #1 in our free Masterclass teaches you how it’s possible to invest in property without sacrificing important moments today.
    Register for your masterclass now >>
  • WAITLIST: Bryce’s 50th Charity Event!
    We’re thrilled to share that all spots for Bryce’s Charity Event have been filled! (by an amazing group of folks) In partnership with the John Fawcett Foundation, this special trip is designed to give those in need their eyesight back – and we couldn’t be more grateful for all the support and interest we received.
    If you missed out but would love to join, simply sign up for the waitlist now! >>
  • COMING SOON: “How to Retire on $3K a Week”! 🚀
    After months of hard work, we’re SO excited to unveil our third book – “How to Retire on $3,000 a Week”! Packed with thousands of updated calculations, proven strategies, and expanded case studies, this is your ultimate guide to fast-tracking your passive income through property. Be the first to get your hands on it. Register now for exclusive release notifications and get ahead of the crowd! Join the waitlist today >>


Questions We Answer

Q1) To sell a negatively geared apartment or to ride out the wave? From Hanh 

“Hi guys.  

My name is Hanh. I’ve been binging on all your podcast episodes since I started researching on the topic of property investment over the last couple of months.   

The reason why I’m leaving you a voicemail is because I can’t seem to find an episode that covers my question, although I do love the learnings that I’ve had along the way so far. A bit of background about me. I’m 46 years old, and I currently live in suburbia Melbourne. I have two daughters, a 5 year old and a 6 year old. I own a studio apartment in Melbourne CBD for the last 20 years.  

It’s negatively geared and it has barely increased in value. I bought it for $315k and the agent currently values it at $380k. I seek financial advice they’re telling me to sell it to avoid further potential capital losses. My financial planner has also told me to cut my losses and to sell it and invest in something else that is more likely to go up in value. Not really sure what to do. My thoughts for this property were to initially live off in retirement, I would give it to my daughters as they get older or sell it if I ever to get sick again.  

In 2020 I was diagnosed with breast cancer so I don’t really have any income protection so in the event if it reoccurs, I would like to keep that as a bit of a buffer or a Plan B should I need it. Now with the government in Victoria capping international students, I feel that it might limit my rental yield and also property market, especially apartments in Melbourne is a bit saturated at the moment.  

I’m not sure if that will change in time, so I’m really undecided as what to do with this property, whether to sell it or to ride out the wave for the next 15 years or so. I’m a bit torn because I wanna like I have high hopes for this property, I’ll be very willing to give it up if there is a better alternative elsewhere.  

If you can help, that would be great. Thanks.”  


Q2) Time for taking action from Brad  

Hey Team TPC! 

Having only been referred to your podcast by my colleague (and one of your clients) in March this year, I’m currently working my way past Episode 500 of your podcast. I’ve contacted your team and I am hoping 2025 is the year to ‘act on it!’ (especially since I’m 45 next October)!

My PPOR purchased in 2011 for $315k is currently valued at around $800-850k, with a loan balance of around $345k, with payments of ~$2500/month (after previously refinancing and fully renovating the house internally – added a 4th bedroom, Kitchen, Bathrooms, Tiles, Carpets, Paint etc.)  

After listening to your podcast,  I understand that it’s wise to start on the investment journey with a buffer of at least 6 months worth of savings.

I am currently paying off a car loan ($15k at around $150 a week) and thanks to YOUR MoneySMARTS system, I have been saving (a minimum of) $300 a week since the start of FY25.

With respect to the savings buffer and borrowing capacity, I know that is it wise to pay down consumer debt (i.e. my car loan) first, because the loan period (and therefore the interest paid) will reduce significantly.

My question for the community is:

If I wanted to buy an IP and I was in a position to release ~$280k equity from my PPOR, do I still need to have (recommended) 6 months of savings as a buffer, or can I act SOONER?

I understand that there is a huge opportunity cost of not ‘taking action’ now… and building that savings buffer could take me (and others out there) potentially up to another 2 years before I can act! Apart from taking on another job, (which is definitely not off the cards) I’d be keen for your feedback!

I hope that this question helps others who might be finding themselves in a similar situation.

You are directly impacting the lives of the community AND their loved ones, as a result… Thanks for all of your incredible work!

PS: With a few exceptions to the rule (like Victoria and Canberra) your borderless and well-informed approach to investing really makes some of the “spruikers” out there look like they are generalising on markets, influencing people with intent to benefit themselves!

(As entertaining as finfluencers like GH and JH are, you need not be concerned – they don’t hold a candle to the TPC Team… They are no competition!)”  


Q3) Are Property Finfluencers Fuelling FOMO and Market Manipulation? From Jen  

Hi Bryce.  

 Finfluencer follow up….And maybe another question/request for the podcast? 

Here is my question… 

In the battle of the property finfluencers, I can see it comes down to a few investing strategy frameworks – with the top two being; 

  1. The conservative, tried and tested – buy location, then the land and dwelling type, and go long.
  2. The new age “we have found something that the conservatives haven’t” – buy hot spots, ride the short term wave, then rinse and repeat your way to financial freedom.

I can appreciate the compelling story with #2 as it feeds into the notion of get rich quick and feeds the ego with bias around investing in a way that others can’t see.  

For the 2nd model to work, here are two possible constants or constraints (depending on the way you look at it):

  1. Reliance on a buyers agent model that hasn’t been around for ‘long’ which requires said buyers agent to tap you on the shoulder when it’s time to buy and sell in a particular area.
  2. Manipulation of property prices from such buyers agents who have their clients flood into a particular hotspot area within a certain time frame, driving a certain degree of artificial demand and price uplift.

Number 2 is a concern, from the perspective that all the new buyers agents are interpreting the same info from the same data sources yet they think they are the only ones to see it. And then sell these so called ‘insights’ to their followers based off this premise… ‘we are doing something and seeing something that others aren’t’. 

But in true terms, it’s a younger, wider movement based on all the same data sets, which leads to FOMO and possible sub market price manipulation.”



  • 0:00 – Hold or Sell? How to Decide if Your Property Is Worth Keeping  
  • 1:18 – Thank you to our inspiring Summer Series guests! 
  • 4:03 – Mindset Minute: Approaching 50 does something to you… 
  • 8:38 – Incoming Projects: Our third book, huge upgrades to Moorr & more… 
  • 15:57 – Q1) To sell a negatively geared apartment or to ride out the wave?  
  • 19:27 – Why not invest in Studio Apartments?  
  • 24:00 – Owner-Occupier appeal is EVERYTHING.” 
  • 25:05 – You need to ask, “Will the banks like it?”  
  • 28:14 – How to escape the loss aversion trap  
  • 30:55 – Q2) Time for taking action 
  • 33:53 – How professionals would unpack this problem 
  • 35:30 – Using equity to act sooner: Is it a good idea? 
  • 36:20 – Do you need a buffer?  
  • 38:42 – Don’t look down: How to redefine how you see debt! 
  • 41:21  Masterclass Secret #1: How to adjust your family budget to release surplus 
  • 41:37 – Q3) Are Property Finfluencers Fuelling FOMO and Market Manipulation? 
  • 43:47 – How GameStop’s short squeeze is the same as property spruikers 
  • 48:16 – The 10,000 hours matter…  
  • 52:54 – Are you buying into a cyclical or fundamental movement?  
  • 57:48 – Thank you to this week’s question-askers & 2025 Property Market Outlook at the end of the month!   


  • 58:36 – Lifehack: How to use AI to get your kids to do homework!  
  • 1:01:37 – WMPN: Climate risk is growing; what does it mean for insurance? 


457 | CHRIS VOSS: FBI Hostage Negotiation Masterclass on Why You Should Never Split the Difference

Folks…we’re going to be honest with you. 

This episode took us 4 years (and countless emails) to land, and that’s because today’s super special guest is none other than the famous… 

CHRIS VOSS, former FBI hostage negotiator and author of the book Never Split the Difference!  

 He has had a jaw-dropping, movie-worthy career working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that spans 24 years. Across the time, he has worked in roles such as the Lead International Kidnapping Negotiator and Hostage Negotiation Representative for the National Security Council’s Hostage Working Group (Yep. We’re also jealous of those titles 😉) 

But of course, that’s not all! In 2019, he went on to create and narrate The Art of Negotiation Masterclass and is currently the CEO of the Black Swan Group. He also works as adjunct Professor at Harvard Law School, Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, and as a lecturer at the Marshall School of Business at University of Southern California. 

Basically, Chris has had a lifetime of experience in resolving crises and high-stake negotiations and today, we get to sit down with this inspiration and discover how to use his knowledge to win the property game.  

From the #3 tactics Chris uses to gain the upper hand in negotiations to the 3 extremely different and crucial Yes commitments, we’re digging into Chris’s fascinating brain to understand exactly what Tactical Empathy is and why you should NEVER split the difference.  

It’s an episode that’s been 4 years in the making and we promise you – it’s one that’ll completely enthral you. Give it a listen now folks!  


P.S. Be sure to stick around ‘til the end to hear the two golden tactics that’ll make you, as a buyer, the one they want to sell to!


 Give it a listen now or watch the Episode below! 


Free Stuff Mentioned… 

  • (NOT FREE) Join Chris’ global group coaching sessions on Fireside! Deep dive into one topic every month with the Black Swan’s best coaches. Find out more here.  


Here’s some of the gold we cover… 

  • 00:00 – CHRIS VOSS: FBI Hostage Negotiation Masterclass on Why You Should Never Split the Difference  
  • 3:18 – Mindset Minute: People default to whatever society tells them…  
  • 8:11 – We’ve been chasing this interview for 4 years?!?!  
  • 10:48 – Leading by example & learning money habits in college  
  • 14:06 – Kidnapping in Haiti…    
  • 17:05 – What’s more stressful?? 
  • 18:16 – When you put predictably in the process… 😮 
  • 19:47 – Putting certainty into the conversation  
  • 21:23 – “No plan ever survives the first encounter with the battlefield”  
  • 22:08 – The Accusations Order   
  • 24:26 – Listen to someone who….  
  • 27:46 – Sympathy vs. Empathy  
  • 28:18 – Tactical Empathy – it’s all about the packaging😉  
  • 30:50 – The Lizard Brain: These levels actually change in your brain…  
  • 32:59 – Use this 1 line to get people to open up!  
  • 34:17 – Never Split the Difference 
  • 37:26 – The Tactics & Question Chris Uses to Gain the Upper Hand 
  • 38:52 – Hearing “That’s Right” vs. Saying “That’s Right”!!!  
  • 40:44 – Why is “That’s Right” better than “Yes”?   
  • 42:51 – Manhattan Bank: The very first hostage negotiation he ever did!  
  • 46:38 – The Dark Side of Empathy  
  • 47:31 – What a win-win solution looks like  
  • 49:11 – Tone: They either fought, ran or flew 
  • 52:43 – Calm is Contagious (Here’s why)  
  • 53:44 – Like father, like son: Learning by watching 
  • 55:52 – How to use tactical empathy when buying properties  
  • 57:37 – Mirroring & Labelling: Why it increases your chances!  
  • 59:58 – Why Chris does what he does… 
  • 1:01:20 – The Black Swan Method 
  • 1:02:38 – Join Chris’s global group coaching sessions! Find out more about Fireside now.  



  • 1:05:47 – Wow! Thank you Chris – what an amazing episode!  
  • 1:12:05 – Lifehack: How can labelling and mirroring work with your budget?  
  • 1:13:38 – What’s Making Property News: WARNING! There’s a taxpayer creep… 


Want to work with Bryce & Ben’s Award-Winning Team? 


Get Moorr out of your money.
Log in or create your free account via the Moorr web platform, or download the app on Apple and Android and transform the way you view and track your wealth. 


357 | How To Master Relationships With Real Estate Agents – Chat with Todd Sloan

Have you ever wondered what to say to a real estate agent to INCREASE your likelihood of being the winning buyer?

If you want to know how to get a real estate agent on your side and navigate the delicate dance between buyer and seller, then this is an episode you don’t wanna miss, folks!

Today we are interviewing Todd Sloan, an award-winning real estate sales agent and professional renovator who has been involved in more transactions every month than what most folks see in a life time. He is the host of Pizza & Property podcast, the author of Australia’s Home Buying Guide – How to buy a property faster and for less.

And Todd is about to reveal how you can master relationships with a real estate agent so you are front of mind (without giving away all your cards) and much more likely to secure the property!

You’ll get plenty of practical tips like What to say and What NEVER to say and, ultimately, an insider framework to get a return on relationship and seal the deal.

Plus, Todd also has a unique and useful perspective on selling investment properties and renovating them for profit, which could be up your alley if you’re interested in manufacturing equity and active investing.

So, are you in?

Listen now to get the gold on how to master your relationships with real estate agents!


Free Stuff Mentioned


Here’s What We Cover…

  • 00:41 – The last weekend in September…
  • 02:42 – New PICA Webinar Announced!
  • 03:52 – Do you agree with this Mindset Minute?!
  • 05:45 – Meet Todd…
  • 08:10 – Learning To Save vs Learning To Invest
  • 09:34 – The Big Inhibitors of Investing in Property
  • 10:08 – Todd’s first investment property….
  • 10:30 – What made him realise it wasn’t the best investment?
  • 11:38 – The Accident That Changed Everything!
  • 12:50 – But then… The BIG Turning Point!
  • 13:40 – The $62,000 House…
  • 14:46 – The First Renovation Project
  • 16:32 – Investing in regional at a much lower price point
  • 21:20 – How to safeguard yourself from “What if I don’t know what I’m doing?!”
  • 23:18 – The pivot to being a real estate agent!
  • 24:55 – WHY should investors care about building relationships with real estate agents?
  • 27:09 – What buyers need to do in a hot seller’s market!
  • 28:37 – What’s a real estate agent always looking for?
  • 29:43 – Always Remember THIS!!!!!!!!
  • 30:05 – The best practical tip to master a relationship!
  • 31:30 – Why Buying Property Is NOT A Ride….
  • 32:34 – How real estate agents get paid
  • 33:18 – Make It Easy To Be ___!
  • 34:05 – HOW can you quickly build genuine rapport?!
  • 38:38 – What should you say to a real estate agent?
  • 40:15 – HOT TIP: How can you show your interest WITHOUT giving away all your cards!?!
  • 43:15 – What to do if you’re dealing with a volume agent…
  • 47:17 – Find The __ ___!!!
  • 48:28 – Renovation tips from Todd!
  • 50:13 – Should you be a borderless investor
  • 55:00 – The four-letter F word!
  • 56:04 – Life Hack: What to do with your bonus!


  • 59:45 – WMPN: The transactional numbers!



355 | Zero Debt & $2,000 A Week In The Bank: HOW?!

How can property investors reach zero debt AND still hit a four-figure passive income each week?
And what do we mean when we say “retire” the debt, anyway? What does this look like and, importantly, WHEN should you start this process?

Folks, in today’s special Q&A episode we’re circling back to a few basic principles and fleshing out some confusion when it comes to property investing. This includes clearing air (and tidying up our language!) when it comes to being informed of the step-by-step investing process.

For one – you’ve no doubt heard us talk about achieving $2,000 in passive income… well, WHERE exactly does this money come from? Is it just your rental income?

As part of this we’ll also be covering “Failure to Launch” principles and “Investment Remorse” – the latter, which may actually be a more common feeling than you think! So what should you consider if you find yourself second guessing your asset selection?

PLUS, because we’re officially in Spring – this episode comes with a WARNING about this year’s “Spring Selling Season”… ‘cos there’s a critical shift taking place ALL home buyers need to be aware of.

Suss the exact questions we answer below – or, better yet, simply hit play and get the gold now 😊


Free Stuff Mentioned


The Questions We Answer

Question from Stevo on “Post Purchase Restlessness”
Hi guys 12 months after purchasing an investment property, I’m starting to get this feeling that it might not of been a great purchase and also restlessness about wanting to “go again” and am worried the growth might not be quick enough compared to capital cities. I say that based on an old episode where you mentioned something about the limitations or a price ceiling in certain areas based on the demographics.

Obviously being a regional property, which doesn’t have the same wage potential as capital cities, am I exposed to the idea that the growth has happened and it won’t come again?
The property is available via this link. It’s shown growth over the past 20 years in capital and rental return.

For reference the idea of “inner city” living (albeit in Mildura) has exploded recently and is the driver of the growth over the past five years. The council and state govt have invested to upgrade the riverfront (very close to the CBD) and has completed stage one. Stage two has started to attract funding and small upgrades/extensions have started. Data suggest Mildura will continue to grow in population albeit slower than Geelong and Bendigo for example, however, it is still positive growth compared to other regional towns this distance from capital cities (which are often stagnate or negative). Major industries – agriculture and tourism, health, Govt. Sorry for the long-winded question and info.

Also, is this a normal feeling people get (delayed remorse)?


Question from Ebony on “When is the best time to sell your investments?
Hello, I have a question around when is the best time to sell your investments? My husband and I are mid 30s and have two investment properties. Right now, in our town the property market is a sellers’ market and prices are crazy. Our accountant has recommended that we should seek advice from a financial advisor and possibly sell both investments because they are positively geared and that we would be better off building a new home as an investment or investing elsewhere. I am really unsure about this because I think that we already have 2 great investments, and we would be potentially paying more down the track for land should the market stay the same. However, we have had one property for 2 years and the other for 1 year and could look at earning $100K off the sale of each investment. I guess it’s hard to know if the market will stay at these prices or crash when interest rates rise. Really after some advice from someone who is knowledgeable about property investments. Thank you.


Question from Paul on Retiring Debt
Can you elaborate on what you mean when you talk about retiring your debt? I’m confused by what you mean by this.


Question from Chris on “$2,000 per week in passive income”
Hi Ben and Bryce, Love your work. 👍 I’m not sure if you’ve mentioned it before, and you probably have, but I would like to know where the $2,000 a week comes from? Is it pure rental income (taxed) above expenses for the portfolio or is it accessing equity against capital growth (is this now defunct with new lending criteria?) or is it a combination of both? Thanks in advance. This is a major thought blocking me from moving forward. 👍


Rest, Recovery & High-Performance Graphic

Here is the graphic Bryce was referring to in today’s Life Hack:




344 | Have You Made The Wrong Investment Decision?

“Have I made a mistake?” This is a common question we get from investors who just start listening to our podcast and learn the fundamental principles we teach for the first time.

Sometimes it’s directed to a specific property in their portfolio or is based on an investment decision they were initially considering but are now unsure if it’s a good idea or not.

And today we are answering some of these key questions – one, in fact, where the listener is not entirely “wrong” in their choice, though at face value seems to go against our general rule of thumb. You’ll learn why exactly this is and how to use this information in your own decision making process.

On top of that, we’re unpacking how to tell HOW MUCH a property is worth – including common D.I.Y mistakes folks make when trying to value their property and some simple (but overlooked) tips to assess this yourself and how to recognise when it’s time to bring in an expert.

Plus, if you’ve ever considered if solar panels on an investment property will increase its value and even the amount of rent you receive, then definitely tune into this episode… ‘cos you might be surprised by our answer!

You can suss all the questions we answer below – otherwise simply hit play and enjoy the show!


Oh, and, yep – Next week we’re kicking off our NEW WINTER SERIES. It’s kinda like our Summer Series but, umm, in Winter 🤣 So we’ll be interviewing our listeners who’ve had Real Life Financial Transformations! And we gotta admit… these stories are off the charts!



Free Stuff Mentioned 


The Questions

Question from Ricky Comerford on “Getting Solar Systems For Investment Properties

Hi Ben & Bryce and all the team working behind the scenes. I just want to thank you for these podcasts and all the wonderful things that you are doing at Empower Wealth. I have a question today in regards to Solar Energy in a Solar System. Now, we’ve got a strict budget for our primary place of residence that’s currently being built. This house is going to be turned into an Investment Property in 6 years’ time. We’ve been quoted for a solar system and it’s pushing the budget by $3000. Now, the return for investment for this Solar System will be 3-5 years, not taking away the fact that solar power is great for the environment. I just want to know strictly financials What is your opinion on solar systems for an investment property?

Do they increase the value of the home by much and the rental yield? And should we get one installed knowing the situation of this house and our budget and the fact that it’s going to be an investment property? Thanks for your time and yeah, hopefully I get a response.


Question from Riley on “Buying New with Grants Instead Of Established”

Hi Bryce and Ben, I’m just wondering with all the government grants that are coming out at the moment, if it’s almost a bit too good to say no to at the moment as a first time buyer. I’ve been looking to get into the market for a while now. And down here in Tasmania, we can access up to $45,000 in grants to build a new place. I know it sort of goes against everything that you’ve taught in your podcast. But I’m just wondering if it’s probably now with these grants a better way maybe to get into the market. I know certainly from my perspective, that’ll help with cashflow as well, given that I’ll probably get an extra, maybe bedroom and bathroom into the house as opposed to buying a smaller townhouse type of property closer to the city. So just wondering what your thoughts would be on that, if it is now possibly a better option to be building a house rather than buying existing? Thank you.


Question from Kate on How To Calculate Loan To Valuation Ratio

Love the show. I’ve been listening for a few years now and I’ve done all the episodes and I tell everybody I can about The Property Couch. So my question relates to loan to value ratio.

Obviously, it’s easy to determine what the outstanding loan amount is, but where would you go to determine the best value do the free bank valuations cut it? You know, the ones, I mean, I’ll flick by most of the big banks put the address into the website and they spit out a value, but it is generally so broad that is almost useless. Should I ask the bank where the mortgage is held for evaluation? If so, would there be a fee payable? Should I get a real estate agent thing? I probably want to over the value of the property and use RPM. Isn’t that the same as what the bank is? Please help.


Question from Riley on “Have I made a mistake?”

I just want to start off by saying that I absolutely love your podcast along with the books and resources you provide. I have just signed up to your workshop and the Money S.M.A.R.T.S portal, which I am excited to get started on! You’ve probably heard this a lot but I wish I had found The Property Couch sooner!

My wife and I are settling on our first investment property in Vasse, WA next week.  I only found your podcast 4 weeks ago and have a lot of catching up to do! I have a couple of questions if you guys have the time to go over them.

Little bit of background:

We are 34 and 30. Bought our first home together almost 8 yrs ago in Padbury, WA and still living in it now. Had the expensive wedding, bought the dream car (for my wife who has expensive taste) and now we are just about to settle on the first investment property.

Together we earn $203,500 before tax but we are hoping to start a family asap so we will drop down to one wage of approx $104,000 (self-employed and pay myself $2k p/week before tax) in approx 6month – 18months.

The house is a 6yr old 4×2 in Vasse on 570m2, great spot (I think) between the high school and primary school in a fast-growing area (they predict the population of the South West will quadruple in the next 20yrs) and rentals are very scarce. We paid $416,000 and it is currently rented out for $480 p/week on a 18month lease. We signed up on a very low rate 2yr interest only loan and I have worked out that after expenses (mortgage, prop manager fees, insurance, rates and 1.5% maintenance) we will have approx. $10,240 left over making this property positively geared.

In my view (prior to discovering your podcast) I thought it would be great to have it positively geared straight away as we can put that surplus towards the deposit for the next property and/or renos for the Padbury house (want to make it into a 4×2, currently a 3×1

and already have plans drawn up) but from everything I have heard is that when you first acquire a investment property it starts off negatively geared and may take 5-10yrs to become positive.


So to the questions:

  1. Have we done something wrong?
  2. Do you recommend that we put all that surplus into the Padbury house (PPOR) offset until we are ready for the next deposit or would you put it into the investment house offset?
  3. Do we make it negatively geared for the short term to pay less tax? (we have surplus cash that I’d love to put towards our next property asap even though we are paying lots of tax)
  4. After the 2 yr period would you switch to a P&I loan or keep it on a IO loan?


I know there are a lot of factors at play, and I hope I have given you guys enough information to comment on our situation and we would love to hear your views. Sorry if this has been covered in your podcast but I am still only up to episode 40, I need to do some more long drives as that is the only chance I get to listen 🙂. Again, thanks to both of you for your time and knowledge, you make me excited about property investing and I can’t wait to learn more and more as I go through TPC free resources.




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