TPC Gold | What Makes Vendors Sell Before Auction?

Ever wonder why a vendor would choose to sell before auction day? 🤔 

If you’re a buyer looking to understand the psychology behind pre-auction sales, today’s bonus episode is for you! 

From agent strategies designed to create urgency, to sentimental sellers seeking the comfort of a quick sale, this episode reveals it all.  

You’ll also get the scoop on how market conditions, interest rates, and emotions can tip the scales in your favour! 

For the full episode, tune in here: Episode 145 | 8 Reasons Why Vendors Sell Before Auction 


Buying Before Auction? We’ve Got You Covered!

We hope this snippet helps you strategise your pre-auction offer with confidence! 

But if the auction day showdown is unavoidable, why not bring in the experts? 

Experienced Buyers Agents from our sister company Empower Wealth can guide you through every step, helping you: 

✅ Save Time – We handle the research, inspections, and negotiations.
✅ Gain Market Insight – Get insider knowledge on property values and trends.
✅ Reduce Stress – We’ll bid on your behalf, so you don’t have to!
✅ Avoid Overpaying – Secure the best deal with expert negotiation strategies. 

Buyers Agents can take the pressure off, so you can focus on landing your dream property! 🏡 Book in a free initial consultation today >> 


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Bryce Holdaway
Ben, we’ve got a framework. We’ve got a framework.  

Ben Kingsley
No, are we unpacking a framework today?  

Bryce Holdaway
We’re going to unpack a framework. Here’s the deal, right? The amount of times that someone comes up to me and says: Bryce, tell us a strategy about buying properties prior to auction. And so there’s a bit of a technique. And then they say to me: why would someone sell prior to auction? And I’ve given up trying to come up with all the answers that people do, because sometimes it’s just you know, circumstance. So we decided that we’d actually give a framework. 

Ben Kingsley
Brainstorm it, yeah, brainstorm it, throw a few ideas out.  

Bryce Holdaway
So we threw a few around.  

Ben Kingsley
So you want me to lead off?  

Bryce Holdaway
I do.  

Ben Kingsley
Mate, I’m gonna start with an actually marketing ploy.  

Bryce Holdaway

Ben Kingsley
So this is a little bit different. I sort of look at it like this where I’m basically talking about if for whatever reason there’s a time issue, and we’ll talk some about some other time issues as well I reckon, but this one is about marketing. Okay, so auctions are about creating scarcity and creating an outcome by a set time in a competition sense. So I actually think that agents might say: look, let’s put this under, you know, forthcoming auction or auction set date by this or offers before. So all of a sudden it’s actually a means by which the vendor, and they might be traveling overseas, they might have other commitments, but that’s the sort of thing for me if it is a marketing ploy to basically create that interest and get a result sooner rather than later. So I’m saying the number one is because it is an agent-led ploy to get an outcome quickly.  

Bryce Holdaway
I like it. There’s actually an agent, can’t think of his or her name, I think it was a him, on the central coast of New South Wales has a market that’s around $400 to $450 as typical sale price. And that market’s not typically where you’d expect auctions. He goes to auction, I’m pretty sure it’s a he, he goes to auction on 95% of his listings, right? And in a market that’s not known for going to auctions. Because what it does is it actually timestamps the marketing campaign, which is what you’re talking about if the listener thinks the real estate agent only gets paid for their time. So if they have a private sale arrangement, that could go for eight weeks, it could go for 12 weeks, whereas an auction campaign has got usually a finite time.  

Ben Kingsley
Because we know, don’t we, that when a property’s been hanging on the market for a while: What’s wrong with it? If it stays on too long, and we know it happens in Queensland as well, doesn’t it?  

Bryce Holdaway
The power shifts, doesn’t it?  

Ben Kingsley
Yeah, yeah. 

Bryce Holdaway
To the buyer. But this particular agent uses that as a timeframe to create scarcity, to create urgency, so that they can get through all their campaigns. So I think you’re absolutely spot on. You gotta think about: it’s not just does the vendor wanna sell to me? It’s the agent whose got ambition and goals and they’re trying, because if they do private sales all year, their income will probably be a third of what they’ve done, because they’ve got these rolling campaigns. They get the deal done before the auction, but it creates the urgency in the time frame.  

Ben Kingsley
I love it, I love it. 

Bryce Holdaway
So I think opening with that one’s a good one.  

Ben Kingsley
What do you got?  

Bryce Holdaway
For me I’m gonna go, massively, telescope, big picture. Sort of the external micro factors. Think about talk of sentiment change, think about interest rates, think about government changing, think about last year when the negative gearing debate came up. All those things create anxiety and uncertainty in the mind of the vendor and so therefore if any of that exists, I think that’s often one of the reasons why a vendor would be keen to take an offer and accept any reasonable offer.  

Ben Kingsley
We’ve already seen the Sydney market come off and that is changing the sentiment in that market. I mean, we were there a couple of weeks ago and speaking to the people there, they all said, definitely, market’s definitely slowing. So if you are that, you’re sort of thinking, your macro might only be your state or your city, and you’re starting to think well, all right, just if, you know, a bird in the hand as opposed to potentially a couple in the bush, I’ll grab that offer. All led by that particular macro factors that is changing the view and the media, you know. All the sort of boom, bust types cycles we go through in the media, so I think that’s a cracker. Alright.  

Bryce Holdaway
Alright, got another one for me?  

Ben Kingsley
Well yeah, probably the nervous seller. I mean that’s a classic one where you know they’re not familiar with auctions, they don’t understand the process. They don’t want to go through this anxiety burn that’s going to happen when they’re on the day of the auction. You know and usually you know they may be an older vendor or deceased vendor, and they don’t have their partner there anymore with them to sort of give them the confidence and the security. And even though the agent is going to hopefully reinforce that, if they’re still a little bit sceptical about agents, that can certainly be a place in that. I reckon that’s the nervous seller, the one who’s willing to sort of say, all right, well again, if I’ve got a fair price and that’s all I was looking for, that’s gonna be enough to get me moving. I’ll probably move on the sale.  

Bryce Holdaway
Yeah, well, if you think about the auction process, as you know, Ben, the person who wants the auction is the agent. The buyer doesn’t want it. In fact, a lot of the time, the seller actually doesn’t want it because, like you say, it just gives them that internal churn and that internal burn. Yeah, often they get a little bit of stage fright. And the agent is so used to the auction process that it’s so desensitized to them that they will happily take them. They know it’s worth it get it out.  

Ben Kingsley
And it’s amazing to think that some vendors are just happy to get a fair price. I mean, the vast majority and the job of the selling agent is to get the best possible outcome. But in some cases, we’ve talked about this before, where a vendor has sold to the couple that they prefer better. That they’ve got a connection with and this is a beautiful family home and I want you to create your memories there. I don’t care if someone’s gonna offer me more, because we always naturally go to that position that everyone wants the most and if this thing’s gonna sell for $400,000 above reserve, I’m gonna be doing cartwheels because that sets me up financially. But there are some vendors out there who may be nervous and who are saying, you just get me that, because that’s all I need and the job’s done.  

Bryce Holdaway
I think you raised a really good point there because if you’ve got someone who’s got a family home. It’s been their family home for 30 years and they would just love to see another family get that property, versus a developer who’s hanging around at auction.  

Ben Kingsley
Yeah, that’s another reason. Yeah, could be sold before auction.  

Bryce Holdaway
You picked up on a very good point. So I’m nervous or a sentimental seller.  

Ben Kingsley
Yeah, sentimental seller.  

Bryce Holdaway
Yeah. All right. Okay. I reckon this one’s a bit of a no-brainer, but they’re committed elsewhere. 

Ben Kingsley
Forced sales.  

Bryce Holdaway
Whenever given the choice between certainty and uncertainty, they will take it every day of the week. And of course, if they then translate that uncertainty into certainty, they can then maybe line up settlement dates as well. So, you know the classic they’ve bought somewhere else, is one of the reasons that bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.  

Ben Kingsley
Yeah, yeah, and you know in a moving market a lot of people were forced to do that, you know. They were sort of saying I just need to get in and then I’m reasonably confident that my property will get a certain value. So if they’re upsizing, you know they were forced certainly in the Sydney market It’s happening a little bit in the Melbourne market as well as opposed to going the other way around, because we would always say if you’re a conservative person you should sell first and then buy. But if the market’s moving too quickly, you might just jump in. And so obviously, if they have done that and they haven’t sold their property, guess what? Again, a good strong offer early in the campaign could potentially get that property off the market. 

TPC Gold | The Art of Negotiation – Real Estate Edition

Today’s bonus snippet features one of Australia’s top property experts – our very own Bryce Holdaway!  

In this TPC Gold soundbite, Bryce puts on his Buyer’s Agent cap and shares all he knows about how to negotiate when buying property. He also makes the bold claim that everything is negotiable when it comes to real estate…?! 

Find out exactly what he means by this, and why negotiation is not just an art but also a science. 

Get essential insights into how to handle auctions, why it’s useful to understand the vendor’s motivations, and more. Tune in so you too can start negotiating to win! 

If you’re interested in the full episode, it’s here: Episode 93 | How to Negotiate to Win 

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Looking for a trusted professional to help you source properties, negotiate with agents or bid on your behalf at auction? Our sister company Empower Wealth has a team of experienced Buyer’s Agents who can help! 


340 | Auction Ready: How To Win In Any Market! – Chat with Veronica Morgan

Want the proven tactics and bidding tips to WIN at auction?!

Folks, this episode will help take the STRESS out of the intimidating auction process and give you the exact strategies professional Buyers Agents use to…

  • Master the buying process
  • Outsmart real estate agents
  • Beat the competition (without overpaying)
  • Avoid auction mistakes
  • …and, ultimately, secure the property!

Here to help us unpack ALL this – plus a whole heap of other must-know property and auction tips – is none other than our good friend Veronica Morgan, Founder and Principal of Good Deeds Property Buyers, co-host of The Elephant in the Room, Bryce’s co-host of Location, Location, Location Australia, and arguably one of the BEST Buyers Agents in the country.

Together, we’re going to get you auction ready!

You’ll learn how to navigate auctions in a HOT property market (like a pro!) and get the epic EVERGREEN bidding tips that’ll confuse your competition so the auctioneer will drop their hammer on YOUR final “I can still sleep at night” bid.

Sound good?

Tune in now to get a complete walkthrough of the entire buying process – enjoy!

Free Stuff…

Here’s What We Cover…

  • Understanding your Buyer Profile: How it affects you at auction!
  • Why do most people hate auctions?
  • What are the benefits of auctions for buyers?
  • How to spot the frightened buyer…
  • What do you always need to do BEFORE you purchase property?
  • What real estate agents know that you don’t!!
  • What details SHOULD you tell the agent?
  • How to work out how much the property is worth
  • How to set your maximum bid
  • What To Do On Auction Day: Your Prep Checklist!
  • What are the 12 “Behavioural Biases” that make people irrational buyers under auction conditions?
  • Top Auction Tips For A HOT Property Market
  • 5 Powerful Bidding Tactics That Work!
  • What are the 7 Types of Auction Bidders?
  • The 4 Bidding Mistakes That Cripple Property Buyers! (ouch…)
  • The Post-Auction Process: What To Do, What Not To Do
  • The 8 Types of Real Estate Agents!
  • What are the best type of real estate agents?
  • Bidding With ODD Numbers: Why It Works And Why You Should Do It Too
  • The Quickest Way To Work Out Who Your Competition Is!
  • Wait, what…people bid against themselves!?!….
  • Vendor Bids: How can you use them to your advantage?
  • The $1 Million Dollar Bidding Mistake That You Have To Hear To Believe…


333 | Are We Property Spruikers?

Right. Let’s have the uncomfortable conversation – is The Property Couch just a platform for another couple of Spruikers to push property on you!?!

Look, we get it… this is a fair question to ask. One we recently received recently from a listener! And, who knows, maybe it might even be something weighing on the back of your mind as well.

So… Are we Property Spruikers?

Listen now, and you’ll hear our answer… we’ll leave it in your court to decide what you believe to be true.

Just a heads up – this is a Q&A episode, folks! So, while we definitely strip down to the bare bones on whether or not we are Spruikers, we’ve also got a couple of other themes in store for you…



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The questions we answer…

Question about “Are WE Property Spruikers?” from Daniel/RIPPAA

Massive fan of your show, which leads me to my questions regarding in particular Episode 325 – How to buy on a hot property market.

Listening to your show for quite a while, I’ve found that you guys always seem to advocate for property being an effective means of investing. However, sure you’ve got to be in a point in time where that is not the case. Investing in shares & stocks, generally speaking was probably not the best idea, what about property? You guys have done episodes on warning against spruikers and so I’ve been having concerns about, “What about The Property Couch then – does it fall under that category?”

However, until you guys did this recent episode 325, which to be honest was very refreshing to hear that acknowledgement of you guys just really giving that message of warning of cautioning I should say against buying at this point in time which I really appreciate,

that message of you guys caring about the community really came through. So my question is when do you guys see, at least a minimum point in time, until which the market is gonna change and sort of calm down a bit?


Question about Land Tax from Bruce Adkins

Hi Bryce and Ben. My question is about land tax. After starting out with a passive ‘buy any hold’ strategy, and then moving on to some renovations. I have finally landed on a strategy 3 or 4 years ago of buying splitter blocks, knocking down the existing house, subdividing into 2 or 3 lots, and then building new homes on each lot. When I can afford to, I keep the new houses and rent them out I do. Occasionally I need to sell one or more of the houses to assist with cashflow, or to help fund the next project. All my properties are in Brisbane and surrounding areas as I feel the need to touch and feel the sites and keep an eye on construction, etc. Early in my property investing journey I did invest in a location distant from my home. After a little bit of research and a quick flight to inspect, I purchased the property and the whole experience was a disaster, made worse by not being around when things went wrong. This experience convinced me that I need to invest in my own backyard, and my current, more active investment strategy reinforces the need to invest locally.

My current portfolio is now more than a dozen properties with an unimproved land value of around $8 million, and the annual land tax bill is really starting to hurt.

Apart from investing in different States (which I will find hard to get my head around), Do you have any other strategies for minimising the land tax impact of a large and growing portfolio?

I love your podcasts and would love any ideas you have for easing the sting of land tax.



Question on Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) from  Francis Rivero

Not really a question but I would like to hear your thoughts on the following:

My wife and I bought a PPR in November 2018.

  • Purchase price – $345,000
  • LVR – 90%
  • LMI – $9700

Through making extra repayments and recovering a strong valuation result yesterday ($420,000) we are now sitting at 72% LVR just 2 years later. I realise this is just the way it is but I can’t help feeling like $9700 is a huge amount of money to pay in order to protect the bank for such a short time. Fair enough if we are still 5 years off getting down below 80% but I’m sure this happens to lots of people who buy well and are diligent with their money. Like I said, no specific question but would love to get your take on this.


Question on Being Gazumped from Matt Rose

Hi Ben, Bryce and the great Stig. I’m looking for some advice as my wife and I have been left disillusioned by the property system while trying to buy our 2nd investment property, this time in Melbourne.

The sequence of events went like this – we put in an offer on contract and put down 5% deposit, the agent phoned to say the owner has accepted, the agent then proceeded to shop our offer around telling everyone our exact price, the agent then entered into some sort of silent blind auction and sold it to someone else last night without coming back to us on the new price even though they told everyone else our price. Is this illegal or unethical and if not, how do we as a community vote to put better rules in place to protect the consumer?


327 | Winning A HOT Property Market (Part 3) – The Step-By-Step Process!

The final part of our mini-series: “The Step-By-Step Process To Win In A HOT Property Market” has landed!

Just in case you missed it…


  • Episode 326 was all about The SEARCH for the property and The DUE-DILIGENCE around the search and the finance (lending) for that property!
  • Episode 325 was about GETTING STARTED! Nailing the brief, how to get your FINANCE ready,


And this week is all about…..


Doesn’t matter if it’s an offer prior to auction, post auction or even a ZOOM auction…

We’ll be sharing practical, real-life and tested tips and tactics on setting your offer limit, the tone of voice to use, replies to common agent feedback, body language and more!

And of course…. What happens after the offer gets accepted?! If you think that you’ve signed on the dotted line and that’s it, you couldn’t be more wrong.

It’s not over until the keys to the property are in your hands and you can officially walk in without being considered a “trespasser” ….

We’ll be unpacking the mistakes, the last minute paperwork, the forgotten things and the follow-ups that a diligent buyer needs to do after signing the contract because let’s face it…. You’ve done so well to secure a property, you DO NOT want to stuff up the final leg.


Free Stuff Mentioned…

  • (AUDIOBOOK) The Armchair Guide to Property Investing now available on Audible & other audiobook platforms! And you can also get it at a discount here.
  • Real Estate Agent Series – Listen here


Here’s What We Cover…

  • 9:42 – The FOUR overarching themes to be in a position of making an offer in this seller’s market
  • 10:31 – One thing that you DO NOT WANT TO COMPROMISE ON at all to get the property
  • 13:43 – In a HOT Market, you may need to make THIS decision before you even inspect the property. But are you in the right headspace to do that?
  • 15:47 – The due diligence that you can do on the property BEFORE the open day
  • 16:49 – How quick should you really go if the property is the one?
  • 18:34 – If 6 months comparables are considered “old data” in this market… how do you even set a price or work out your offer/stretch?
  • 19:05 – The three price levels that you need to know when buying a property
  • 22:10 – What questions can you ask a competing (but friendly) agent who lost that listing?
  • 23:50 – Two professionals in your A-Team that needs to be on standby before you go to an open
  • 25:00 – Critical, Important and Nice-To-Haves in a contract – Which ones are worth taking a risk for?
  • 32:13 – Offer Prior to Auction – How to get one and be ready for it?
  • 32:30 – Boardroom auction – Is it still common these days and what’s the mystery behind it?
  • 36:13 – The real boss during an auction and what role you want to play to make sure you are in their favour?
  • 37:34 – Zoom Auction – Getting the art of body language right! (Yes, even if it’s online!)
  • 40:54 – Ben’s real-life story of losing the auction but still winning the property!
  • 43:23 – Making an Informal vs Formal Offer in current market prices
  • 43:51 – Top 3 questions to ask a RE Agent during an inspection to show that you’re in the game
  • 44:50 – The NUMBER ONE question to ask yourself when it comes to setting a price..
  • 45:47 – Your script to the real estate agent >> “I’m not asking what they’re offering, of course you’re not going to disclose that to me. But ultimately what I am saying here are two things. One, if you ______”
  • 48:32 – The CONDITIONS that you should include in a seller’s market to give you an added advantage 😉
  • 50:15 – The Competitive Tension of NOT being Conservative vs Legitimate.
  • 50:50 – Having THIS productive conversation with your broker and how to explain the nature of a hot market to them
  • 52:26 – The exact questions you should ask your investment savvy broker and understanding the pros and cons of the different buying ranges
  • 54:53 – When is it alright for you to jump up the risk spectrum?
  • 56:55 – THIS is not an escape clause. Don’t dance with the devil thinking you can use it.
  • 58:09 – Tips on taking away the vendor’s pain
  • 1:00:57 – Settlement – how to make sure it does not fall over?
  • 1:00:57 – Bryce’s (or rather Adit’s) Apple Lifehack!
  • 1:08:23 – Ben’s What’s Making Property News on times when the Property Market went “crazy”



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