145 | 8 Reasons Why Vendors Sell Before Auction

Now… it’s Framework Time!! The last framework that we unpacked was in Episode 137 on Tips for Buying in Spring so we think we might be a little overdue for another one.

The topic that we’ll be chatting about today doesn’t happen all the time, of course, but it does happen: Vendors sell BEFORE they go to auction.

Have you ever wondered why??

Today, we’re exploring some of the main reasons for an early sell in this situation. Because if you’re selling (side note: hopefully you’ve received professional advice about this), it pays to know which tactics could be lurking around the corner for you.

And of course, if you’re interested in buying property, it saves to know how to negotiate a win before the bidding has had a chance to begin!

So, is selling before auction as clear-cut as we might think?

Yep, today we’re digging into the heart of it:

P.S. Folks, we’re doing Movember this month! If you would like to support the cause that helps tackle the serious issues affecting men’s health, feel free to donate here. (Bucket loads of good karma awaits you.)

P.S.S. Want more info on PICA? Head to www.pica.asn.au


114 (Part 2) | How One Punch Turned Into A Property Empire – Chat with Brad Teal, Director of Brad Teal Real Estate

Following on from Part One, the second part with Brad Teal focused on Victoria’s new underquoting laws that came into effect on the 1st May 2017. For those new to the real estate industry, underquoting as defined by the Consumer Affairs of Victoria is: Underquoting can occur when a property is advertised at a price that is less than the estimated selling price, the seller’s asking price, or at a price already rejected by the seller. You can learn more about this new regulation here.

So for this part, the three of them discussed:

  • How was this new underquoting law introduced and the logic behind it
  • What changes will the new regulation impose on the real estate industry and will it be introduced to the other states
  • Traits of a good selling agent and the research that a vendor can conduct
  • The different demands on certain property type in different market
  • What does he think about the buy and hold strategy
  • What success mean to him


ps: And if you are interested in Ben’s “Did You Know” Facts, click here.

If you like this podcast: “How One Punch Turned Into A Property Empire – Chat with Brad Teal, Director of Brad Teal Real Estate”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/

114 (Part 1) | How One Punch Turned Into A Property Empire – Chat with Brad Teal, Director of Brad Teal Real Estate

The last episode of our Elite Agent Series is with Brad Teal, Director and Founder of Brad Teal Real Estate! Born and raised in Melbourne’s north-west coupled with more than 40 years of experience in the real estate industry, Brad’s understanding of the real estate market, property trends in the area and local facilities and amenities is second to none. And how did he build up his property empire? It all started with a punch in the face! Find out more on today’s podcast.

For the first part of this episode, Bryce, Ben and Brad also chat about:

  • How Melbourne’s north-west has changed over the years and the gentrification that had happened
  • What are considered as investment grade assets and why he’s interested in ‘bullet-proof’ properties
  • Setting the right expectation on rental returns and tips to increase yield
  • Is there any investment potential in one bedroom apartments?
  • New vs old apartments and the impact of high-density development on the suburbs
  • Mistakes buyers make at auction
  • Transparency in the buying process
  • Understanding the auction system


If you like this podcast: “How One Punch Turned Into A Property Empire – Chat with Brad Teal, Director of Brad Teal Real Estate”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/

112 | Inside The Mind Of An Elite Agent – Chat with Tim Heavyside, Director of Fletchers

Carrying on with our real estate agent season, today we have another special guest star Tim Heavyside on the show with Bryce and Ben. An award winning Real Estate Agent, Director and Auctioneer for Fletchers Real Estate, Tim has an impressive professional history in this industry dating back 15 years. As a very knowledgeable and personable star on the show, there is no doubt that you will receive some interesting advice and will be listening to some absolute gold in today’s episode.

In this episode Bryce, Ben and Tim talk about the following topics:

  • Tim’s professional background and how he moved on from being a travel agent to Real Estate
  • What motivated him to excel in the industry and his motto in life
  • The skills and traits a vendor should look for when engaging a real estate agent
  • What are the four different scenarios when selling your property
  • Pre-auction offer and which is the best week (or which day of the week!) to offer them
  • Behavioural techniques to employ when buying at an auction
  • The best property advice he’s been given
  • The best property deal he made and why


If you like this podcast: “Inside The Mind Of An Elite Agent – Chat with Tim Heavyside, Director of Fletchers”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/


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