145 | 8 Reasons Why Vendors Sell Before Auction

Now… it’s Framework Time!! The last framework that we unpacked was in Episode 137 on Tips for Buying in Spring so we think we might be a little overdue for another one.

The topic that we’ll be chatting about today doesn’t happen all the time, of course, but it does happen: Vendors sell BEFORE they go to auction.

Have you ever wondered why??

Today, we’re exploring some of the main reasons for an early sell in this situation. Because if you’re selling (side note: hopefully you’ve received professional advice about this), it pays to know which tactics could be lurking around the corner for you.

And of course, if you’re interested in buying property, it saves to know how to negotiate a win before the bidding has had a chance to begin!

So, is selling before auction as clear-cut as we might think?

Yep, today we’re digging into the heart of it:

P.S. Folks, we’re doing Movember this month! If you would like to support the cause that helps tackle the serious issues affecting men’s health, feel free to donate here. (Bucket loads of good karma awaits you.)

P.S.S. Want more info on PICA? Head to www.pica.asn.au


093 | How to Negotiate to Win?

In today’s podcast, a much-anticipated topic features. But first, Bryce and Ben discuss the recently released GDP numbers for the September quarter. With a fall of 0.5%, what does this mean for us Australians? How will business confidence and the Australian Property Market be affected? And more importantly, is this a really bad thing?

After discussions on the GDP as well as further mentions of our 100th episode (that’s coming up very soon!), today’s main topic – as stated in the title, is: “How to Negotiate to Win”.

Not all of us are used to or are comfortable in negotiating as it can be quite confrontational. But Bryce and Ben do it on a daily basis so today, they’ve decided to dish out some of their most useful pointers and success stories to help you with your next purchase! Not only do they let us in on some of the most helpful tips, they also tell us what to look out for and common mistakes people tend to make.

With one of Australia’s leading Buyers Agents opening up about the secrets of negotiating, this is definitely an episode to tune in to!

A couple of tips to listen out for include:

If you enjoyed this episode of “How to Negotiate to Win”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page.

If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/contact/

080 | The Four ‘D’ words that equal a motivated seller!

One of the negotiation tips mentioned in previous episodes is to understand the vendor’s motivation to sell. Once you understood that, you would have a better idea on what to negotiate on and increase your chances of securing that property. But as always, this is easier said than done because how would you know if the real estate agent is clouding the truth? Hence why you need to make sure you are asking the right questions, in the right way and is capable of assessing the agent’s reaction to your questions.

In some cases, some vendors are extra motivated to sell and you can take advantage of this to help you boost your chances. So in today’s episode, Bryce and Ben will be discussing the four ‘D’ words that would indicate a very motivated seller. They will also be sharing some of the questions you need to ask to spot these situations, answers from real estate agents that you should look out for and negotiation tricks that you can use if the vendor’s motivation fall into these 4 categories. Start listening to find out more.

If you like this podcast: “The Four ‘D’ words that equal a motivated seller!”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/


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