RBA November 2021: RBA has THIS up their sleeve?!

It’s Melbourne Cup RBA Cash Rate folks! In the past, RBA tends to change the rate on race day.

Did they change the cash rate as well this year?

Most definitely NOT.

They simply can’t afford to make any changes to the cash rate yet. Why? Tune in to this episode to find out more where Ben unpacks three key themes for this month’s economic update:

  • The global inflation rate
  • Vaccine adoption rates lead to safer economic re-opening
  • New Property Listings Surge but there is more to this story


Plus, Ben also includes his latest news and commentary on…

  • The Vaccine Adoption Rate in Australia
  • World economic update particularly in US & China
  • Will there be a global contagion effect from Evergrande’s demise?
  • Are unemployment and jobs ads going towards the right direction?
  • The spike in Australia’s physical bond yield and RBA’s response to it
  • Property Price Update and the Supply Story!
  • And heaps more!


Additional free resources:

If you’re looking to buy at the moment, make sure to check out our Mini-Series!

🔥 Episode 325 | The Step-By-Step Process To Win In A HOT Property Market – Part 1

🔥 Episode 326 | How To Win In A HOT Property Market (Part 2) – The Step-By-Step Process!

🔥 Episode 327 | Winning A HOT Property Market (Part 3) – The Step-By-Step Process!


And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your MoneySMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Don’t have an account yet? Create your free access now and we’ll also send you an e-copy of the instruction manual which is also our best-seller book, Make Money Simple Again.


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

For more information, please visit: https://thepropertycouch.com.au

360 | The XYZ of Property Pricing: Getting The Rules of Engagement Right

Imagine this…

You found your ideal property in the perfect location. You’ve inspected it, you know exactly what the purchase price is going to be AND you’re pre-approved for that budget. You’ve spoken to the selling agent and is crystal clear with the vendor’s motivation. You negotiated some terms and put your best offer forward and BAM!! it got accepted right away. Happy days!

Unfortunately, it’s probably NOT going to happen in the current market.

When it comes to property prices, getting it exactly right would be perfect for buyers. But in a hot market, it’s very very hard for most buyers to nail it right away. Unless of course you’ve got a lot of spare time in your hand or you’ve engaged a professional to help you out. In today’s episode, we will share the XYZ of property pricing that our own buyer’s agent team are practicing and some of the tips that you can implement right away to get as close to the selling price as possible.

But… are you wondering if it’ll work in the current market and with all these new ways of transacting?

On top of that, with lockdown restrictions, how are you going to inspect properties and if you can’t, should you buy sight unseen?

That’s exactly what we are going to unpack today.

PLUS Bryce and Ben will also be addressing the big old Fixed Rate vs Variable Rate question. With the impending lending requirement changes (check it out in Ben’s RBA update), it’s probably best that you get your loan questions answered sooner rather than later!

Tune in now for the gold!

Q’s we answer further below 👇


Free Stuff Mentioned

  • Summer Series is around the corner and we’d like to hear from you! If you’ve gone through (or even going through) a financial transformation journey, let us know. We’d love to listen to your story! Simply fill in the form below or go to thepropertycouch.com.au/mystory
  • We are also looking for a few talented individuals to join our team! From a Journalist/Copywriter to an Associate Property Investment Advisor and more. If you’re interested, head to our Career Page here to learn more.

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  • And a quick summary on your Money Story!

    Let's start with What Money Means to You. We are interested to know what motivates you particularly when it comes to money. From the options below, please select the top five that matter to you.

  • A quick summary on your Money Story!
  • Don't spill all the beans 😉

  • And finally, have you implemented our MoneySMARTS system?

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The Questions We Answer

Question from Mark about Buying in Covid Lockdowns

I’m currently looking for a home in Melbourne to live in.
Over the last month because of COVID you haven’t been able to inspect any properties however in the last month there’s been about four properties in the same suburb that have sold sight unseen for about $50 to $100,000 above asking price.
Is there any way you can explain this behaviour and give me any advice on how to could compete against these people.

Recommended episodes for Mark:



Question from Tracey about Best Questions to ask a Real Estate Agent

Hi Property Couch Team!
Thanks for the podcasts it’s really driven myself and hubby and has given us the confidence to buy investment property, so much now that we’re looking to buy a second one and this one I’m looking at the Gold Coast.
My question is I have a good handful of properties that I’m looking and interested in but they’re nearly all at auction and I live in northern New South Wales.
When contacting a real estate what are the the first best questions to ask when you can’t go to view the property and you wanna see if it’s in your price range.

Recommended episode for Tracey:



Question about Interest Rates – Fixing Your Loan before buying an IP

Hi guys, first of all thanks for the great podcasts. I’ve been listening for a little while and super inspired with all the informative information.
Just a quick question about interest rates and whether or not I should lock in an interest rate before planning to buy an investment property.
So I’m about to buy an investment property within three months. What are your thoughts on locking in a fixed interest rate today rather than waiting for three months?

Related episodes:



Question from Rhys about Buying Off the Plan and Co-Living Spaces

Good day Bryce and Benji, Rhys here I just want to ask two questions if that’s OK?
First question relates to property advisors/buyers agents. The guy who I’ve been recommended by a friend I’m a bit skeptical of because he doesn’t charge outright and so he takes Commission from the sale of properties and these properties tend to be building like off the plan from developers or builders.
Second question relates to this, he’s really big on co-living spaces, you know for young professionals or whatever, who are seeking out shared living space just because of the rental yield.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. I love your show guys thanks for that

Related episodes:



359 | Locked Down & Locked Out: Buying Property In A Shutdown State! – Chat with Leah Calnan

Is property sliding under the pressure of continual lockdowns?!

Folks, it’s no surprise that Victoria’s extended lockdowns (and indeed lockdowns happening right across the country) are having unintended consequences to property buyers, sellers AND renters.

With Melbourne spending more days in lockdown than ANYWHERE else in the world, it begs the question: How can you buy property in a Shutdown State?!

Here to unpack all this, as well as the Winners & Losers of legislation changes, is returning guest Leah Calnan, President of Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV). Leah has served as REIV President since October 2019 and during this time has seen SIGNIFICANT disruptions and changes to the Victorian property market and Tenancy Act. She has over 24 years’ experience in property management, is the sole Director of Metro Property Management and, of course, is considered one of the industry’s most dedicated, accomplished and senior Property Management practitioners in the country.

Leah is about to give you a behind the scenes look at the stark reality of a property market Locked Down & Locked Out, including the tangible impact this has on property investors, in conjunction with the “VCAT Mess” that’s currently unfolding here in Victoria.

So, is it all doom and gloom? Is it simply Too Much For Too Long for Victorian investors? Is “The Great VIC Exit” fast-approaching?!

Listen now to learn How To Buy Property in a Shutdown State & stay informed of the impact current lockdowns are having on the broader property market.


Free Stuff Mentioned


Here’s What We Cover…

  • 02:13 – FYI: The dark spot on Ben’s forehead…
  • 04:46 – What do you think about this Mindset Minute?!
  • 06:50 – Meet Leah.
  • 07:32 – The Controversial Question we just had to ask!
  • 10:09 – Leah’s first property & money management story…
  • 16:08 – Money Advice for teenagers!
  • 17:14 – Some of the ‘highlights’ as REIV President…
  • 19:15 – Winners & Losers: Legislation Changes!
  • 20:01 – Will these Unintended Consequences further drive investors out of Vic?
  • 21:43 – Which legislation would Leah most like to repeal?!
  • 23:33 – The VCAT MESS!!
  • 26:16 – Have landlords cracked down on the type of tenant they get?
  • 27:42 – Has the legislation change lead to longer first term tenancies?
  • 29:00 – Locked Down & Locked Out!
  • 31:13 – One of the biggest challenges with Victorian lockdowns…
  • 34:09 – What HAS opened up again for buyers?
  • 38:32 – How agents keep potential buyers safe…
  • 40:16 – Can you inspect properties in regional Vic if you live in Melbourne?
  • 42:12 – Is there a “Super Saturday” coming between now and Christmas?
  • 45:53 – The Best Property Management Tips!
  • 48:30 – Why You Should NOT Self-Manage Your Property!
  • 53:28 – How to measure your wealth!
  • 55:25 – What’s Making Property News!?!
  • 55:38 The Scalpel Has Landed: Macroprudential Change Is HERE!



RBA October 2021: Lending Standards To Change?

Cash Rate JUST Announced 👉 by the RBA!!

And there’s a very important message behind it:

💥💥 💥  Should we be preparing ourselves for the introduction of possible Macroprudential Regulatory Changes in the not-too-distant future?!

And if so, what are the tweaks to lending policies going to look like, and how might they affect property investors???

Watch now to find out & get the latest on the RBA’s October Cash Rate:


Plus, Ben also includes his latest news and commentary on…

👉 The Global Economic Impact of COVID-19 and the Vaccination story
👉 How are the world’s biggest economies faring?
👉 RBA’s announcement and stand on Australia’s property price and affordability story
👉 Will we be able to avoid another macroprudential regulatory change?!
👉 How’s the unemployment story going with the Delta outbreak and half of the country in lockdown?
👉 Property Prices – What trend are we seeing for houses and units in each state?


Additional free resources:

If you’re looking to buy at the moment, make sure to check out our Mini-Series!

🔥 Episode 325 | The Step-By-Step Process To Win In A HOT Property Market – Part 1

🔥 Episode 326 | How To Win In A HOT Property Market (Part 2) – The Step-By-Step Process!

🔥 Episode 327 | Winning A HOT Property Market (Part 3) – The Step-By-Step Process!


And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you to organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your MoneySMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Don’t have an account yet? Create your free access now and we’ll also send you an e-copy of the instruction manual which is also our best-seller book, Make Money Simple Again.


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

For more information, please visit: https://thepropertycouch.com.au

358 | Too Much Risk? Australian Property & Economic Update – Chat with Nerida Conisbee

Breaking news just in on the property & economic front, folks!

There’s clearly quite a bit going on with the health crisis, soaring property market and… just announced this week… an indication that a tightening of lending might be coming sooner than we think!

Despite price growth in the current market being led primarily by owner-occupiers, the risks around rising household debt may mean that APRA and the financial regulators will step in to prevent the build-up of future risks to the broader economy…

The question is: If they’re going to pull the handbrake, What Would This Look Like and WHEN Would It Happen?

Here to unpack all this, as well as the latest Australian Property & Economic Update is our good friend Nerida Conisbee, Chief Economist at Ray White.

Now, if you’ve heard Nerida’s data-driven insights and wisdom on the show before, you might’ve noticed she’s had a little change in title from Chief Economist at the REA Group… And if you haven’t heard from her before (you’re in for a real treat!) or simply need a refresher: Nerida is a highly regarded economist, with a specific expertise in residential and commercial property. She is currently the MOST quoted property commentator in Australia, the third most quoted economist and a sought-after public speaker, writer and columnist with more than 20 years of property research experience throughout Asia Specific.

So, if you want a PRECISE update on property and economic news here in Australia (and where it’s looking to go from here), then please listen now to get the gold & stay informed.


Free Stuff Mentioned


Here’s What We Cover…

  • 00:40 – Block your ears non-AFL fans 😉
  • 03:28 – Try this word instead.
  • 05:24 – Meet Nerida…
  • 06:04 – The change & data leak
  • 07:36 – Never Before Revealed: Nerida’s Money Backstory!!
  • 10:46 – Does she carry this through with her own family?
  • 13:24 – Nerida’s property story
  • 14:33 – The current economy – What’s going on?!
  • 16:27 – What will likely unfold in the December quarter?
  • 16:57 – What picks up when we come out of lockdown?
  • 17:12 – The Big Challenge: Iron Ore Prices
  • 17:49 – Where will this show up most in the Aus economy?
  • 18:48 – What might happen if we see higher hospital rates?
  • 21:25 – Australia’s Economy­ – What might happen?
  • 22:38 – The Lack of Migration: How Problematic Is It?
  • 23:39 – The Hot Topic: INFLATION
  • 26:00 – Too Much Risk!?!
  • 26:18 – A Trillion Dollars In Debt: Australia’s Debt Hole
  • 26:47 – How are we going to pay that debt back?
  • 28:15 – Property Update!
  • 29:45 – Breaking News: Josh Frydenberg’s Announcement!
  • 30:08 – Household Debt — Where is it currently at?
  • 31:25 – What does Nerida see happening with the regulations?
  • 35:54 – How do you stop people taking on too much debt?
  • 38:30 – What’s happening with First Home Buyers?
  • 41:46 – What you need to know about immigration
  • 45:04 – The Luxury Market: How is it performing?
  • 46:34 – Listing Volumes – What’s happening now?
  • 49:00 – The Future of Commercial Property in CBDs
  • 52:14 – Unemployment Numbers: The Risk Factors
  • 55:21 – How to NOT save $250! (interesting way to look at things…)
  • 56:28 – Pain & Gain: New Data From CoreLogic




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