282 | “I Was Fired Every Week”… And Now She’s The President Of The Largest Property Market In Australia – Chat with Leanne Pilkington, President of REINSW

Leanne Pilkington is no stranger to real estate. When she first started in the property industry almost four decades ago, things looked a bit different from what they do now…

For one, she was literally fired from her job every Friday afternoon! And now? Well, today’s guest is the PRESIDENT of Real Estate Institute of New South Wales (REINSW) — the largest and most influential association of real estate professionals in the country’s biggest property market!

Sure, Leanne Pilkinton is one of the most respected and sought-after commentators in real estate and a strong advocate for women in the profession, lobbying for improved education and training across the entire industry… but she’s also the Managing Director of leading NSW boutique real estate group Laing+Simmons.

And she knows the market inside and out!

Obviously, with everything COVID-19 going on, it’s safe to say that Leanne is VERY MUCH in the trenches, lobbying the government and looking at new ways the real estate industry can adapt to this climate while also being really honest about the fact that quickly formed legislation can have a disastrous impact on real estate agents, property managers and landlords.

This is a passionate and knowledge-sponge of an episode, folks!!


The Free Stuff


What’s Covered in Today’s Episode

  • Okay, what’s the deal with Leanne getting fired EVERY week?
  • What did the pathway to REINSW look like?
  • What’s it really like being in “the boys club”… and how can women in real estate navigate the industry?
  • What makes for a great selling agent?
  • What makes for a great property manager?
  • What’s the best way a buyer can get a fair price on property?
  • How should property investors deal with real estate agents?
  • Should you tell a real estate agent your budget?!
  • Real Estate 101 – The Two Ways A Real Estate Agent Gets Paid
  • What will happen to industry professionals during COVID-19?
  • What’s REINSW currently lobbying the government for?
  • Are there alternatives to paying stamp duty?
  • What’s happened in NSW’s property market since the coronavirus?
  • Is Leanne personally investing in property right now?
  • What should you expect from your tenant during COVID-19?
  • How to recognise “opportunist tenants” from tenants in genuine hardship
  • The Sydney Property Market: Pre-, During, and Post- COVID-19
  • When will Open for Inspections and public auctions kick off again?
  • What’s going to happen to the property market in September?
  • What’s the real concern in VIC and QLD right now?



And of course… Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

State Update:

And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you to organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your Money SMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Don’t have an account yet? Create your free access below and we’ll also send you an e-copy of the instruction manual which is also our best-seller book, Make Money Simple Again. Just fill in the form below and we’ll email it to you right away.




281 | Why The Easter Break Almost Ended in Disaster for Property Owners… and How it Was Avoided – Chat with Leah Calnan, President of REIV

Yes, we’ve got TWO back-to-back episodes this week! ‘Cos let’s face it… there’s been A LOT that has disturbed the property industry over the week!

Case in point: Easter.

Oh, Easter. The break that had a lot of us biting our nails, not biting into chocolate eggs… and a lot of folks didn’t even KNOW it almost ended in disaster for property owners!

Thankfully, common sense prevailed – and today’s guest had a great deal to do with bringing that levelheadedness back to the table.

Joining us today is none other than Leah Calnan, President of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV), the peak body of real estate down here in VIC.

And she has a wealth of experience to bring to the discussion – not only has she got over 24 years’ experience in property management… and is the Director of Metro Property Management & Metro Property Sales… but also, she’s recently taken over as President of REIV (back in October last year) after being on their Board of Directors since 2014.

So, when some crazy policy was announced regarding Victoria’s COVID-19 Rent Relief Package… well, let’s just say Leah spent her Easter break fighting hard for all of us….


Free Resources Mentioned


What we cover in this episode…

  • What went down during the Easter Break (abbuur!)
  • What was outlined in the Rent Relief Package that almost ended in disaster for property owners?
  • How did Leah and REIV get the Victorian Government to change their policy?
  • How well is Victoria placed in the property market? (pre- and post- COVID-19)
  • The challenges with tenants and landlords during COVID-19
  • What are the processing applications for property managers like now?
  • Has the Job Seeker and Job Keeper payments helped keep to bring stability back to the market?
  • How much does the Victorian real estate industry contribute to the total income of the State?
  • Rent relief, reductions, evictions and deferred payments: What landlords need to know
  • What are tenants currently asking their property manager for?
  • What do tenants need to provide to show evidence of COVID-19 hardship?
  • Who is MOST vulnerable in all this?
  • The land tax levels that are being paid



And of course… Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

State Update:

And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you to organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your Money SMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Don’t have an account yet? Create your free access below and we’ll also send you an e-copy of the instruction manual which is also our best-seller book, Make Money Simple Again. Just fill in the form below and we’ll email it to you right away.




280 | QLD Govt Shocker: Why the Renter Protection Package Doesn’t Protect Everyone – Chat with Antonia Mercorella

There’s no doubt governments are “regulating on the run” with the current crisis on our hands. Coronavirus demands quick action…but, wow, the Queensland Government’s new “Renter Protection Package” is a SHOCKER.

What’s being proposed is, ahh, let’s just say, out of step with the rest of the country and, quite frankly, seems to ignore the COVID-19 stimulus package already on offer and leaves landlords particularly vulnerable, especially if you have a property up in the sunny state. And we CAN’T HAVE this shocking, poorly-formed policy seep across borders and infiltrate other states… because it would end badly.

Here to talk about these proposed amendments to the tenancy legislation (and why they’re slanted very much in favour of the tenant and can potentially damage the property industry… aka, a complete shocker!) is Antonia Mercorella, CEO of the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ).

To give you an idea folks – REIQ is Queensland’s peak body in real estate, and Antonia, as well as being a solicitor, has over 16 years’ experience in the real estate and property sectors! And once you hear her passion and unshakable knowledge about her craft, you’ll quickly know why she’s been identified as one of the 20 most influential people in Queensland real estate!

And, of course, you’ll hear EXACTLY what the QLD Government has proposed in their new “Renter Protection Package” and why it’s a total doozy!!


Be Heard Before 22nd April 2020 — EVERYONE MATTERS

CLICK HERE To Support REIQ BEFORE These Proposed Changes Are In (it literally takes 1 minute folks!)


Free Resources


What We Cover in Today’s Episode


And of course… Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

States Update:

And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you organise your finances now.

It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then sign up to Moorr here and find out.

Want to learn more about MoneySMARTS? Claim your free copy of our best-selling book Make Money Simple Again which explains it all in detail!

260 | Q&A: Picking the Right Investment Strategy & Beware Proposed Changes to QLD Residential Tenancy Act

How do you know if you’re following the right investment strategy?

Like… how long are you meant to wait until you buy the next property? And how much should you look at spending? OR what about all the variables in the mix — say, you or your partner are about to take maternity leave, or your overall aim is to leave a decent inheritance for the kids? And where do cashflow-positive properties fit in to all this? (And what even are they??)

We get it folks…there’s A LOT to consider when it comes to picking and following the right investment strategy!! On top of that, you have to factor in future costs, changes to income, individual needs and capital gains on each property…

So, in this special Q&A episode on property investment strategies, we’re going to answer our listeners’ very own questions that dive into common dilemmas and situations folks are facing!

Plus, given the recent news, we’re going to touch on the proposed changes to Queensland’s Residential Tenancy Act as well!! Learn more about the ‘Opening the Doors to Renting’ Reform here.

Oh, and not to mention we have a very, very special gift for you…

(which we hope will be on par with the “Black Friday” discounts happening all over the globe, which let’s be honest, aren’t exactly designed to make your money work HARDER for you!)

FREE BOOK!! (yes, it’s a physical copy!) – The Armchair Guide to Property Investing – How to retire on $2,000 a week


Yes, really. We’ve got a stack of books ready to go in the office — and until we run out, we’re GIVING THEM AWAY! Here’s our crazy deal…WE pay for the book and YOU pay for the shipping!

CLICK HERE to Get Your FREE COPY of The Armchair Guide to Property Investing (just pay shipping and it’s all yours…provided we have enough left!)

Black Friday Announcements


Today’s Questions

Question from Brad
Hi guys, awesome podcast! Very informative. My wife and myself are in a bit of a unique position, we currently have a house on the family farm we pay minimal rent for. We recently bought our first home, which we are living in due to the First Home Buyers scheme, and will turn into our investment in February; my question is how long until we buy our next property? How much should we look at spending? How do you set up the next investment, as in interest only or principal and interest?

Question from Stephen
Hi. Just in relation to The Property Couch Facebook page I was just wondering what makes a cash flow property if you could explain. Thanks all. Totally addicted to the podcast.

Question from Scott
G’day property gurus, LOVE your work. For the case that we are holding multiple investment grade properties, have a strong cash buffer, and they are cashflow positive but not enough to fully live off…is a hold strategy and living off the capital growth a possible retirement strategy? Of course, it’s important that they are growing at a faster rate than our living expenses, but can this strategy work long term in retirement?

The big pro for me is that it maximises the value of the inheritance which we’ll leave the kids. What are the watch outs for this strategy? Keep up the great work, and Go Pies.

Question from Sara
Hi Bryce and Ben, thank you for your fantastic informative podcast. I listen to it a few times a week and am learning so much. I am a 36 year old woman and have a question regarding buying an investment property now, or family home in 3-4 years. I have $115K saved for a deposit. I am currently on maternity leave with my first baby and will return to work 3 days per week from March 2020 earning around $66K pa total (not pro-rata). I anticipate that I’ll stay at 3-4 days per week ($66-88K pa total) until we hopefully fall pregnant with a second baby in 2021. All of this means I will have part-time and maternity leave income until around 2023 when I’ll likely return to full-time work (earning around $115K pa).

I have wanted to get into the property market for ages but wanted to wait until I met a partner so we could consolidate our savings and buy a family home (and this only happened in the last 2 years). As it turns out my partner works freelance and has not been able to make enough to save for a deposit, so the responsibility for that is with me at the moment. We obviously hope that his earning capacity will improve. At the moment he makes ends meet with around $30K pa.

We currently rent in the inner city but would like to buy a family home in a regional area with a commutable distance to the city, as it is more affordable (median house price $650K), and offers a better quality of life for our family. With my work commitments we don’t see ourselves moving out of the city until after we have baby number 2 (so in 2-3 years).

My question is this: Given that we don’t plan to move out of the city for 2-3 years should we keep saving during that time and then buy our family home in the regional area, or should we consider buying a 2 bed unit in the area we currently live (at around $500K) initially to live in (to save on stamp duty) and then as an investment property? I feel anxious about waiting another 3 years to get into the market as prices will continue to increase (albeit at a slower pace in the regional area), and at 36 years of age I am already leaving it very late to start out.

Additionally, if we were to buy a unit in the city, would we be able to use that as equity in buying a family home in 3 years’ time? Or would that mean we couldn’t get another loan? I know that our borrowing power will not be strong with me only working part-time and my partner’s low income.

I know you can’t give specific financial advice, but I thought this must be a common dilemma with the restrictions of maternity leave income bumping up against the pressures and timing of getting a foot on the property ladder. Thanks in advance for any insights you can offer.

P.S Are you able to let me know when/if you answer my question? I’d hate to miss it.

199 | Q & A – Future Proofing your Portfolio in a Changing Market

Folks, with State Election around the corner and the Federal Election less than a year away, it’s time to future-proof your portfolio.

The market has changed and will continue to change. We’ve also got some challenges in the Macro landscape as well — lending regulations, potential changes to negative gearing and interest rate rises, just to name a few.

So you might be asking yourself, “How is it still possible to build a property portfolio and earn $2K per week in passive income with all of this other stuff happening?”

And you’ve got a good point. There IS a reason to be concerned, but this does NOT mean you have to abandon ship altogether. Far from it.

So in today’s episode — before our Surprise Superstar Guest joins us next week for our 200TH EPISODE!! — we’re going to answer some of your questions about how to do exactly this.


This is just a few of the things we’re discussing:


Before we get to the questions, Ben is coming to all of you who are based in Perth! As the Chair of PICA of course. Details below:

When: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm AWST, Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Where: Queens Building, Lecture Room, Level 1, 97 William Street, Perth, WA
Cost: FREE!

Link to secure your ticket: Reserve your Seat here


And if you’re after the video that Bryce mentions in today’s show to Know Your Number… Watch it below or click here to watch it now.

Finally, the questions we’re answering today…

Question from Mirella:

When talking about earning $2,000 per week in passive income is this measured before or after outgoings; eg. rates, land tax, etc.?


Question from James:

Trying to build a portfolio whilst the future of interest rates and a change in government and a change to negative gearing could potentially impact the market. How should one approach 2019?


Question about market sentiment/right time to buy from Kirthika:

Thanks for this session guys! Quick Q… there’s a lot of media activity discussing the impending drop in property prices over the next few years. As a result, my husband and I are worried about investing now? in the event we could buy for cheaper in a year! What are your thoughts?


Question about increasing cash flow and paying off debt from Nipper:

I feel confident with how to select investment grade properties. But I’m not so sure on how to hold them then get to the cashflow stage. Do you propose changing loans to P&I or selling down some properties to then pay off the debt of others, or something else?


Question about having no equity from Dan:

You mention using equity. If you don’t yet have access to equity… do you have any tips to get started?


Question about realising equity for cash flow purposes from Kosta

Do you ever recommend using some equity release to pay the monthly repayments to improve cash-flow?


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