279 | How To Master The Pillars in Pandemic Times

As a property investor, you have to master the frameworks. But during a pandemic, you have to tweak specific strategies in each framework to not just survive in this climate, but thrive — now and in the future.

Make no mistake… the fundamentals DO NOT change! But in a brand new world, there’s no doubt that adaptability and proactivity in regards to our Four Pillars of MasteryAsset Selection, Borrowing Power, Cashflow Management and Defence (ABCD) — are critical and will set you up for life… provided you work with this time of self-isolation, economy upheaval and uncertainty… NOT against it!

When this is all over, we will see that the folks who were able to act and adjust quickly will be the ones who get out on top. We have seen it throughout history and most-recently during the GFC… so, while the coronavirus is an unprecedented and uncomfortable time for all of us, there are practical and smart strategies you can adopt NOW to make certain you get through the other side… and not just “unscathed”, but potentially in a great financial position.

So, maximise your results and efforts during this time and you will be rewarded for it.

And, please folks… DON’T buy bargains… the “bargains” are that way for a reason… and we’re going to see a fair bit of this junk stock coming onto the market. So, don’t be tempted. Don’t do anything stupid. And stay focused on the objective.

In this episode:


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Free resources: ABCD during Pandemic

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More on The Pillars of Mastery


And of course… Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

State Update:

And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you to organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your Money SMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Don’t have an account yet? Create your free access below and we’ll also send you an e-copy of the instruction manual which is also our best-seller book, Make Money Simple Again. Just fill in the form below and we’ll email it to you right away.





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