021 | The Negative Gearing Debate in Australia

The debate on negative gearing and how it impacts the Australian Property Market is ongoing but when the RBA suggested that negative gearing might be up for a review last week, the debate got hotter. This is further fueled by the controversy about property bubble in Sydney and how property investors play a role in it.

Ep 21 The Negative Gearing Debate in Australia - Stamp Duty taxSo this week on The Property Couch, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley decides to tackle this debate head on and discuss about the history of negative gearing, why some people are against negative gearing and how will it impact our economy if it’s being scrapped off. Start listening to this podcast to learn more.


Also, The Property Couch is hoping to get nominated for the Investor’s Choice Award 2015 for the category: Property Educator/Mentor. We would like to spread the word out on the podcast so that we can help more people avoid making bad investment choices and avoid buying the wrong asset. So if you think we are doing a good job, please do nominate us here.

Our details for nomination:InvestorChoiceAwards

Name of the Organisation: The Property Couch
Name of the Person you deal with: Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley
Suburb: North Melbourne
State: VIC
Phone number: 03 9326 8900
Email address: [email protected]


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If you like this podcast: “The Negative Gearing Debate in Australia”, don’t forget to rate us at our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/

ABC News 24 – Property Bubble in Sydney and Melbourne?

Ben Kingsley has recently appeared as a guest on ABC News 24 – The Weekend Breakfast show. He has appeared on this show a couple of times but this time the main focus is on the Property Bubble in Sydney and Melbourne. First of all, is there a bubble? Ben has mentioned in Episode 14 that it’s not a bubble but more like a balloon. Also, he has created a free report and presentation on the Top 10 Suburbs in Sydney in 2003 and what happened to them in 2007 to help our listeners understand what he meant. In this show, he discuss further on our Treasury Secretary, John Fraser’s remark that Sydney is “unequivocally” in a property bubble, impact of the interest rate movement on Australia’s household borrowing power and loan servicing in the future. He also mentioned that the historically low interest rate at the moment will not last forever and will the Property Market crash as the interest rate starts to rise? Watch this video to find out more now.



We’ve just created a Free Resources section where we share some other advice and tips on top of the property investing podcast. Make sure to check it out regularly! And if you are liking this property investing podcast, please do leave us a review on our iTunes store or our Facebook.


010 | Tax Depreciation

If you were to ask an investor if they wanted to save $149 per week on a property, we can guarantee you that no one would say no…Β 

BUT that’s exactly what too many folks are doing when they don’t use tax depreciation right! (Check out the case studies at the bottom if you don’t believe this number…)Β Β 

Today we’re excited to be discussing this topic with the help of our good friend and first-ever guest to the show: Bradley Beer!Β Β 

As the Managing Director of BMT Quantity SurveyorsΒ (experts at tax depreciation), Brad explains exactly what tax depreciation is and how and when you can use it! Β Β 

Buying a property for its depreciation, however, should NEVER be your main reason for investing!Β Β 

Instead, we unpack the important depreciation factors you should be looking at…Β 

Like why 1985 and 1987 are very important years when it comes to tax depreciation.Β 

We’ll also be explaining what quantity surveyors do and hearing some true stories from Bryce and Ben! Β 

So tune in now for the gold on tax depreciation! (Yes, we say tax depreciation way too much in the episode too πŸ˜‰)Β Β 


Free Stuff Mentioned Β 


    • Brad’s case studies that he has prepared for the podcast can be accessed here! The first is a $600,000 – $700,000 period home with a rental income of $22,880 per annum and the second is a $400,000 – $500,000 older villa with a rental income of $21,060 per annum.
    • Interested in using BMT? Download the BMT Tax Depreciation Application Form here.


Here’s some of the gold we cover…

  • 0:50 – Meet Brad Beer!Β Β 
  • 1:26 – What’s the benefit of a tax depreciation schedule?Β 
  • 2:00 – How Bryce’s friend benefited from one!Β Β 
  • 2:45 – Did you know you can get cash back?Β Β 
  • 4:00 – What do Quantity Surveyors do?Β Β 
  • 4:38 – Ben’s Franking Credit analogyΒ Β 
  • 6:07 – WHY you should use tax depreciationΒ Β 
  • 7:30 – This is why education is important!Β Β 
  • 8:09 – Why are 1985 and 1987 important dates?! Β 
  • 9:54 – So when do you get depreciation in a period home Β 
  • 10:55 – The challenge with depreciation is…Β Β Β 
  • 11:40 – Improving YOUR net yieldΒ Β 
  • 12:40 – The process to determine your tax depreciation!Β Β 
  • 14:50 – Renovation and depreciation Β 
  • 16:00 – The lump sum scrapping approachΒ 
  • 17:49 – Why you shouldn’t do tax depreciation after renovationsΒ Β Β 
  • 18:20 – Learn from Ben’s story!Β Β 
  • 19:40 – WHY it’s worth it to use BMTΒ Β 
  • 20:15 – Some gold tax depreciation case studies!Β Β 


006 | Four Pillars of Mastery – Defence

Folks, it’s scary to watch investors pour bucketloads of time and money into budgeting and buying a property, to then not invest in any protection!Β Β 

This is exactly why we’re homing in on the fourth and final part of our ABCD Property Investment Formula series: Defence!

Previously, we’ve spoken about cash flow management, borrowing power and asset selection. If asset selection is the favourite of the Four Pillars, then defence is definitely the least! Most investors are always on the lookout for new investments or new ventures to go into, but the most important asset is actually the investor themselves.

That’s why we’re looking at…Β 

πŸ›‘ HOW to minimise risk across Asset Selection, Borrowing Power and Cash Flow Management…Β 

πŸ›‘ WHO you shouldn’t be taking advice from…. (Hint: Ben and Bryce are declared enemies of these types of advisors πŸ˜‰)Β Β 

πŸ›‘ WHY you should be investing in certain policies and mortgage brokers…Β 

And why mining towns aren’t the ideal investment – especially if it’s your first property!Β Β 

So don’t end up like some of the people that Ben references in today’s podcast, or spend years investing only to be blindsided by weak defence…Β 

Tune in and get smart with our final pillar in the Property Investment Formula!Β Β 


Free Stuff Mentioned Β 

Just starting your property investing journey? Check out our FREE Binge Guide to the Foundations of Property, Finance and Money Management, which show you which episodes you need to understand the basics! Or fill in the form below and we’ll email it to you right away.Β 


Here’s some of the gold we cover…

  • 1:18 – When we say defence, we’re talking about…Β 
  • 1:50 – Why you need to unpack YOUR storyΒ Β 
  • 2:35 – Risk mitigation and borrowing power!Β Β 
  • 3:40 – The 3 filters for determining defence in asset selection Β 
  • 5:00 – Understanding risk vs. rewardΒ 
  • 5:25 – Mining Towns vs Blue Chip areasΒ Β 
  • 6:10 – How you should be analysing properties (and what you shouldn’t be seduced by!)Β Β 
  • 7:50 – Who you should be taking defence advice from! Β 
  • 10:14 – The BIGGEST defence you can have in Cash Flow ManagementΒ Β 
  • 12:30 – How to install defence measures to your borrowing power Β 
  • 13:00 – Why you need an _____ _____ mortgage broker!Β Β 
  • 13:42 – What are we actually protecting?Β 
  • 14:08 – How to mitigate asset riskΒ Β 
  • 15:45 – Defence for assets is also defence against _____!Β Β 
  • 16:08 – How to protect your income and lifestyleΒ Β 
  • 17:55 – Why THIS type of insurance is important as you get olderΒ Β 
  • 19:42 – Help us educate others!Β 


002 | Regulation vs Education

In a time of growing self-managed super funds and heated markets, what should we be valuing more: regulation or education??Β Β 

In this episode, we’re unpacking the role regulation plays (especially in the wake of the Murray Review and changing limited recourse borrowing arrangements)Β 

…and looking at why education is important for ALL!

That’s right folks, many marketeers and those giving the adviceΒ aren’t receiving the right training 🀯🀯🀯 – tune in to find out why!Β Β 

We’ll also unpack Australia’s most heated markets right now, how YOU can break into those markets and why the property market is actually unfair to the everyday investor.

(Phew, that’s a lot of wisdom there!)Β Β 

If you’re ready to get educated, tune in now! πŸ˜‰Β 


Free Stuff Mentioned Β 


Here’s some of the gold we cover…

  • 0:46 – Self-managed super funds and borrowing todayΒ 
  • 2:19 – THIS is more important than regulation!Β Β 
  • 4:45 – Why consumers and marketeers need educationΒ Β 
  • 6:15 – The feedback cycleΒ Β 
  • 7:21 – When it’s best to buy into the market!Β Β 
  • 7:58 – Ben’s message to Sydney and Melbourne property investorsΒ Β 
  • 10:25 – Which is better for investing: Established or new properties?Β Β 
  • 11:35 – A strategy for buying in heated marketsΒ Β 
  • 11:59 – HOW many more properties will be built by 2055?!?Β Β 
  • 12:30 – If you take away anything, LET IT BE THISΒ Β 
  • 12:50 – Why the property market is unfair!Β Β 
  • 15:02 – Our opinion on student accommodationΒ 
  • 15:25 – Investment grade vs investment stockΒ Β 
  • 16:45 – Send us your questions!Β Β 



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