279 | How To Master The Pillars in Pandemic Times

As a property investor, you have to master the frameworks. But during a pandemic, you have to tweak specific strategies in each framework to not just survive in this climate, but thrive — now and in the future.

Make no mistake…the fundamentals DO NOT change! But in a brand new world, there’s no doubt that adaptability and proactivity in regards to our Four Pillars of MasteryAsset Selection, Borrowing Power, Cashflow Management and Defence (ABCD) — are critical and will set you up for life… provided you work with this time of self-isolation, economy upheaval and uncertainty…NOT against it!

When this is all over, we will see that the folks who were able to act and adjust quickly will be the ones who get out on top. We have seen it throughout history and most recently during the GFC…so, while the coronavirus is an unprecedented and uncomfortable time for all of us, there are practical and smart strategies you can adopt NOW to make certain you get through the other side…not just “unscathed”, but potentially in a great financial position.

So, maximise your results and efforts during this time and you will be rewarded for it.

And, please folks…DON’T buy bargains. The “bargains” are that way for a reason…and we’re going to see a fair bit of this junk stock coming onto the market. So, don’t be tempted. Don’t do anything stupid. And stay focused on the objective.

In this episode:


Free Resources


More on The Pillars of Mastery


And of course…Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

States Update:

And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view (down to the exact cent) on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know what that is, then log in to the Moorr app and crunch the numbers now!

Want to learn more about MoneySMARTS? Claim your free copy of our best-selling book Make Money Simple Again which explains it all in detail!

RBA April 2020 – Lockdown, An Australian Recession And What This Will Mean For The World Economy

Yes, it’s the first Tuesday of the month… which means the RBA Board has met and kept the cash rate on hold at 0.25%.

This video features Ben’s update on the cash rate… as well as a DEEP dive on the data that’s spreading across the economy as the world tries to navigate through COVID-19.

Ben will be talking about the economic mess we’re likely to see — in terms of a recession here in Australia — how long this will last, and how long we can expect to be living in lockdown conditions until things pick back up again.

He’ll also discuss, with specific reference to the coronavirus crisis…

  • The RBA Announcement — April 2020
  • World Stock Markets: United States, China, Europe
  • What’s happening here in Australia and the ASX Stock Market
  • The Aussie Dollar
  • Unemployment (where this will go + the fiscal stimulus introduced)
  • Consumer Confidence & Sentiment
  • Business Confidence & Sentiment
  • Retail Sales
  • The Property Story
  • CoreLogic Numbers

It’s a BIG RBA episode with everything going on at the moment… and it’s definitely one you DON’T want to miss out on if you want to stay informed about what’s currently going on and where it looks like we’re going…



Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

States Update:


And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your MoneySMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Want to learn more about MoneySMARTS? Claim your free copy of our best-selling book Make Money Simple Again which explains it all in detail!


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

UPDATE | QLD Emergency Rental Assistance Payment

Just a quick update folks! There’s been some changes since we released today’s episode. The Queensland government had set up a grant program that offers an emergency rental assistance payment of up to $500 a week, for up to four weeks, for Queenslanders who cannot make rent. We thought it’s critical that we let you know about this considering it’s related to today’s episode on Landlords vs Tenants.

Hope you find it helpful and here are all the links for this update:


278 | Coronavirus: Landlords vs Tenants

Landlords vs Tenants.” Has this become the Unspoken Virus as the current pandemic escalates and more folks lostheir jobs, fall into financial distress and struggle to pay rent? 

Well, to answer this question, let’s talk about the myths and misinformation out there. 

Because we want to set the record straight in order to help BOTH landlords and tenants navigate what is a difficult time for all of us. 

Because, YES, there’s a whole lot of folks out there who are doing it really tough right now and we by no means want to understate this. We understand the severity of the situation. And we understand that there is NO “landlord vs. tenant” argument — because, realistically, there are no winners in this. 

Equally, we also know that the majority of investors only have ONE investment property and only the minority out there are super cash-flushed. Most of us are everyday Australians simply trying to self-fund…  

Put another way investors ie. landlords also feeling the hit with job losses and reduced income like everyone else. And we want do whatever we can to assist the community, but the fact is most of us can’t afford to bear the cost of having reduced or no rental income while still needing to cover mortgage repaymentstax commitments and repairs and maintenance. Most of us aren’t in a position to shoulder the responsibility if rent stops coming in because, as we explained in last week’s episode the “6month holiday” on your home loan, while helpful to those under duress, is merely a temporary freeze, which you will then have to make up for further down the track. 

So, in this episode, we want to share some ideas of what we think both the Federal AND State and Territory Governments need to do in order to step up and help all of us who are affected here. 

Again, WERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER… and it’s wise we take a look at both sides of the equation… for Landlords AND Tenants. 

So, let’s get into the nitty gritty, debunk the myths and offer some useful solutions that could be beneficial for everyone. 


Free Resources Mentioned 


What we Talk About in Today’s Episode: 

  • Why are Landlords and Tenants are in this together? 
  • Our ideas to help them BOTH 
  • Our Top Advice for Property Investors About Rent Reductions 
  • The Types of Landlords 
  • What’s NEW and What’s NOT New with tenancy hardship agreements? 
  • Misinformation about Landlords 
  • What monetary relief is available for tenants right now? 
  • Job Keeper” vs. “Job Seeker” Payments 
  • What happens to an investor’s Landlord Protection Policy if you drop your rent? 
  • How long will your Landlord Protection Policy cover you for? 
  • What do you need to show to claim tenancy hardship? 
  • Rental relief package for landlords… 
  • What is Centrepay, and who is eligible for it? 
  • Ideas around tax depreciation that could help during the COVID-19 crisis 
  • How are property managers helping tenants during financial hardship? 
  • What are the ramifications for landlords? 
  • What should you do if you don’t have a tax depreciation schedule? 
  • Claiming tax refund early 
  • What would we like to see at a Federal Level? 
  • What would we like to see at a state and territory level? 
  • What is PICA doing to help Landlords during the time of COVID-19? 
  • Is there an option to switching to interest only? 
  • What’s stopping people from switching p and I to IO? 
  • Are we going to see volatility come through the property market? 
  • Realistically, will there be a DROP in median property prices? 


And of course… Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

State Update:

And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you to organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your Money SMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Don’t have an account yet? Create your free access below and we’ll also send you an e-copy of the instruction manual which is also our best-seller book, Make Money Simple Again. Just fill in the form below and we’ll email it to you right away.




Bonusisode with Nerida – Coronavirus, Property AND Economy 😷🏡💸

Folks, March hasn’t ended yet but we’ve decided to bring forward our monthly catchup with Nerida Conisbee, Chief Economist at realestate.com.au! We understand that in these uncertain times, all you want is some certainty and information around all the changes that’s been happening.

So today, we had Nerida on Zoom and unpacked these discussions:

👉All the most recent updates to date relating to the real estate industry
👉Which market is being affected the most at the moment?
👉Will there be any tax breaks available for renters?
👉What kind of government incentives might be made available to property investors which in turn, can help them pass on to the renters?
👉What kind of trends are being seen on realestate.com.au?
👉How has this restriction on movement affected the Australian Economy?
👉What’s after this and which industry might take a bit longer to recover than others?
👉What stimulus have been announced so far and what kind of challenges and uncertainties are affecting the government’s decision?
👉With interest rates so low, easy access to money and planned government stimulus, how will the property market perform when this movement restriction ends?
👉Why Western Australia may come out the best?
👉How does wage subsidy works in the UK and will they implement it in Australia?

Hope this helps folks and don’t forget to check out last week’s episode on Coronavirus and Property FAQ here.
p.s. Want more of this? Subscribe to our podcast every Thursday at 3pm on iTunes, Spotify or your favorite podcast app!

And don’t forget last week’s episode folks! We’ve compiled a series of playlists for you during this time. We called it Isolate + Chill! If you’re interested, just leave your details below and we’ll email them to you!

Free resources: Isolate + Chill

Fill in the form below and we'll email you all the playlist links and bonus resources right away! 😉

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And of course… Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

State Update:



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