080 | The Four โ€˜Dโ€™ words that equal a motivated seller!

One of the negotiation tips mentioned in previous episodes is to understand the vendor’s motivation to sell. Once you understood that, you would have a better idea on what to negotiate on and increase your chances of securing that property. But as always, this is easier said than done because how would you know if the real estate agent is clouding the truth? Hence why you need to make sure you are asking the right questions, in the right way and is capable of assessing the agent’s reaction to your questions.


In some cases, some vendors are extra motivated to sell and you can take advantage of this to help you boost your chances. So in today’s episode, Bryce and Ben will be discussing the four ‘D’ words that would indicate a very motivated seller. They will also be sharing some of the questions you need to ask to spot these situations, answers from real estate agents that you should look out for and negotiation tricks that you can use if the vendor’s motivation fall into these 4 categories. Start listening to find out more.


If you like this podcast: “The Four โ€˜Dโ€™ words that equal a motivated seller!”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/


Live Questions and Answer Chat on Property Investing – June 2016

The Property Couch podcast is all about helping others avoid making bad property investment mistakes and sharing the insiders guide to property investing. That is why on the 29th of June 2016, Bryce and Ben decides to hold a Live Questions and Answers Chat on Property Investing so that we can interact directly with our fellow listeners. Thank you to all of you who have joined in and if you would like to watch a replay of this, here’s a recording on Youtube:

List of questions Answered:

  1. Will Sederino: My question is about claiming depreciation on an existing property that has been renovated. We are about to purchase a property (using Empower Wealth’s Buyer Agents) that has recently been renovated by the previous owner and wonder whether we can claim depreciation on this renovation even though it was not us that completed it. My gut feel is that we would be able to? Is this correct?
  2. Mitch Scholard: G’day fellas, wondering your thoughts on which capital city will see the best capital growth over the next 5 years.
  3. Luke Stirton: Does development and renovation provide the secret to accelerated gains in today’s increasingly harder market to get ahead?
  4. Angela Cerasi: Hi guys, I am new to property investing and am currently in my research phase. Have listened to all your podcasts and enjoyed them immensely! I have 2 questions. (1) If a potential investment property is to have owner occupier appeal, then won’t you be competing with owner/occupiers when it comes to buying? From what I understand this means you could be competing with emotional buyers who could push the price up. I don’t think renovating is for me, so I would be buying a place that would be pretty much ready to be lived in by tenants. I of course want to find an area which is gentrifying, but wouldn’t owner/occupiers who are looking for a great buy also be looking for this too? (2) If a buyers agent takes a fixed fee, how much time would they generally dedicate to finding your property? Do you come to them with the city/suburb in mind or do they come to you with those details based on your personal situation? Do they keep looking for you until a property is successfully purchased? I appreciate that all buyer’s agents would differ but maybe you can give me an idea of how it works?”
  5. Maria Li: Can you do a PAYG withholding variation the first year that you own investment property (based on projected cash flows) or do you have to wait a year so that you can base future withholding variations on the previous year?
  6. Leisa Caines: Hi Bryce & Ben, love the podcast & your book. Hear you talk about finding an investment savvy mortgage broker but where do you find one? I’m in North west area in Sydney
  7. Brad McCreadie: Would you buy now or wait to see what happens to apartment prices in Briz. Looking at a 2 bedroom as owner occupy initially but then to use as investment.
  8. Karl Frank: Hi Guys. What will be the impact to the housing market if Labour win the next election and implement their changes to the Capital Gains Tax as it relates to investment properties?
  9. Mark Rogal: If Labour win the election, negative gearing and CGT changes wonโ€™t kick in until mid-2017. In your opinion, what is the most likely scenario for prices of established homes between now and July 2017? Thanks for the great insights! Cheers!
  10. George Kallinikos: I was wondering what is a suitable time frame is to wait it out during a period of experiencing little to no growth. I have owned a one bedroom apartment in a Melbourne blue chip location of Hawthorn since 2008 and it has barely kept up with inflation. This has left me disillusioned during a period where Melbourne overall has seen incredible growth. I understand exit / repurchase costs but also realise that the opportunity cost of this investment has been quite high. What are your thoughts?
  11. Bradden Mitchell: GDay Bryce & Ben. Does an investment grade property have to be over $500K ?
  12. Jack Killalea: If there is a significant price correction in the CBD apartment market over the next 2-3 years, will these apartments become potentially good investments or because they lack scarcity they will always be fundamentally not investment grade?
  13. Geoff Smith: Hey guys just a quick question, how does it work with using parents equity from their homes. How does the loan get structured or would it be used as a line of credit against there property?
  14. Graeme Ash: Hello Couchers, Great Show ๐Ÿ™‚ Quick question – with banks only lending 60% for loans, do you think it is better to go for the biggest, blue chip, investment grade, growth asset you can afford using all your super or go for a cheaper property so your 40% does wipe you out and you can start saving for property 2.
  15. Felix Tjandrawibawa: What’s the best way to estimate capital growth for a suburb? Are you guys looking at historical growth (if so – how long do you guys look for?)?
  16. Rachel Hubbard: Hey guys. I’m now in a position to buy my next investment property. However my financial goal is to pay off my ppor in the next 5-10 years. Given that property investment is a long term strategy, do you suggest buying another investment property in an attempt to gain equity and sell in 5-10 years to pay off my ppor? Or given the high costs involved in buying/selling, should I look to invest in other ways to achieve this goal?
  17. Alex Hill: Are all house and land packages dud investments? In 2013 I bought land in North Lakes QLD and built a lowest house. I spent about $50K over median price for the area, trying to maintain some owner-occupier resale appeal. Itโ€™s currently cash flow neutral but Iโ€™m concerned there will never be any growth, and Iโ€™ll now struggle to accumulate a deposit for a second investment property. What are your thoughts?
  18. Amy Hambin: When building an investment property is yield calculated on land and construction costs or the first valuation on completion?
  19. Daniel Stocks: Hi guys, do you often come across clients who’s properties come in at less than purchase price when applying for finance?
  20. Sam Hockey: Hey guys, am I better off looking at an investment property towards the upper end of my lending capacity ($800k) to get into the better areas of Brisbane or looking further out for something around $400k to setup my next investment property purchase sooner? Love the podcast I’ve just finished it for the 2nd time around!!
  21. Richard Bristoe: Hi Bryce and Ben, I just want to ask what are your thoughts on Brexit, and how it will affect the Australian property market in the short and long term?
  22. Mitch Scholard: Would love your thoughts on the Sunshine Coast, I feel like it has great owner occupier appeal but not sure it has the income to keep property prices increasing.
  23. Daniel Stocks: If looking for properties interstate in unfamiliar areas, what advice can you give for narrowing down investment grade suburbs?
  24. Tammy Nguyen: What are your thoughts on the Logan area in Brisbane?
  25. Sam Hockey: How much does a Buyers Agent cost?
  26. Gaz Slater: How long do you wait for a city that’s nearing the bottom of its cycle before buying. Eg Perth.


55 | Investment savvy mortgage broker and why interest rate is not king?

The last time we did a podcast on finding a mortgage broker was in Episode 43. We’ve received a lot of feedback after that episode on what kind of questions the borrower should ask to determine if the broker they are speaking to is investment savvy and if there are any websites that sort of serve as a directory.

Ep 55 - Investment savvy mortgage broker and why interest rate is not kingSo this time around, our hosts will be sharing a framework to help you understand the difference between a banker and an investment savvy mortgage broker. They will also be focusing on the differences between lenders and things to look out for between the lenders. Lastly, they’ll discuss the all time question on, “Why is interest rate NOT king?”.


Free resources:
– Watch Ben on The Today Show here
– Money Magazine’s March 2016 Cover Story
– Money SMARTS System – Listen here


If you like this podcast: “Investment savvy mortgage broker and why interest rate is not king?”, don’t forget to rate us at our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/

53 | The Money SMARTS System

By now, our listeners should understand the importance of good money management habits. It is the core of building a successful property investment portfolio and has been reiterated multiples times throughout this podcast.

Since episode 3, as part of the Four Pillars of Mastery, Bryce and Ben have talked in various occasions about Cash Flow Management and the flow of money in your household. This includes where money comes from, types of spending and types of investments for your surplus. In episode 41, they talked about the moving parts of cash flow management otherwise known as the money and accumulation model. This model looks at variables and assumptions to consider when you’re modelling sophisticated money and wealth outcomes.

Ep 53 Money SMARTS system - which account do I use - picOn page 58 of the Armchair Guide to Property Investing, they introduced the money SMARTS system. It’s a money management system and the name stands for Surplus, Mindset, Application, Resources, Timelines and Strategy. The book provided an overall summary of each section and also some tips on how you can set up this account structure yourself. But we’ve received some feedback that our readers would like us to explain this little bit more so that is exactly what Bryce and Ben have done in this podcast.

As an extension of the money SMARTS system, we are also sharing a “cheat sheet” on which account to use for different types of expenses. Just fill in your details below and we’ll send you the link to download it.




NEW Update:

Since this episode was produced, we’ve published a Free Online Platform and a Book (now a best seller) to help our community implement Money SMARTS better. If you’re interested, simply fill in the form below to create a free account and download a free e-copy of the book!

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