102 | Do We Have A Housing Affordability Issue?

Finally, back in the studio again this week and as mentioned in Ben’s latest RBA’s cash rate announcement video, this episode of the podcast has Bryce and Ben talking about the all time hot debate topic: The Housing Affordability Issue. But before that, we just want to highlight that the podcast has reached another one of our milestone!


A big thank you to all of our listeners for tuning in! We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without your support, reviews, feedbacks and all the amazing questions that you’ve sent in! Our next milestone target is 5,000,000 downloads so if you think we are a good bunch of people and the contents are helpful, just let someone else know. 😉

Anyway, back to today’s podcast. Today’s topic is clearly one that Bryce and Ben are both passionate about, as you will hear in this episode. From questioning the ‘affordability’ issue that we are facing, suggestions to help improve this, infrastructure developments that would benefit Australians, the political aspects of urban development and negative gearing, the importance of controlled immigration and population growth, to talking about Money SMARTS and discussing different household configurations; it will be particularly interesting for you all to listen to the different reasons and situations that could affect affordability for anyone, in any part of Australia.

Make sure you don’t miss this episode!

And the other stuff mentioned in this episode are:


And as always, if you like this episode (Do We Have A Housing Affordability Issue?), don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. Any questions or ideas? Feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/

Bonusisode – A Boxing Day Chat Between The Property Couch and Smart Property Investment Show

SURPRISE! On this Boxing Day, we are having a joint podcast with Phil Tarrant from Smart Property Investment Show! Phil joined us back in Episode 52 talking about his journey as a property investor but in this Bonusisode (Bonus Episode), the focus will be on investing in property in 2017! Ben and Phil will be chatting about:

  • The health of the Australian Property Market in 2017
  • Understanding the different market cycles and how economic activities and infrastructure development may change the market’s trajection
  • How to filter out all the noise regarding property investing and look at hard facts when making an investment decision
  • The prospects and returns from investing in apartments and city fringe location
  • What are their thoughts on the lenders’ out-of-cycle rate rise
  • What are the criteria lenders are looking for in an ideal borrower
  • The importance of borderless investing and buying counter cyclical when building out your portfolio


If you like this podcast: “Bonusisode – A Boxing Day Chat Between The Property Couch and Smart Property Investment Show”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/.

094 | Which Market to Invest in for 2017? – Chat with Nerida Conisbee, Chief Economist for the REA Group

Keeping to our Summer Series tradition, Bryce and Ben are joined by yet another special guest in today’s episode; Nerida Conisbee – The Chief Economist of The REA Group: now the biggest digital real estate company in the world! With more than 20 years property research experience throughout Asia Pacific, Nerida also appears every Saturday on SkyNews Real Estate program, is an adviser on property market conditions to major Government bodies and has held senior positions within commercial agencies and major consulting firm.

Leveraging on her experience and knowledge in the property industry, the three of them will be chatting about:

  • How are the two capital cities, Sydney and Melbourne performed in 2016 particularly in the apartment market and what’s the outlook for 2017
  • What’s the level of housing affordability for property buyers across Australia
  • Investing habits between Sydney and Melbourne, and how these compare to major cities around the world and the drivers that are slowing down property listing in those two cities
  • Potential changes to the lifestyle trends in Sydney where houses are less affordable for young home buyers and how this would affect Melbourne
  • Research data and methodology in commercial real estate as compared to residential real estate
  • Seeing the GDP drop and finding that balance between the property market being strong and weak; therefore, knowing when the best time to sell is
  • The 2017 outlook for Perth, Brisbane, Hobart, Adelaide, Darwin and Canberra and which market to invest in for 2017


We hope you enjoyed this podcast and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the topics brought up! And here’s the site that Nerida mentioned in today’s podcast:


If you like this podcast: “Which Market to Invest in for 2017? – Chat with Nerida Conisbee”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/.

093 | How to Negotiate to Win?

In today’s podcast, a much-anticipated topic features. But first, Bryce and Ben discuss the recently released GDP numbers for the September quarter. With a fall of 0.5%, what does this mean for us Australians? How will business confidence and the Australian Property Market be affected? And more importantly, is this a really bad thing?

After discussions on the GDP as well as further mentions of our 100th episode (that’s coming up very soon!), today’s main topic – as stated in the title, is: “How to Negotiate to Win”.

Not all of us are used to or are comfortable in negotiating as it can be quite confrontational. But Bryce and Ben do it on a daily basis so today, they’ve decided to dish out some of their most useful pointers and success stories to help you with your next purchase! Not only do they let us in on some of the most helpful tips, they also tell us what to look out for and common mistakes people tend to make.

With one of Australia’s leading Buyers Agents opening up about the secrets of negotiating, this is definitely an episode to tune in to!

A couple of tips to listen out for include:

If you enjoyed this episode of “How to Negotiate to Win”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page.

If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/contact/

090 | Future of the Australian Property Market Post Donald Trump – Chat with Tim Lawless

Today’s episode is special guest day and joining Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley is Australia’s leading property analyst and CoreLogic’s Director of Research, Tim Lawless, who will discuss the future of each state in Australia. Following on from last week’s episode of President-Elect, Donald Trump and the uncertainty his win will have on the market; Bryce, Ben and Tim move on to discuss what the positives to follow are due to the presidential win, even though it’s is still early days.

So in today’s episode, the main areas these three will be talking about are:

  • Tim’s backstory and experience as a property analyst and how he got to where he is today
  • CoreLogic and research methodologies for the monthly reports
  • The potential risk if interest rates rise in Melbourne and Sydney
  • Wealth bases for Hobart, Canberra, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin
  • What the government needs to do to help and stimulate employment for those states that are in decline
  • Trends in population and what this means for Australian property market
  • The uncertainty of Trump’s win and how this has affected the market and what potential effects are to follow

We hope you enjoy this latest post and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matters brought up…even if it is a response to their thoughts on Kim Kardashian or Kanye West running for the next US election!

And here’s the reports mentioned in today’s podcast:


If you like this podcast: “Future of the Australian Property Market Post Donald Trump – Chat with Tim Lawless”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/


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