089 | What Impact will Donald Trump have on the Australian Property Market?

Today’s podcast is a particularly interesting one as it gets a bit more political than usual! From talks about Brexit to the results of the American election last night, Episode 89 delves deep into one of the most talked about general elections in recent years and its potential effects on not only the United States, but on the world economy. Less than 24 hours after the result of the American general election, Bryce and Ben both discuss the potential impact of the new president-elect, Donald Trump and how his presidency could affect the Australian housing market.

From discussing whether or not Donald Trump’s approach to his presidency will be pragmatic, these two “property hacks” talk about the effect this will have on stock markets, trade and housing to name a few. The guys will no doubt have enough to keep you interested for the next 30 minutes with their thoughts and predictions of the final result. Start listening to find out more.


If you like this podcast: “What Impact will Donald Trump have on the Australian Property Market?”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/

87 | What’s the Future of the Australian Property Market? – Chat with Dr Andrew Wilson, Chief Economist for the Domain Group

If you were at the Sydney Property Buyer Expo last weekend, you probably listened to this episode already but for those of you who weren’t there, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley recorded a LIVE Podcast with Dr Andrew Wilson on the Future of the Australian Property Market! Dr Andrew Wilson is the Chief Economist for the Domain Group and is an appointed housing market expert and adviser to the Federal Government funded, Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network. He holds a PhD and Masters by Research in Housing Market Economics and has previously held senior property and construction research positions within industry, academia and government.

So for today’s episode, the three of them will be talking about:

  • Why is he so optimistic about the Australian Property Market?
  • With Sydney and Melbourne experiencing double-digit growth in recent years, are there any trend or changes to investing in residential property?
  • How long with Sydney and Melbourne’s property market continue to grow at the current rate?
  • What is the level of investors’ activity in Melbourne and Sydney and how will this affect these cities in the future?
  • Is there a housing under-supply issue in the Sydney metropolitan area?
  • What is the outlook on other states such as Perth, Brisbane and Darwin?
  • Will there be a different type of property market cycle in the future and where are we heading to?
  • How will the demographic in metropolitan areas changes and the ratio between tenants and owner occupiers


As mentioned in the podcast, if you would like a copy of Dr Andrew Wilson’s slides (Australian housing markets report; Sydney back to the boom – The rise and rise of investor), just fill in the form below and we’ll send it directly to your email:

Free resources: Dr Andrew Wilson Slides

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If you like this podcast: “What’s the Future of the Australian Property Market? – Chat with Dr Andrew Wilson”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/

085 | Is NOW The Time To Invest In Property In Australia?

Are you into economics, numbers, trend lines and the Property reports released by CoreLogic? If you are, this episode is just for you! It can be a bit heavy and we recommend you to download CoreLogic Monthly Housing & Economic Chart Pack for October 2016 to have a full understanding of what Bryce and Ben would be talking today. Their focus is on Page 10 of the report, titled Investor lending is picking up again as owner occupier lending fades a little.

Bryce and Ben are also a bit concern about the current market’s movement and if we are heading towards a bubble-like scenario. If so, would now be a good time to invest in property? Tune it to find out more!

PS: They will also be talking about the recent article Ben contributed to Australian Property Investor Magazine regarding Timing vs. Time in the Market and the differences between these investing concepts!

Free resources mentioned in this podcast:

  • CoreLogic Monthly Housing & Economic Chart Pack, October 2016 – Download here
  • FREE Tickets to the Sydney Property Buyer Expo (Coupon code: PBE16BRYHOL) – Get them here


If you like this podcast: “Is NOW The Time To Invest In Property?”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/

083 | Do you think like a sophisticated Property Investor?

If you are new to property investment, don’t you want to know what the sophisticated property investors are doing? Why would you want to reinvent the wheels? It will certainly save you more time and money if you understand the norms and fundamentals from those who have already experienced the journey. So this time on The Property Couch podcast, our hosts will be discussing the practices of a sophisticated property investor.

Their discussion will be based on the recently released PIPA Annual Investor Sentiment Survey. It’s the only sentiment survey for property investors in Australia and has a unique sample of Australia’s property investment community. Distributed via PIPA’s extensive investor networks, it provides a rich insight into the views of Australia’s investors.

Some of the key findings discussed in this episode are:

  • What do investors feel about the long-term merits of real estate?
  • Does negative gearing really matter?
  • What kind of dwellings are the sophisticated property investor going for?
  • How much attention are they giving to the property market cycle?
  • Where do they get their advice from?

Tune in to start listening!


Free resources mentioned in this podcast:

  • 2016 Annual Investor Sentiment Survey – Download here
  • Webinar with Bryce Holdaway and Jane Slack-Smith on Renovating an Ugly Duckling – Register here
  • FREE Tickets to the Sydney Property Buyer Expo (Coupon code: PBE16BRYHOL) – Get them here


If you like this podcast: “Do you think like a sophisticated Property Investor?”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/

078 | Ten Biggest Risks when Investing in Property in Australia

Investing in property is considered as a relatively safe investment class but as with other types of investments, there are some downfalls that you need to be aware of. So in this week’s podcast, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley will be sharing their ten biggest property investment risks.
Ep 78 - 10 Biggest property risks by The Property Couch 4

They will be unpacking this list from a macro point of view such as factors that are beyond an investor’s control down to a micro level. Bryce and Ben will also be discussing some risk mitigation strategy that investors can apply when building their property portfolio.

The first macro risk is General Market and Economic Risks. Although each one of us contributes to the country’s performance as a whole, individually, we still can’t influence it much (unless of course, you are a multi-billionaire). So, if a country is performing poorly for example, during the GFC period, some property market would be affected, and this would impose some degree of risk if you are a property investor. Economic activities in a state level also could be a risk because this affects employment rate in the area and hence, your potential tenants as well the value of the investment property.

Listen to the podcast to find out the other 9 property investment risks.


Some of the resources mentioned in this podcast:

  • Webinar Replay with Jane Slack-Smith and Peter Koulizos – Register here
  • Facebook Live Chat (September 13) – Join here
  • Vote for us for the Reader’s Choice Award – Vote here
  • Episode 5 – Asset selection – Listen here
  • Episode 31 – Checklist to getting a great property manager – Listen here
  • Episode 53 – The Money SMARTS System – Listen here



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