264 | How $4,000 Turned into Six Properties – Chat with Joey

When he bought his first investment property, Joey D’Agata was too nervous to do his own bidding. But, flash forward four years, and he’s now self-built a high-income producing portfolio consisting of SIX properties. And, even more impressive… he’s only 26!!

So folks… how on earth did Joey make this happen for himself? Especially considering the fact that when he first started saving, he was earning less than $50,000 a year and was seriously concerned that someone in their twenties wouldn’t be able to afford to buy a SINGLE property, let alone go ahead and invest in six of them.

So, the multi-million dollar question is… how’d he do it?

Well, this is where the $4,000 comes in…..

… Keep in mind, there’s a bit more of a back story here, which we’re unpacking in this episode, but here’s the quick overview: Joey “embraced” Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI).

Now, when it comes to Lenders Mortgage Insurance, we always say… “Avoid it when you can, but embrace it when you have to.”

Why??? … well, that $4,000 cost went on to put Joey in a position where he could buy another FIVE properties.


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Today’s “Lecture Notes”




Bonusisode – Find Out How YOU Compare To Everyone Else in Australia: Brand New Feature Available Now (Yes, it’s Free!)

So… Have you ever wondered…
  • How do you match-up financially for your age?
  • How do you measure-up to other households like yours?
  • How are you tracking compared to others?
If you have, that’s great!! We’re thrilled to announce this new update on Money FIT which allows you to…
  • Compare household incomes
  • Compare household total expenditure
  • Compare down to each expense item level i.e Your Grocery spend vs. Others Surveyed
Getting excited (or nervous) about the prospects of finally get a far better idea of where you stand — financially?
Well, what if we told you that you can also filter the data for greater insights… Your household compositions vs. others by:
  • Age group
  • Location
  • Expense item
  • Household Income
  • Surplus money
  • Net worth
  • Nest egg
Remember, knowledge is empowering but only if you act on it.
Log in to MyWealth Portal Now and check it out! 👉 https://tpc.moneysmarts.com.au/

And here’s the demo video folks:

Log in to check out Money FIT now: https://tpc.moneysmarts.com.au/

Don’t have an account? Create a free one right now! Just fill in the form below:


Hi it’s Ben Kingsley here, and I’m flying solo for this bonus episode! I’m delighted to be able to announce to you something that I had hinted about a few episodes ago — a couple of months earlier — around a brand new feature on The Property Couch’s MyWealth Portal.

As you know, we’re on this crusade — this mission to help households create, manage and organise their money; manage it property and thrive to trap more surplus and put that money to work. And part of our strategy is this brand new area that we’ve been testing for the last couple of months, which we call… Money FIT.

So you might have heard us use that wording before, right? Money FIT’s purpose is to effectively allow you to be able to compare your finances with other households.

Now, I want to give you just a little bit of a backstory on this. I’m very fortunate that there are a lot of people coming in to our workplace and we sit down and we talk money all day and we talk property all day.

And in those exchanges I can share with you what some household’s biggest fears are. And when I sit down and have a chat to them, we get to build rapport and trust. And when we have that trust as their accountability partner and they can see that we’re trying to work for them. They lean in a little bit and they ask me this question — I asked this question of all of our advisors — snd that question is….

… How do we compare? Does everyone similar to us spend what we do? And are the spending their money on the same things as us?  How do we stack up?

Well, up until now, that was always a difficult question to answer. So, what we’ve been able to do is pool all of this information from everyone on our MyWealth Portal. We grabbed their data and we basically want to share that information with you.

Of course, no names — it’s all aggregated, non-personalised data. And I want to share with you some examples of what we do. So, first thing we look at is their total household income compared to the other households that we’ve surveyed. And how can you filter this data? You can filter the comparisons by state or you can filter it by age range. Now what it’s doing when you go onto the MyWealth Portal is it’s also capturing your household profile. So your household composition — and in that particular case means you can be a single person household, you can be a couple household, you can be a couple with one, two, three, four, 10 dependents — and once it has that information, it then starts to analyse you against the surveyed households, all the people who are using the Portal. So we start with household income, we then move to your overall household expenditure.


Now, this is where we also say it doesn’t matter the income your earning. We believe that every household can achieve a level of financial freedom and financial peace by organising and managing and their money better.

So we then go into the expense area, which we just said, and so we want the expenses to be in the lower range. Okay? If your income’s not in the high range, doesn’t matter. Try and be very, very careful in terms of what you’re spending there. How would you do that? Well, how we’ve been able to do that in the MyWealth Portal is llow you to be able to then look at EACH expense item.

That’s right. You can say, here we are as a couple in Victoria age between 30 and 35 and we can compare ourselves against all age groups or we can go into our particular age range and I can compare against everyone in Australia and look at thousands and thousands of households.

Or I can actually go down to the state level and then I go, Let’s have a look at groceries. Let’s have a look at electricity. Let’s have a look at hobbies. Let’s have a look at takeaway food spend. And you can start to see how you compare against those households. So the great debate that can sometimes occur in the household… the fear about how you’re tracking, all of those things. You can start to show up when you start to have a look at your situation against other households.


Then we move to how much surplus cash are you trapping. How do you compare it? What percentage are yous. You will see it all on the graphics we provide — you’ll see your range allocation, in terms of your situation.


So there is a demo video.

I have shot a demo video that is going to be in the show notes and you’ll be able to then see your surplus. And then you can also have a look at your net worth compared to everyone who’s using these free platforms.

So there you have it — a brand new feature Live on the MyWealth Portal!

How do you get there? Really simple. Head to tpc.moneysmarts.com.au

You can get on there if you haven’t already been on the portal and sign up for free (it’ll always be FREE) and kick the tires. You then load in your expenditure information, your income information. You tell us, you know, your household composition. So do you have a partner? Do you have any dependence? As soon as we have that information, you can then click on the Money FIT link and off you go!


Go and kick the tires on it, see how you match up; how you can compare. Make it a challenge for yourself as we go into the New Year…. see how you are tracking your money compared to thousands and thousands of other households in Australia.

So I’ll put the challenge out to you, go and check it out and then give us some feedback. You can contact us at [email protected] if you have any issues finding out where you sit, or what you most enjoyed learning about exactly how you compare against other fellow Australians and how they’re managing their money.


Thanks for listening to this bonus episode. Have a great Christmas and I’ll look forward to talking to you in the New Year!


Log in to check out Money FIT now: https://tpc.moneysmarts.com.au/

Don’t have an account? Create a free one right now! Just fill in the form below:


263 | How A Bag of M&Ms Set The Foundation For A $120,000 Passive Income – Chat with Keno

It turns out a bag of M&Ms has the power to build a passive income…

Sure, there’s a few more steps to get from “A bag of M&Ms” to “A passive income”… but you can bet on the fact that it does NOT take away from today’s epic story line!

And it’s one heck of an epic storyline that involves not JUST a packet of chocolates… but also 50 cents… a half-year-long sabbatical and… wait for it…. a property portfolio consisting of only TWO INVESTMENT PROPERTIES that will deliver $120,000 passive income in retirement!!!

Spoiler alert: today’s guest Keno Diamante is about to tell you exactly why planning ahead WILL change the game for you! And why is he in a position to share this story?? Well folks, he’s walking proof of it!

Another ripper episode in our Summer Series that can’t be missed. Hear it straight from the mouths of the folks who’ve gone and put their knowledge into action!

Before we get to the awesome chat with Keno today, here’s a quick message to all Queensland Property Owners. The Queensland Government has proposed changes to the rental tenancy legislation and you only have until 5pm, Saturday 28 December 2019 to have a say. So it’s imperative to act now and ensure property investors are heard on an issue that will affect your financial security. To help you make your submission below are the guide from PICA or you can also click here for a step-by-step instructions. You can also cut and paste the information below or make amendments as you see fit:


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The Gold Covered in This Episode…


Quote of The Episode

“Imperfect action beats perfect inaction.”


Keen to Get Started with Money SMARTS like Keren?

Fill in the form below and create your account on our Money SMARTS Platform now!

Already have an account? Log in here.






262 | Before & After: From “Scared and Sold Everything” To Financial Peace – Chat with Gabby

“80% of winning is beginning”

 When Gabby first invested in property, she lost her nerve and pulled the pin early … she sold everything. And a very big reason she got rid of the lot was simple and actually pretty common — she didn’t have enough confidence that she could “weather the storms” accordingly.

But then she found Money SMARTS, our simple 7-step money management system… and now Gabby’s life — as well as that of her husband and their 11 and 13 year-old kids — looks a WHOLE lot different!! For one, they have financial peace… and, armed with a strategic Plan to earn a passive income for life, they’re about to embark on investing again… this time with confidence they’ll be able to hold onto the properties for the LONG TERM.

The question is… what did this transformation look (and feel) like???

Well, tune in folks because that’s exactly what you’re about to find out!! Yep. We started our Summer Series with James Clear teaching us How To Hack Your Habits To Make You A Better Money Manager … and now you’re about to hear it from someone who went ahead and actioned it!


AND a Special Announcement to fellow Investors out there…

As Ben mentioned, if you own an investment property in Victoria, the proposed changes to the Victorian Rental Tenancy Act will impact you, so it’s important that you act now. Given the significant changes to the Act, your property could be impacted in terms of:
1. It’s future Value
2. How you manage the property going forward
3. Your tenant selection process

The Property Investors Council of Australia (PICA) is asking you to make a personal submission to the Victorian Government regarding this legislation. You only have until 5pm on Wednesday 18 December 2019 to have your say on the draft regulations. You must act now to ensure property investors are heard.

To help you make your submission please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on this link here to open your word submission document. Give it a name- ie “John Smith’s submission form” and add your name to the bottom of the submission (in the highlighted red section). Save it in your computer.
  2. Click on this link https://engage.vic.gov.au/rentingregulations and scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. In the “Make a submission” section, enter your name and email, leave the section titled ‘organisation name’ blank. This ensures the submission is entered as a private individual and not part of PICA as we have already submitted one.
  4. Click on “Choose file…” and look for the submission form that you’ve saved on your computer. Click on “Open” and that will attach the file.
  5. Click on “Submit”


Free Resources Mentioned:


The Episode Breakdown

05:20 – Gabby’s Money Backstory! (You can hear what money was like in our own lives here)
12:55 – When did Gabby decide to get serious with money?
18:16 – What was it like to see Money SMARTS visually?
19:21 – How transformative is an offset account?
22:31 – What “provisions” are being tracked?
24:10 – How long is the monthly check up?
25:20 – How has Money SMARTS impacted the way Gabby buys groceries?
26:44 – Who had the most difficulty getting used to the 7Day Float?
28:00Money Lessons for Kids: talking money around the dinner table
28:20 – How is their money working harder now?
32:20 – What app does Gabby use to help her manage the 7 Day Float?
33:20Why advice?
40:10 – Gabby’s advice for you….


Keen to Get Started with Money SMARTS like Gabby?

Fill in the form below and create your account on our Money SMARTS Platform now!

Already have an account? Log in here.








261 | How to Hack Your Habits to Make You a Better Money Manager – Chat with James Clear

Have you ever wanted to create better habits… and have them stick for the long term… even when your willpower is gone??

If you’re like us (and practically every other human on the planet), chances are you probably have! Despite the best of intentions, at some point or other ALL of us have struggled to stick with positive routines or follow through on what we said we’d do!

So, folks, imagine if right now you were about to get an easy and proven way to build good habits AND break bad ones….. well, you can imagine how game-changing it be, right??

Well, we’ve talked this guest up for a while now… and it’s about time we introduce him to you…

Here, all the way from US, with a practical solution to build a system for getting 1% better every day, is none other than…



Yes, he IS the guy Bryce has been banging on about since we attended the Australian Real Estate Conference (AREC) back in June… and who made a HUGE impact on the two of us… both professionally and personally. And here’s why…

James Clear is a writer and speaker focused on habits, decision-making and continuous improvement. He is the author of the New York Times’ best seller, Atomic Habits (we highly recommend this one folks!). And his website — https://jamesclear.com/ — receives MILLIONS of visitors each month with hundreds of thousands who subscribe to hear his insights, which bridge the gap between scientific research and practical life. James is a regular speaker at Fortune 500 companies and his work is used by coaches and players in the NFL, NBA and MLB.


Here’s just a tip-of-the-iceberg look at what we’re discussing today…

  • Motivation is overrated; environment often matters more
  • How to start small consistent habits that will lead to unimaginable results
  • Forget about goals, focus on systems instead


Before kicking-off THE FIRST EPISODE OF OUR SUMMER SERIES, here are your resources…



Wondering what they chat about throughout the episode??

04:56 – James’s backstory…

08:14 – Why focus on daily habits??

10:47 – How does behaviour science impact our attitude with habits?

12:40 – What is the downside to goal-setting?

14:09 – What happens if there’s a gap between your goals and your systems? (And why do systems ALWAYS trump goals?)

16:11 – How does habit formation apply to Money SMARTS?

17:37 What is “Scaling Down” and how can you do it to sustain good habits?

19:27 – Why do you need to emphasise the entry point?

20:41 – What’s the one thing you need for true behaviour change?

23:13 – What common habits can you move the needle on quickly?


31:15 – How do you create your environment to encourage good habits?

35:40 – Why do you need to Master the Art of Delayed Gratification?

35:57 – What is The Valley of Death? (And how do you get through it?)

39:06 – GOLD!

42:35 – What does James recommend?

43:51 – How does James get so much done??

47:55 – How do you deal with disappointment and setbacks?


And here are the Books James Clear Recommends…


“A habit is not a finish line to be crossed, it’s a lifestyle to be lived”





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