RBA November 2019 – Signs that the Economy may be on the Up?

After three cuts this year alone, will we be expecting a fourth cut? It’s the first Tuesday of the month folks which means the Reserve Bank of Australia has just released their official cash rate!

And it looks like there are a bit more positivity coming into the economy! Here’s what Ben will be unpacking in this month’s session:

  • What’s happening in the US and the Fed Reserve?
  • Update on the US-China Trade Deal and how it’ll impact the rest of the world
  • The IMF Global Forecast for 2020
  • Where is Australia’s inflation trend going and where does the RBA wants it to be
  • Newest update from CoreLogic Housing Market Index
  • How’s the construction activities performing and will this improve the housing market?
  • Are there any positive bounce in consumer spending and sentiment following the tax incentives?




DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

For more information, please visit: http://thepropertycouch.com.au

RBA October 2019 – Third Time Lucky?

It’s the first Tuesday of the month folks which means the RBA Board has met and announced the official cash rate!

So… are the 75% of economists out there correct?? … has there been a THIRD CASH RATE DROP this year? Tune in to find out more.

And here’s what Ben will be unpacking in this month’s session:

  • What has influenced RBA’s Cash Rate decision?
  • Has the tax cut shown any impact in recent months’ data?
  • What’s holding the economy at the moment?
  • Will there be any Fiscal Policies from the Government to encourage spending?
  • How will the next Federal Budget look like?
  • Why we are NOT in a recession?
  • and of course.. what’s happening with the Global Economy?


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

For more information, please visit: http://thepropertycouch.com.au

RBA September 2019 – Is the Australian Economy REALLY that bad?

Businesses cut back as weak economy puts pressure on profits. Australia managed to survive the global recession – but all that good work has been wasted. The worst surplus ever: β€˜Obsession’ rocking the Australian economy.

These are just some of the headlines when you search for “Australian Economy” on Google. Is it really that bad? Are we really going towards a rocky time? What does the fresh data telling us?

That’s what Ben will be explaining in today’s RBA commentary folks! Apart from that, he’ll also be covering a variety of topics such as:

  • What’s happening with the US-China Trade Deal and what’s President Trump is hoping for?
  • Are there anything else happening around the world that has a direct impact on Australia?
  • Is the Australian Economy as bad as the media is saying it is?
  • What’s the main focus for the RBA at the moment?
  • How’s business confidence now that more post-election data is available?
  • And more!

Now, let’s dive into RBA September 2019 Cash Rate Announcement!


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

For more information, please visit: http://thepropertycouch.com.au

RBA August 2019 – Should you be FIXING your Rate?

This is NOT the time to fix your mortgage.

It’s odd, isn’t it? The cash rate is on an all-time low and the lenders have been cutting their rates, both fixed and variable. So why is it not the time to go for a fixed loan?

We know it’s a big statement and that’s why Ben will be explaining all that in today’s RBA commentary folks! Apart from that, he’ll also be covering a variety of topics such as:

  • What’s happening with the US-China Trade Deal and how did the US Chair of Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell reacted to it?
  • What’s the main focus for the RBA at the moment?
  • How will the slight improvement in inflation impact the economy?
  • Is retail spending moving in the right trend?
  • Have we finally bottomed out in the Property Market or are there a couple more months to go?

Now, let’s dive into RBA August 2019 Cash Rate Announcement!


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

For more information, please visit: http://thepropertycouch.com.au

RBA July 2019 – Twice in a row??

75% of economists predicted another rate drop… Are they right?… or wrong?

As mentioned previously, unemployment and wage growth is a priority for the RBA and despite last month’s cut, there wasn’t a lot of movement found in these two economic indicators.

So the RBA Board has decided to drop another 25 basis points bringing the cash rate to 1%. Find out what other factors have triggered this decision including if the US-China Trade Deals has anything to do with it!

AND if you’d like more data on Ben’s commentary today, here are a few resources:

Now, let’s dive into RBA July 2019 Cash Rate Announcement!

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.

For more information, please visit: http://thepropertycouch.com.au


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