025 | Q&A – High LVR, Capital Gains Tax, Cross Collateralisation and SMSF Property

Its Questions and Answers time! Thanks for all the suggestions on new topics to cover in this podcast. For today’s episode, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley will be addressing questions from:

  • High Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) question from Andy : As a relatively new investor, would you recommend gearing as many of my initial purchases at 90-95% LVR as possible to help get ahead early on and do you foresee a lot of the banks starting to restrict this type of lending going forward with the interest rates currently so low. If you do recommend it, how do we best manage the risk for the first few years until the properties grow and loans come down to the 80% mark?
  • The Property Couch - Property investing podcast - smsf propertyCapital Gain Tax (CGT) question from Paul : It would be great if an episode could cover “capital gain tax“. I have recently had to sell an investment property due to lifestyle decision but didn’t incur any charges as it was my first place. In future if I have to sell to upgrade to a bigger investment It would be great to know the CGT laws in each state.
  • Cross Collaterisation from Andrew : In recent Episode 20 you touched on cross collateralisation and while it is not the best option, IΒ  was wondering if you could expand on where you might need to use, why you would use it, to what extent would you use it and how would you un-cross collateralise your portfolio?
  • SMSF and Property from Billy : I’m interested in using a Self Managed Super Fund to invest my super in property. I’d like to hear your opinions on this subject. Would you recommend SMSF Property or not?


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