309 | The Top 5 Money Derailers in Relationships And How To Overcome Them – Chat with Joanne Wilson

Did you know that one of the main reasons relationships breakdown is actually due to… Money??!

Yep. Finance places a lot of pressure on couples, and indeed families… so is it possible to build wealth AND maintain a wholesome and happy relationship with your significant other? Further to that, folks… how exactly can we get “on the same page” with our partners when it comes to money WITHOUT it ending in an argument neither of us really want to have?

Well, this is where today’s episode comes in… joining us is Joanne Wilson, The Relationship Rejuvenator and author of Renovate Your Relationship – All The DIY Tools For Your Most Important Project. Jo is a neuropsychotherapist and relationship expert with over 10 years’ experience helping individuals and couples improve their lives and relationships. And, as you can imagine, she’s definitely seen her fair share of couples struggling over money matters!

In fact, Jo’s picked up on The Top 5 Money Derailers in Relationships – including the “3 Corrosive C’s” that’ll destroy any committed couple! And she’s here to tell us exactly how couples can overcome these and instead look forward to a financially rewarding future… together!

So… what’s happening at the coalface of the consult room??

Strap yourselves in folks, ‘cos we’re about to have the hard conversation almost all of us need to hear!


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Here’s a bit of what we cover in today’s episode…



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