Our Summer Series 2018/19!

For our Summer Series this time, we’re including everyone in our community; both experts of the industry as well as our fellow listeners!
Yes, it’s never been done before and what’s more, we are producing it TWICE A WEEK!

No doubt it’s a bit tricky but it’s all worth it. The wisdom and inspiration from our guests are exceptional.

You do not want to miss this series folks! 

So to help you catch up, here’s a link of all our Summer Series episode. Enjoy!


Thank you once again to all our guests for joining is on the show. It was an absolute pleasure chatting with all of you superstars and we look forward to a great 2019 ahead!


And if YOU would like to share your story with us, we’d love to hear it! Just fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch when our next series start. 😉

  • Name

  • Nickname
  • (Do you have a nickname/alias you want used on the podcast?)

  • Email

  • Contact Number

  • And a quick summary on your Money Story!

    Let's start with What Money Means to You. We are interested to know what motivates you particularly when it comes to money. From the options below, please select the top five that matter to you.

  • A quick summary on your Money Story!
  • Don't spill all the beans 😉

  • And finally, have you implemented our MoneySMARTS system?

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.





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