249 | The 4-Step Framework to Renovate or Build Your Home…AND Enjoy It! – Chat with Amelia Lee

Considering renovating or building your own home? If so, this is the perfect episode for you!! Here’s why…

We’ve got Amelia Lee, the architect behind Undercover Architect, an award-winning online resource to teach folks how to design, build or renovate their homes. To give you an idea, she’s been in the industry for over 25 years and has solid personal experience in the trenches as a “serial renovator”!

And the best part? Amelia’s on a serious mission to take the “bamboozle” out of the renovation, building and design process!

‘Cos let’s be real folks… these projects can often be draining on the ol’ tolerance levels/bank account/relationship health/overall health… BUT as you’re about to find out… it doesn’t have to be like this AT ALL!!

(Ben’s now wishing he chatted with Amelia BEFORE he attempted three renovations on the one house!)…

‘Cos, what d’ya know… it turns out that renovating and building your own home can actually be….enjoyable!!

And all you need to do is follow Amelia’s simple, 4-step framework…. BEFORE you even pick up a hammer, tear down a kitchen sink or stub your toe on an exposed nail, cursing and questioning why you ever took the project on. (And/or telling yourself “never again!” like our mate Ben… who went ahead and did do it again AND AGAIN, oblivious to the fact that this wonderful framework existed.)

Learn from Ben’s mistakes folks — avoid hemorrhaging cash.

Go get your overalls ready…. this is going to be fun!


The Top SEVEN Takeaways…

  1. What does building and renovating with “intention” look like?
  2. How can you stretch your dollar further?
  3. Who do you need on your team?
  4. What are the big slipups people often don’t think about?
  5. How do you find a decent builder?
  6. What things are the top considerations for investors and homeowners?
  7. Would an architect ever be an owner-builder? (and should you???)


P.S. It’s our 250th episode next week folks… that means… MEGA GUEST… AND… MEGA GIVEAWAYS…

… so make sure you show up!


P.P.S. We’ve been doing exciting stuff via Facebook lately… so, if you haven’t already… Like and Follow Us on Facebook to Get the Unannounced Social-Media-Only Gold!


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