290 | Why Job Security Does NOT Equal Income Security… And Why You Must Know The Difference Before the Next “X-Factor” Event Catches You Out

If there’s one thing COVID-19 has taught us, it’s this: “Job Security is Everything”. But if we think about it…is it really?!

Sure, the global pandemic – the “X-factor” event if you will – caught quite a few of us (well all of us, really) off guard…but it quickly became obvious that life was interrupted for folks at VERY diverse levels.

Cue: Income Security.

Yep, Income Security looks and feels a whole lot different than just having a job to show up to. In fact, we vouch for the fact that it is the #1 Most Important Thing to focus your energy on if you want financial peace…EVEN during the most uncertain of times. ‘Cos now that a real-world “X-Factor” event has indeed struck, folks are left in two distinct camps: 1) folks who can take advantage when opportunity strikes and 2) folks who MUST learn from what’s just happened!!

So, today we are diving deep into how to create a passive income WITHOUT having to buy heaps of properties, sacrifice your weekends knocking down walls, or live off two-minute noodles for the rest of your life (who on earth wants to do that?!)

And while we still maintain that the “best time to buy” is when your cashflow allows… we’re going to let you in on the little known tip about the 2020s that you might not know about (hint: it’s great news if you want to invest in property 😉!)

We reckon this episode will help set you up, stay the course and, ultimately, end up with income security that’ll see you through any of life’s curveballs!


Psst… Wanna learn EXACTLY How You Can Build A Multimillion-Dollar Property Portfolio That Creates $2,000 A Week In Passive Income?

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Free Stuff Mentioned


What we cover in today’s episode:


P.S. Yeww, footy’s back!

P.P.S. Your Start and Build Online Course: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/startandbuild


And of course..

If you’re worried about your finances or have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your MoneySMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

Want to learn more about MoneySMARTS? Claim your free copy of our best-selling book Make Money Simple Again which explains it all in detail!


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