200 | Paul Clitheroe – Timeless Wisdom from the Original “Money” Guru

Folks, it’s finally here… our 200th EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!


(This is as close as we can get to a Party Horn sound.)

And, boy, do we have a legendary episode for you!!! To give you an idea folks — when we locked in today’s guest, Ben was cartwheeling and high-fiving all over the joint. And for good reason… because joining us today is none other than THEMoney” man himself, Mr. Paul Clitheroe!!!

Look, we probably don’t need to tell you that from 1993 – 2002, Paul Clitheroe was indeed a household name — appearing in people’s lounge rooms as he hosted the wildly successful show Money on the Nine Network. Yep. Almost one in two households were watching his show, so if you’re like us, and you’ve got a bit of “salt and pepper” in your hair, chances are you were one of the folks watching!

For those Gen Y-ers who might not know Paul, he (along with his uni mates) founded the leading investment research and advisory company ipac, back in 1983. He’s got more than a handful of books to his name — Money, Marriage and Divorce, Making Money, The Road to Wealth, Free Yourself from Debt, Make Your Fortune by 40… and this isn’t even all of them! You can see all of his books here.

To put the cherry on top of his very successful career, Paul’s gone on to dedicate his professional life to serving others, having been an active advocate of financial literacy for DECADES and championing ASIC’s MoneySmart Schools. To give you an idea, he’s Chairman of the Australian Government Financial Literacy Board and Financial Literacy Australia, as well as the Chairman of InvestSMART. Oh, and he’s also Chairman and chief commentator of Money Magazine.

Yep. Doesn’t get much better folks!!

Well, maybe it does… because we’ve got him for over 1.5 hours of rock-solid gold!!! (Yep. You might need to listen on both ways of your commute!!)

Even better?

Paul shares some real life money hacks AND he’s also a ripper storyteller!


Before we kick off this most epic of episodes, we’ve also got YOU a gift for our 200th episode…

CLICK HERE to get the GOLD from our first 20 episodes!

This guide is awash with golden foundational tips and actionable takeaways!

They contain some of our best stuff, and our later episodes draw on the insights from these earlier ones. So it’s crucial you pick up the gold in these, so you don’t miss out on all the really important info (also saves you from trawling through hours and hours of podcast episodes!).

What’s included in this Binge Guide?

  • 90 pages of checklists, diagrams, tables and summary notes from our first 20 episodes
  • Understanding asset selection – know where to buy, pick the right property, time the market and more!
  • Structure your home loans without hitting “glass ceilings” and managing your money well at the same time
  • Lessen your risk and apply the fundamentals
  • How to avoid spruikers and bad advice
  • And much, much more!

Click here to download or simply fill in the form below and we’ll send it to you right away!



  • When did Paul start to think about money habits?
  • What was his parents’ relationship with money?
  • How can parents teach their kids about the value of money?
  • How do you affect behavioural changes around money?
  • What was Paul’s financial mistake?
  • How much did the money his parents put aside turn into?
  • What little things can you start to do now that over time will have huge benefits?
  • Is there a link between happiness and a person’s salary?
  • If so, how much do you need to earn before your happiness is no longer affected?
  • What are kids now being taught in schools? (Head here for more)
  • Are humans programmed to spend 10% more than they earn? How can you fix this?
  • How did Paul overcome his own financial issues when he started his business?
  • How did he end up on ABC’s Four Corners?
  • What was it like meeting Kerry Packer???
  • What do most people think when they see a suit and tie?
  • How was it like juggling a growing business, family and television?
  • What are the common questions Paul gets about money?
  • What is Paul’s #1 Money Tip?
  • When did Australia sell the greatest number of CommBank shares? And why is this relevant?
  • What are Paul’s views on the changing property market?
  • What’s the “aggregate economic effect”?
  • What does Paul think about the proposed changes to negative gearing?
  • Have Australian voters become “red lolly suckers”?
  • What was the BEST advice Paul ever received?

Here’s to 200 more episodes folks!!


And if you’re looking for some practical money-saving hacks, check out our video series below!

[REVEALED] The Money Saving Hacks the Banks Don’t Want You to Know About —- Free 3-Part Video Series

Money Saving Hack #1 — How to Make Sure You NEVER Pay Interest on Your Credit Card
Money Saving Hack #2 — How to Never Unconsciously Overspend Ever Again
Money Saving Hack #3 — How to Put Your Finances on Autopilot

Fill in the form below and we’ll email you the videos right away!

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