108 | Five Ways To Improve Affordability

Back in Episode 102, Bryce and Ben discussed if we are facing an affordability issue and when Jan Somers appeared on our show last month, she mentioned that her aunt was also concerned about housing affordability back in the 1950s. Now, with the Federal Budget just a couple of months away, this topic appears yet again, and it seems to be the favourite amongst our politicians.

This time, the debate is about improving affordability for first home buyers. Now, don’t get us wrong. The Property Couch believes in the Great Australian Dream and owning your home. But as mentioned before, your first home will not be luxurious nor will it tick all the criteria of your dream home. This is about setting the right expectation because you would get to your dream home, and you would be able to get that quarter acre house eventually. But it will not happen overnight. You need to work for it, and you need to be smart with your decisions especially when it comes to money and planning for the future. Your first home, may not be your dream home but this does not mean that your second or third home wouldn’t be.

That is why education around property and awareness on the risk of investing in property is so important. This is one of the suggestions that Bryce and Ben chat about to improve affordability in the Australian Property Market. Tune in to find out the rest.

And the other stuff mentioned in this episode are:

  • Has the Way We Look at Financial Stability Changed Since the Global Financial Crisis? – Speech by Michelle Bullock, Assistant Governor (Financial System) of RBA: Listen/Read Here
  • Core Logic’s Pain and Gain Quarterly Report : Download Here
  • Fact Sheet on Guarantor Loan : Download Here
  • Bryce’s video on the four players in the industry is part of the Property Formula video series. If you are interested to watch this, you can Register Here


And as always, if you like this episode (Five Ways To Improve Affordability), don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel and our Facebook page. Any questions or ideas? Feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/


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