046 | Q&A – Things we would have done differently, Buying sight unseen, Tax and purpose of property, Investment grade in regional centres and Joint ventures

We are back on with the Questions and Answer time for our Summer Series. This week, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley will be answering the questions below from our fellow listeners. Thanks again for submitting your questions!

  • Question from Alex: Aside from getting into property earlier or not selling… knowing what you know now, what 5 things would you both have done differently?
  • Buying sight unseen questions from Lewis : We are currently living overseas and want to want to move back to Australia in a number of years. Late 20s and want to start buying investment properties in 2016, we have two questions.
    1. Best advice for buying property without being able to walk through the property.
    2. Best area to buy in Australia if you don’t know where in Oz you want to move back too!
  • Question on tax implications on property from Chris : A question relating to turning an investment property into a PPR. My partner and I just completed construction of a home which was intended to be an investment property for 5-7 years after which time we were going to move in and make our family home. Situations have changed and we will be able to completely pay off and move into the new house within the next 12 months. Will there be any issues arising from all the tax deductions (ie interest during the build, deprecation etc) Since we will be changing the purpose of the house?
  • Investment grade for regional properties question from Lou: Loving the podcasts – succinct and very informative so thank you! I’m currently saving for my first investment property and I have a couple of questions. I am considering regional Victoria (as I grew up there) and was wondering how ‘Investment Grade‘ the properties are, particularly along the Vic/NSW border. Should I be looking here or become more ‘borderless’ in my approach? I am looking to purchase in 2016 however I’m concerned with the property cycle, should I hold off another year until the market drops or is it likely to only increase in the short/medium term? I understand you can only give general advice, but I would like to know what the generally suspected trends are.
  • Joint venture question from Christopher: I am a first time investor and am looking at buying an older federation era home. For a 3 bedroom home of this style you are looking at a purchase price of around the $550,000 mark. Due to an over inflation of new homes, I can see these are the only worthwhile investments for the future as they have generally around the 1000 sq m block at less than a km from the CBD and are rising in value at around 2-3% per year depending on what renovations are performed where they can be anywhere up to 10%.  To find these funds I am looking at doing a joint venture with a good mate of mine who is a builder, do the minor renovations without overcapitalising, hold it for maybe 5 years rented out for that period and then sell it for hopefully a decent capital gain.  Are joint ventures worth it and will this be a silly strategy for such an old house as depreciation will have been used up already and these older houses can be a pandora’s box once opened up and end up costing way over budget?


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