RBA October 2020 – Is Australia an Economy on the Mend?

It’s a big day today! With the RBA Board just announcing October’s cash rate and the Federal Budget at 7:30pm AEDT tonight! 

So here’s Ben’s update on what’s happening to property markets around the world and in Australia.


Plus, Ben also includes his latest news and commentary on…


And of course… Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

States Update:


And One Final Word…

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your MoneySMARTS platform here and update the numbers.

Want to learn more about MoneySMARTS? Claim your free copy of our best-selling book Make Money Simple Again which explains it all in detail!


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information only and is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley. The information contained in this video is for Australian residents only. The information does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial situation of any potential viewer. It does not constitute, and should not be relied on as, financial or investment advice or recommendations (expressed or implied) and it should not be used as an invitation to take up any investments or investment services. No investment decision or activity should be undertaken on the basis of this information without first seeking qualified and professional advice.

The Property Couch, its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warranties or guarantees. The Property Couch disclaims any and all duty of care in relation to the information and liability for any reliance on investment decisions, claiming the use or guidance of this publication or information contained within it.


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