Meet Ben Kingsley – Oh, wait. You probably have.
Not Gandhi, the other one.
The co-host of this podcast?
Yeah, THAT Ben.
Today Bryce is INTERVIEWING him, which might sound a bit odd. But, stick with us, ‘cos we promise you it’s going to be an episode you won’t ever forget, folks!
Why? Well, Ben has practiced what he preaches. That is – he has personally built his own property portfolio, played the long game and for his 50th birthday this month, he will gift himself a passive income of $190,000 a year from it. Not bad, huh?
Portfolio, Done. Passive Income, Done. Lifestyle Design, Done.
Speaking of Lifestyle Design, this interview with Ben is taking place while he’s in the Kimberley, Western Australia! Turns out, he has – along with his wife Jane and their two boys – taken a 2-month sabbatical to their dream destination – something that was factored into their life and property plan many, many years ago.
Wait – they planned this holiday YEARS ago?
Yep, they sure did. And Ben is going to tell you exactly how he and Jane built their property portfolio to make certain it happened. (And how it helped fund the entire trip.)
In this “Never Before Revealed” episode, Ben is going to share his OWN journey to Financial Peace with you… and how he did it using the exact same principles and frameworks we teach on The Property Couch!
So, who is this wise ol’ mate, Ben Kingsley? And what can he share with you about his own journey to get here that he hasn’t publicly shared before? And can someone please tell us exactly what his portfolio looks like!?!
Sure. Strap yourselves in. This is a RIPPER!!
Free Stuff Mentioned
- Ben’s $500,000 Mistake – Read here
- Our NEW TAX SERVICE within our business! If you are on the hunt for a specialised property tax accountant, click here to find out more.
Here’s what we cover…
- 7:08 – A quick update on last week’s episode with Julia regarding BA fees in Canberra
- 7:30 – Our brand new Tax business! Register your interest here.
- 11:55 – Mindset minute: What’s found outside your comfort zone?
- 16:11 – Ben’s dinner table money conversation in “Fundoora”
- 17:40 – How many jobs did Ben’s dad had just to pay down his debt and what happened the very next day after his dad retired at 55!
- 20:05 – What happened at home that caused anxiety but yet motivated Ben to do things differently?
- 29:25 – __________ boots and _________ equipment << This is what they lavish on growing up
- 30:05 – The Functional view on his purchasing decisions
- 33:42 – The TWO INVESTMENT PRINCIPLES that started Ben’s investment journey
- 36:34 – First business he ever started that failed and pushed him out of his comfort zone
- 39:01 – Who are his early mentors – before Google?!
- 39:52 – Some of his experiences with spruikers and the mental triggers that they used
- 43:20 – The one problem that Ben was trying to solve that made him started an award-winning financial advisory firm
- 49:12 – When and who triggered the creation of Money SMARTS?
- 51:15 – The behind the scenes work when planning and implementing his lifestyle design of achieving passive income of $190,000 by 50
- 57:50 – Ben’s portfolio in detail – how many properties, type, location, yield and growth! (FIRST TIME ON THE SHOW!)
- 1:04:20 – Who did he meet in the Wyndham that made it all worth it?
- 1:10:40 – Overcoming the 3rd Generation Curse and a Sense of Entitlement
- 1:11:29 – Bryce’s lifehack
- 1:11:30 – Update on Labor’s Negative Gearing policy