241 | 12 Steps To A Profitable Property Development – Chat with Peter Koulizos

Raise your hand if you’re curious to hear the profitable, 12-Step Process to Property Development…?

Now, keep it there if you’re already a developer, or you’re keen to give property development a crack yourself or, hey, maybe you just wanna build on your property investment knowledge before you lock yourself into anything?

Righto then folks, if your hand’s UP, then this episode was tailor-made for you!!

‘cos today we’ve dragged the big boss back into the studio — Mr Peter Koulizos!! And he’s about to unpack some of his best stuff on property development!

For those who haven’t yet been privy to the Property Professor’s gold on gentrification (EP 30 and EP 47) or the Five Golden Rules of Property Investment (EP 30) or his most recent episode on negative gearing (EP 204)…  it might become clear to you now that our good mate Peter Koulizos — Chair of Property Investors Council of Australia (PIPA), property developer, specialist in property valuation and economics (with a teaching degree, a Graduate Diploma in Property and a Masters of Business – Property) —  is a SERIAL Coucher and one of Australia’s leading property investment experts whose opinion we greatly admire!

Sure, he’s got all the qualifications and skillset, but he’s also got invaluable, in-the-trenches experience, ESPECIALLY when it comes to property developing… and not just a little bit, mind you folks… a WHOLE LOT of it!

So… let’s just pick the Property Professor’s brain, yeah?

He was in town, so we’ve dragged him back into the studio!

Resources mentioned…

The TOP FIVE Highlights…

  1. The framework to figure out if developing is (or absolutely isn’t) for you
  2. The 12 Steps to a Profitable Property Development (and what to look out for during each step!)
  3. The gross profit you should aim to get BEFORE embarking on a development project (including the “worst case scenario” profit)
  4. The difference between planning approval and building rules approval
  5. The lenders that have an appetite for financing developments right now

Get Noteworthy Answers On…

  • What’s likely to happen with legislation in the future?
  • How did Peter get into property and the development space?
  • What are the benefits of “buying and holding”, even for property developers?
  • Is “buying under market value” realistic?
  • What can you expect when working with councils?
  • What’s a crucial factor when developing?
  • How does private certification work? Are there issues?
  • What are Peter’s best performing properties?
  • Can you be an “armchair developer”?
  • What level of risk is involved?
  • What should you tell the real estate agent you’re going to do with the developments?
  • Can you find a development site without having to pay for research resources?
  • Who do you need on your team?
  • How important is a Town Planner in all this?
  • What’s the biggest blind spot when selecting a builder?
  • Is there a Rule of Thumb on how much to spend on project management fees?
  • What advice would he give his younger self when he was a first time property developer?

Quote of The Day

“You don’t want to go from zero to hero.

You don’t want to know nothing about property straight to property development!”

– Peter Koulizos


212 | Stuart Wemyss – The Common Sense Approach to Superannuation, Royal Commission and Negative Gearing

Our Summer Series is all about hearing from the heavy hitters in property investing so you can score the best investment tips in record time…

… and today is no different!

Joining us for his 3rd appearance on the Couch is Stuart Wemyss, Founder of ProSolution, an independent financial and mortgage broking firm! You might recognise his voice from Episode 81 | Does investing for the long term actually matter? and Episode 172 | The 5 Rules for Mastering the Game of Building Wealth where Stuart discussed the foundational rules of mastering the game of building wealth as outlined in his most recent book (and now best-seller), Investopoly.

In a nutshell: Stuart is a chartered accountant, independent financial advisor and mortgage broker with over 20 years’ experience.

And he’s here with the commonsense approach to help filter out the media noise so you can have a more level-headed approach in the current property and financial landscape!


Here’s The Common Sense Approach…


Missed earlier episodes in The Summer Series?


P.S. Don’t forget,

DOWNLOAD our Free Binge Guide Here – The First 20 Episodes

This 80-odd page document is the vault containing all the foundational tips and insights you need to be a successful investor.
Want a Free Copy of The Golden Highlights? You can get it here.

178 | Q&A: Is that 4th Bedroom Such a Good Idea? APRA’s Effect on Credit Cards & What’s The Secret to a Career in Property Investment?

If you’ve got a question about investing in property, then it’s in your best interests to listen to this episode!

Why? Because it’s our favourite day, folks… Q&A Day! And, not only is today just a couple of days away from the end of financial year, but also we’ve got some new, timely SpeakPipe questions to answer! Which means 1) It’s probably a bit too late to get your Depreciation Schedule in to your accountant, BUT 2) You’re in for a high-powered learning session!

This Q&A is great for folks who…

  • Want to know how APRA’s regulations have impacted your ability to get a loan AND a credit card?
  • Are seriously interested in getting a career in property investing and how to land a job?
  • Aren’t sure what tenants are REALLY looking for in your area, but want to maximise your returns?
  • Thinking about renovating tips, but don’t know if you should add a bedroom or where to put the toilet?
  • Wondering if it’s a good idea to live in your property BEFORE you rent it out?


So if this sounds like you, you better strap your headphones in!

But, as routine has it, before we tell you EXACTLY what the questions are that’ll give you all this invaluable information, we’ve got some housekeeping to get out of the way, like…

Our Melbourne LIVE has SOLD OUT!!!

We even did a dance about it! WATCH OUR FLOSS DANCE!

Yep, it’s true, folks! But if you’re lucky, another local listener might have something come up on the night, so you COULD land their ticket. CLICK HERE if you’re keen to join the waitlist, or find out more details.

We’re hiring!!!

Our company is currently looking for new members, so if you’re qualified, passionate and prepared to do what it takes to help other people, we’re looking for a:

Interested? Send in your resume and cover letter to [email protected]

We want your Money Hacks!

  • If you’ve got a great savings tip or a way to make your dollar go that extra mile, we want to know about it! Let us know here.
  • If you have implemented the MoneySMARTS System, where do you feel most vulnerable? Let us know here.
  • If you want to be a Case Study and you’d like to know how MoneySMARTS can help you, let us know here.

Remember to leave us your SpeakPipe Questions.


Question about Ideal Rooms and Features of Investment Properties from Joel:

Hey Bryce, Ben and Stiggy. My name’s Joel, from Adelaide. The question I’d like to ask is what kind of rooms and features do Australians want in the rental market at the moment? The property I’m looking at the moment is a 3BR, open living area & a large home entertainment, or cinema room. Now, looking at the plans, I’d probably convert that room to a bedroom, add some wardrobes, because it’s quite large, but I don’t know what other Australians would want. So I’d live there for a couple of years before renting it out, but I don’t know what Australians would prefer – another  bedroom, or that extra room for activities and stuff like that? Any input would be great, thanks!

Have a similar question? These episodes will help:


Question about Bank Assessment of Loans from Matt:

Hey guys, Matt from Canberra via sunny London here! First up I can tell you our architecture and Land Tax in Canberra is just to make sure not too many of you and the other capitals turn off the Hume Highway and discover Australia’s best kept secret. So thanks very much for helping to keep our secret safe there! My question is about the banks and them having to assess us against increasingly restrictive assessment criteria. But do they have to do that when they are looking at non-mortgage lending criteria? The MoneySMARTS System works best with a nice, big credit limit with maximum interest free days and there’s sometimes great deals on car loans that are cheaper than the interest savings on our offsets this is often still with APRA regulated providers. But do they only assess you against the lending criteria for the lowest common denominator, essentially, when you’re applying for a mortgage vs non mortgage finance? Do they have to assess you for the same criteria with their other products? Thanks so much guys for everything you do!

Have a similar question? These episodes will help:


Question about getting into a career as a Buyers Agent and Property Investment Advisor from Francis:

I know that this topic has been touched on in the past but I would love to hear Ben and Bryce give a few pointers to people (like myself) wanting to make a career in property investment, Buyers Agents and financial planning. In my case, I have done the REIQ (QLD) registration course but wondering if I need to complete the full license? Also, if I want to help people buy property in every state and territory in Australia, do I need to go and complete that course for each and every state / territory to become registered, or does the buyers agency take on that responsibility? Other than the QPIA course, are there any other ways to learn the industry while still working, so that people can transition into their new career relatively seamlessly? I just thought I would send this to support my recorded message and give a little more context to the question. Thanks again for everything you are doing!

Have a similar question? These episodes will help:


P.S. Have you cut a full lap of The Property Couch yet? If not, and you’re strapped for time, just make sure you WATCH the first 20 episodes because they are FOUNDATIONAL episodes. CLICK HERE to listen to our very first episode!


177 | Get Rid of Settlement Headaches Once and For All – Chat with Lisa Dowie

No one wants their most expensive decision to be fumbled, delayed or up-in-the-air come D-day… so today, folks, we’re giving you the settlement solutions BEFORE you need them!

And it’s a little bit like taking a peek into a future that’s just around the corner.

How do we know? Well, joining us today is Lisa Dowie, Chief Customer Officer at Property Exchange Australia Ltd (PEXA), Australia’s online settlement platform. No, she didn’t arrive by a hovercraft or drop in via teleportation, BUT, yes, she’s talking about the digital future in settlements that’s here (and in use) right now and WILL take over the simple A4 paper and pen in less time than you think.

Think digital signatures. Think e-Conveyancing. Think transfer of titles in minutes, not to and froing between your conveyancer, mortgage broker, lender and everyone else involved in making that property officially yours.

In a nutshell: the online property exchange network lets us lodge documents with Lands Registries and complete financial sentiments ELECTRONICALLY. Yep: PEXA is property transactions through the wonder waves of tech territory!

So we’ve got Lisa on to tell you the latest and greatest in property — like what specifics you need to know for a smoother settlement process, why buyers and sellers need to welcome the digital shift and, let’s be honest folks, WHEN all this is seriously going to rock the boat.


But before we tell you what you’ll get out of today’s knowledge-packed segment … we have a huge big announcement. Yep. Huge and Big.


Free Live Podcast in Melbourne — CLICK HERE to Find out More

It’s true, folks! Our tribe of listeners who came to our Sydney Live a couple of weeks ago enjoyed hearing us ramble on about property investing SO much we thought, hey, we’ve gotta be fair to our hometown of listeners!

Our Live Podcast in Melbourne is happening on Thursday, July 5th at 6:15 pm – 9.30pm. We’ve even dedicated time on the night to have a chat with you, hear your story and give you a high five before we give you some red hot property, finance and money management tips!

BOOK NOW to Reserve Your Seat – Limited Seats Available


Huge Big Announcement over and out! So, back to today’s show.


Here’s what you’ll learn:

… or last month in May, say?

  • What date can we expect ALL transactions to be in digital form?
  • Does title theft happen?
  • What’s the benefit for the vendor?
  • What’s the benefit for the purchaser?
  • Should you ask property professionals if they use PEXA? Why?
  • What’s the app, SettleMe?
  • What’s happening to land title reservations?
  • What else is new in the tech space?


176 | How to Prioritise Your Property Investment Journey and Still Have a Life — Sydney LIVE Podcast ft. Q & A

If you’re reading this, you’re probably keen on property investing — regardless of whether or not you’re a beginner or a multimillion-dollar property portfolio owner… or somewhere in between.

And chances are you also like to have a life too, right? Because folks, at the end of the day, while hard work’s rewarding and a passive income’s exciting, there are also other factors competing for your time and attention, and — let’s face it — other things you’d prefer to do, like put your feet up (and watch the Pies and the Dockers if you’re us), or simply relax with your loved ones doing what YOU love most.

Realistically folks — if you invest in property the right way from the get-go, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your life. It’s that simple. But it’s not always easy to get this balance right.

So, that’s where today’s VERY SPECIAL episode comes in. Yep, it’s very special because…

  1. It’s OUR LIVE SHOW IN SYDNEY where we answer our Property Couch Tribe’s questions… which just might be very similar to the ones YOU have!
  2. It’s a LIVE GUIDE to help you prioritise your property investment journey AND still have a life!!


Yep. Reclaim market confidence, get through the “messy middle”, cut the noise and let’s get some good ol’ honest advice!


*** Oh, and folks — make sure you tune in till the end for a special announcement from Ben! ***

Back to today’s questions answered at OUR LIVE SYDNEY PODCAST…

Question about Staying the Distance from Louise:

My single biggest challenge with my property investment journey has been keeping the momentum and not getting distracted or bored along the way. Property investing for the long term seems to sometimes move at a glacial speed and it’s easy to get a bit disheartened when you don’t see obvious progress. It’s also easy to let life get in the way and not prioritise my investment journey. I delayed on a purchase by two years (missing out on some great capital growth) because I was distracted by family and work life.


Question about Location and Investing in Cashflow from Yuna:

Ben and Bryce always talk about how location is the key and that most of the time 80% of the lifting is done by location. If my property investing strategy is cashflow rather than capital growth due to my circumstance; how do I apply the location theory to this equation? Or does location come first or my strategy during the suburb research?


Question about Off the Plan and Exit Strategies from Jeremy:

A ‘friend’ (who may or may not be me…) has purchased an off-the-plan, high-density unit, in Brisbane’s middle ring northern suburbs — 10km from the city. The area has a Westfield, a hospital and a bus line, but isn’t within walking distance from any of the new transport infrastructure projects. The build date has been pushed back from 2018 to 2019, because the developer, who was also the property spruiker, had difficulty getting pre-sales. Since that time I (or my friend) have discovered The Property Couch and have listened to as many back episodes as possible. It’s obvious to us that we can pretty much check off every mistake in the book. The spruiker was selling in Sydney with a focus on bling, tax depreciation and yield. The suburb is not investment grade. The property is not investment grade. Lifestyle drivers are not there. Income is lower than the QLD average. And so on. The unit was sold with a vendor discount: “stamp duty paid,” (yes we know…now), so on settlement is likely to be valued significantly less than the purchase price. With the over-supply situation that exists in Brisbane and Brisbane-North’s very low population growth rate (1%), what, if any, exit strategies exist?


LIVE Question about Knowing When to Stop:

How do you know when to stop investing in property? Because it’s pretty addictive!


LIVE Question about The Budget Changes to Tax Depreciation:

This is a bit more of a specific question, around the latest budget changes around tax depreciation. I have 2 properties that were purchased prior to the changes— so I have depreciation reports, and claiming all that’s all good. But I have bought 1 that settled with the changes the latest budget. I’ve heard on various podcasts about being able to claim the cost of plant and equipment as capital gains at the end if you sell, but I don’t understand the connection between these? Do I need a tax depreciation report for a property purchased after the budget last year to know what I owned when I purchased it to at the end when I sell it?


LIVE Question about Spruikers and Not Knowing How What to Do:

I’ve got a friend who is helping people buy property in Brisbane — they’re friends of ours — and they’re Off the Plan stuff, just terrible stuff really, and he works for a company where they deliberately fence people in, cross-collateralise, deliberately put them to their Buyers Agents who are hooked up with developers, and it gets me a bit angry. I can’t do anything about it because I have no credentials — I’m a Tradie — but I’ve been listening to your podcast for a number of years and I do have a lot of knowledge. Do you have any advice for someone who is witnessing these terrible things happening to people that I care about?


P.S. Want us to come to your city? Let us know what state/territory you live!
(We promise not to stalk you)

P.P.S. Want our industry to be regulated so we can get rid of the spruikers and dodgy investment advice? Join PICA  it’s only $5 for 1 Year Membership!


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