Paul Clitheroe
Paul Clitheroe is a founding director of leading financial planning firm ipac, and has been involved in the investment industry since he graduated from UNSW in the late 1970s. Paul has been a media commentator and conference speaker for more than 30 years, and is regarded as one of Australia’s leading experts in the field of personal investment strategies and advice. From 1993 to 2002, Paul hosted the popular Channel 9 program Money and since 1999 has been the Chairman and chief commentator of Money magazine.
He’s been an active advocate of financial literacy for DECADES and championing ASIC’s MoneySmart Schools as well as the Chairman of the Australian Government Financial Literacy Board and Financial Literacy Australia and the Chairman of InvestSMART. He currently writes for newspapers across Australia and presents Talking Money on radio nationally. Paul also got more than a handful of books to his name — Money, Marriage and Divorce, Making Money, The Road to Wealth, Free Yourself from Debt, Make your Fortune by 40… and this isn’t even all of them! You can stalk all of his books here.