Keno Diamante
It’s not every day we ask ourselves, “How did a bag of M&Ms set the foundation for a $120,000 passive income??”
But when it comes to today’s episode, this was the exact question we asked ourselves! 😲
Sure, there’s a few more steps to get from “A bag of M&Ms” to “A passive income”… but you can bet on the fact that it does NOT take away from today’s epic story line!
And it’s one heck of an epic story line that involves not JUST a packet of chocolates… but also 50 cents… a half-year-long sabbatical and… wait for it…. a property portfolio consisting of only TWO INVESTMENT PROPERTIES that will deliver $120,000 passive income in retirement!!!
Spoiler alert: today’s guest Keno Diamante is about to tell you exactly why planning ahead WILL change the game for you! And why is he in a position to share this story?? Well folks, he’s walking proof of it!
(And in case you’re wondering… YES folks… we really do mean a bag of M&Ms!)