Effie Zahos
It’ll probably come as no surprise to you who the Money Queen is… but we’ll take no chances… and remove all doubt as to who Effie Zahos is!!! She is indeed the “Money” Queen… as in Money Magazine‘s finance editor for over 22 years! Well, we should say WAS the editor cos up until very recently, Effie decided to hang up her Money boots and walk in her own shoes instead… and she’s JUST released a brand new book, A Real Girl’s Guide to Money: From Converse to Louboutins!!
And today she’s sharing her best Money Hacks and financial tips so that you can stay on track of your hard-earned cash and make sure you have enough in retirement!
And, yep, if you hadn’t put two and two together yet… Effie’s personally worked alongside the likes of the Original Money Guru, Paul Clitheroe — our 200th episode’s very special guest — for a couple of, ahh, DECADES.
So you’re in VERY safe hands!