Money Magazine: Earn $55k a year in rental income

The Property Couch Money magazineEarn 55k in rental incomeThe highly anticipated Money Magazine cover story is here! Thanks to all you who have expressed their interests to download this article. As mentioned in previous podcasts, Bryce and the team at Empower Wealth are thrilled to contribute to this article. As the title “Earn $55k a year in rental income” suggested, this article explains how you can retire on a passive income from a well-designed property portfolio. There are three scenarios mentioned in this article:

  • Early 30s, single, renting and doesn’t own any properties
  • Early 40s couple with two young children and their own home
  • Late 40s, divorcee with a working teenager and her own home


Click on the image to download now. Once you’ve read it, let us know what you think or if you have any questions!

Money Magazine – Earn $2500 a Week at Retirement

Money Cover Story - March 2013 - The Property Couch earn 2500 a week at retirementAs mentioned in Episode 20 | Science of Asset Selection – The Buyer’s Decision Quadrant, here’s the article that Bryce wrote on Money Magazine: Earn $2500 A Week at Retirement in March 2013.


Here’s a snippet of the article:

How often have you found yourself picturing a retirement where you’re enjoying regular overseas holidays, spending your spare time with your grandkids and leisurely filling up your days doing all the things you love? We all have but we’re brought down to earth quickly by reports suggesting there won’t be enough money for a comfortable retirement. Perhaps even worse, some of us will have to work much longer than planned.

So the idea of creating a $2500-a-week passive income for a life in retirement free of debt ($130,000pa in today’s money) could be thought a stretch of the imagination. This would put you in the highest bracket of retirement earnings in the country and, according to the latest census (2011), would provide you with more than double the average total household income of $63,960.

The goal is achievable

Nevertheless, after looking at three typical households – a late-20s single, a mid-30s couple with two young children and a mid-40s couple with two teenagers – that have never invested in property, and carefully considering if it’s possible to achieve this passive income of $2500 a week, it’s exciting to know it can be done with low to moderate risk and potentially minimal impact on their current standard of living.

The big question is, how?


Click on the image to Download the article.


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