What’s Your Money Story Like? Join us for our Summer Series and share your story!

We get it… Talking about money can feel awkward and uncomfortable.

But it shouldn’t be a taboo subject!

Having conversations about money not only allows us to understand ourselves better but also gives us the opportunity to learn more from each other.

So, would you like to be in our Summer Series podcast?

We’d love to listen to your story and hear about your tips and tricks when it comes to money management! And if you have a specific question in mind, we want to hear it directly from you too!

Just fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch. πŸ˜‰

  • Name

  • Nickname
  • (Do you have a nickname/alias you want used on the podcast?)

  • Email

  • Contact Number

  • And a quick summary on your Money Story!

    Let's start with What Money Means to You. We are interested to know what motivates you particularly when it comes to money. From the options below, please select the top five that matter to you.

  • A quick summary on your Money Story!
  • Don't spill all the beans πŸ˜‰

  • And finally, have you implemented our MoneySMARTS system?

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