Thanks for coming here! 🙏

Our Money SMARTS Set Up Pilot Program is now closed. However if you’re interested in this service, leave your details below and we will keep you in the loop!

Building on from Bryce and Ben’s post summer series message on the podcast, we are thrilled you want to learn more about how we might be able to help get you started with our MoneySMARTS money management system in 2022.

You’re not alone, in recent years we have received a growing number of enquiries coming in about getting ‘human’ help to set up Money SMARTS the right way from day one, which is amazing, but we didn’t have anyone who could help until now. And based on the feedback we got after telling them to just rely on the book and use the free online MoneySMARTS tool, there was always a risk, they will instead pass on using this amazing time saving and life changing system due to their lack of confidence in getting started in the first place.

So… fast forward to 2022 and we’ve listened to the feedback and we’ve decided to launch a pilot program on Money SMARTS Set Up service for people just like you to make sure that it’s ACTUALLY something that our community really needs.

If you’re interested in this service, leave your details below and we will keep you in the loop!






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