Mike Movember
Hey guys … I just left a review on your Facebook page, but just wanted to say a huge thank you for the wealth of knowledge I have gained over the past 6 months listening to your podcasts. I think I have listened to every one now. I started buying property 15 years ago, and you have highlighted to me so many things I have massively screwed up on. But as Conor McGregor says, (I’m Irish btw) “You either win or learn”. I feel now with the knowledge attained from your podcast, and surrounding myself with the right people, I will do a lot more winning than learning. And amazing work on the Movember as well. I do a lot of fundraising for the Fred Hollows Foundation, and am very much on the same page as Bryce with personal development (Massive Tim Ferris, Tony Robbins fan etc). One thing I continually see is that people who I regard as successful, constantly seem to give back … so great to see you guys leading by example here, all be it at the expense of looking like Magnum P.I for the month 😉 Great work team, and thanks again for the continual education and leadership in all things, not only property, but also life related!! Very much appreciated. – Mike, “Movember” 2017
November 24, 2017
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