Kamil Machaj
Must Know Money Management
I have been listening to The Property Couch for over a year. Ever since the beginning, I had setup the Money SMARTS system and haven’t looked back. Without a doubt has transformed my spending habits, from the weekly pay check coming in and thinking “Sweet, I got a thousand bucks to blow!” To using the money management of Money SMARTS and allocating expenses and putting it away for the larger upcoming annual bills.
I wish I had started sooner, I believe this system works magic, and even more-so for those who begin working after high school or university, as these basic aren’t taught enough.
Being in my mid twenties, you receive your weekly pay check and think, wow this is a good amount to spend, however when utilising the Money SMARTS system, and breaking down every expense in your life over the course of the year, you quickly realise how much you spend on the basics.
I believe if it wasn’t for this system, I would fall into the same problem many others face, living pay-check to pay-check, not allocating costs, then when a big bill comes along, using a credit card to pay it off, and then spending the next few months paying off that debt. Never being on top, and always in debt.
Thank You Sincerely Bryce and Ben for your show, you have helped me and countless others, with no expectation of any payment in return. Hopefully I will join you one day on the Summer Series! (When I get to purchase my first investment property…!) — Kamil Machaj on iTunes, December 2020Kamil Machaj iTunes December 5, 2020
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