Dan the reno man
The team from the property couch are the ducks nuts in property, finance and money management. I’m a little embarrassed to say that i too was of the belief that holding a title to a property was enough and naively thought selling at the preservation age would be enough. Well after starting in mid 2018 and having listened to your entire library, and eagerly anticipating your Thursday release every week I can safely say I’m now well on the way to the passive income I was naively going to sell out of. I love the fact that you guys are giving back to the “community” and I too, am trying by recommending this podcast to friends and work colleagues and I’m doing my best to convince / educate my 18-25yo Tafe students during long interstate commutes on field trips that property investment is the answer as well as the simple money tips and mindset quotes. (I’m only 35 but I can definitely see a major mindset difference) So thank you both B1 and B2, as well as the silent team in the background. I have found myself thinking about how I would reply or answer the call and questions to come on the show as my friends have, half tongue in cheek suggested. Have you guys thought about a roaming Q&A live show (when we can all travel of course)? Thanks again and I will be in contact for my next diversified purchase (qld or vic) — Dan the reno man on iTunes, June 2020
Dan C June 1, 2020
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