Andy Leahy
Ben, Bryce and Stig make up the ultimate property team. Ben is like Scott Pendlebury, ultra smooth and calm under pressure has an ability to cut through the noise and simplify any situation but when he gets on a roll he will accumulate many possessions and share some terrific insights and gold. Bryce is like Matthew Pavlich ultra reliable and consistent, provides terrific leadership and structure to keep the team on the right path but has great experience and attributes to provide endless property knowledge goals. The Stig is like Peggy O’Neal working tirelessly and silently in the background keeping the organisation ticking whilst keeping everyone on the path. Forever humble and gracious however all true fans know she is the key component to this successful team. All footy banter aside if you want a podcast that will improve your knowledge of the property industry and take you on a journey of self improvement, money management guidance and personal development then this is the place to be. So what are you waiting for? Roll the sleeves up and join the team. As Pendle’s would say “knowledge is empowering but only if you act on it” — Andy Leahy on iTunes, May 2020
Andy Leahy May 29, 2020
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