161 | How to Buy Property Like a Pro – Chat with Veronica Morgan

Want to know how to bag an A-grade asset? How about scoring inside tips Buyers Agents use? If you’re keen to buy property like a pro, today’s episode is for you!

That’s right, folks! We’re getting down to the nitty gritty of buying…how to nail an auction sale, how not to overspend (very important) and how to think like you’ve been in the game for decades.

Plus, we’re diving into the Sydney property market, picking up some sunken treasures so you can discover the latest, greatest and mistakes to avoid!

Joining us is Veronica Morgan — you might recognise her from Foxtel’s Lifestyle Channel, Location Location Location Australia in the days of co-hosting with Bryce — and who is the Founder and Principal of Good Deeds Property Buyers, a property buying service specialising in the Sydney market.

To boot, Veronica is also a QPIA, property investor, keynote speaker, industry writer and a repeat guest on the Couch!

So, let’s get take a microscopic view of what a reputed Buyers Agent sees (and does) every single day:

Want to hear more from Veronica? Check out Episode 76 | Building a property portfolio after the boom!

Also, make sure you check out our Facebook Live sessions! They’re Q&A style & only 15 minutes folks!!

154 | The Do’s and Don’ts: The Discoveries We’ve Learnt in Property Investing (PART 2)

Alright, folks! It’s that time again… Podcast Day!

And today we’re bringing you PART 2 of our Summer Series on the Foundational Principles of Property Investing, featuring THE best bits of gold from our guests!

So if you’re interested in building a property portfolio in a tough market, learning the key elements of property investing or wouldn’t mind a handful of renovating tips to increase that capital growth……. then this episode’s got it all!

But before we jump in and tell you which FIVE GUESTS are featuring today, we thought we’d slap on a sticky note here that reads:

Remember: $5 is all you need to become a PICA Member!

At the end of the day, it’s important we come together and join forces in protecting our investments, livelihood and ability to determine our own future.


That said, let’s get on with today show!

Featuring in today’s episode include the following guests…

Answering these questions:


085 | Is NOW The Time To Invest In Property In Australia?

Are you into economics, numbers, trend lines and the Property reports released by CoreLogic? If you are, this episode is just for you! It can be a bit heavy and we recommend you to download CoreLogic Monthly Housing & Economic Chart Pack for October 2016 to have a full understanding of what Bryce and Ben would be talking today. Their focus is on Page 10 of the report, titled Investor lending is picking up again as owner occupier lending fades a little.

Bryce and Ben are also a bit concern about the current market’s movement and if we are heading towards a bubble-like scenario. If so, would now be a good time to invest in property? Tune it to find out more!

PS: They will also be talking about the recent article Ben contributed to Australian Property Investor Magazine regarding Timing vs. Time in the Market and the differences between these investing concepts!

Free resources mentioned in this podcast:

  • CoreLogic Monthly Housing & Economic Chart Pack, October 2016 – Download here
  • FREE Tickets to the Sydney Property Buyer Expo (Coupon code: PBE16BRYHOL) – Get them here


If you like this podcast: “Is NOW The Time To Invest In Property?”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/

077 | Right Strategy in the Right Market at the Right Time

What is the possibility of investing in property with the right strategy, in the right market, at the right time? Well, that depends. Now, we know this sounds really vague but in order to determine that, one need to ask if they have the right understanding in the first place? Because it is very dangerous if the perception of a right strategy or a right market is wrong and you go ahead and build a property portfolio based on your assumptions. For example, if Alex believes that capital growth is the right strategy and buying within 5km radius from Melbourne CBD is the right market, then he would be in a very tricky situation because the supply at the moment is quite low (unless he has a very deep pocket).

So in this episode of The Property Couch podcast, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley focuses on understanding what is considered as “the right market” and why it is important that you take the long view on where the market is going before committing to anything. Bryce and Ben will also be answering Maria’s question on cash flow management and an investor’s mindset. Here’s the question:

“Hi guys

Love the podcast and the book,  well-deserved success with both.

How do you draw the line between good cash flow management and depriving yourself of things you enjoy? My husband and I have always lived within our means and we now have two properties under our belt in Sydney, with plans to buy more. We’re in our thirties. But I’ve found that as we’ve come along the investing journey I’ve become increasingly preoccupied with spending less. I have no issues buying necessities, paying bills, or paying for things that benefit our investing or our health. I don’t blink an eye at spending on insurances, BA fees, etc, because those things are useful and necessary.

However, when contemplating discretionary lifestyle purchases, often costing less than $100 (you know, stuff you don’t need, but want) I spend weeks analysing whether to buy, to the extent that I’m spending too much energy on it. I guess I worry that if I spend $100 here and $100 there, I’ll just eat away at our cash buffers. What are your personal real life experiences with discretionary spending while trying to build a property portfolio? Did you and your family buy your toys and vices freely, or did you find yourself analysing every purchase?

I want to have the best cash flow position possible, but I want to have occasional frivolous luxuries too. I know I need some sort of mindset shift, but what does that shift look like?”


Some of the resources mentioned in this podcast:


Website - The Property Couch half a million downloadPS: And we’ve just achieved half a million downloads on the podcast! Thank you so much for all of your support and feedback. We will continue to provide good quality contents, ‘unpack’ more frameworks and case studies and answer your questions on all things property. If you are wondering what are the boys doing in this picture, this is what happens when Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley heard that we’ve got half a million downloads on the podcast!

73 | Building a property portfolio in a tough market – Chat with Damian Collins


It is Special Guest Day and we’ve got Damian Collins from Momentum Wealth with us on our very first Vodcast!

Just a bit of a background on Damian, he is an established property investor, the founder and managing director of Momentum Wealth, a Perth-based property investment and buyers advocacy firm and is also on the board of PIPA which means he is very well qualified to talk about the art of investing in property and building a portfolio.

So for today’s episode, the three of them will be talking about:

  • Damian’s experience as an investor and what motivated him to build his portfolio
  • The mistakes, lessons and investing tips he learned as an investor
  • How is the Perth’s property market doing and where is it on the cycle
  • Was there a sentiment shift considering the recent economic changes
  • How does he conduct his property research when it comes to asset selection
  • What are his principles and investment strategy when it comes to building a property portfolio in a tough market
  • Some of the horror stories that he has seen in his seat


PS: We hope you enjoy watching the video and we would really like to hear what you think about it! If you like it, let us know and we will produce this more regularly. 🙂


If you like this podcast: “Building a property portfolio in a tough market – Chat with Damian Collins”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/


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