288 | How He Survived Multiple Recessions & Why He Still Believes in Property, Even During a Pandemic – Chat with Peter Koulizos, Chair of PIPA

Did you know that “Property Professor” Peter Koulizos INVESTED during multiple Australian recessions? And now, in the wake of COVID-19 he is STILL adamant that property is a safe bet!

So, what can we learn from one of Australia’s leading property experts who’s actually lived through The 70’s Recession, The 80’s Recession, The 90’s Recession and The GFC?? What can we take away from someone who invested in almost all of them?!

Today, we’re welcoming back Peter K, no stranger to The Couch! As well as being none other than the Property Professor as the Program Director of the Master of Property at The University of Adelaide, he is also the Chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) and widely regarded for his insights into the Australian property market; including everything from gentrification to property development!

And aside from hearing how on earth he survived all of those economic upheavals, we’re ticking off these three key points (more on what’s covered in this ep further down)…

  1. Pete’s take on COVID-19 and how it compares to Australia’s Recessions and The GFC
  2. Peter Top 5 Things he’d say to his 20 something self BEFORE buying his first property (we’re excited for this one!!!)
  3. The new PIPA/PICA survey results 😊

With #3, Peter and Ben are also unpacking the brand-new results from the recent PICA & PIPA Sentiment Survey that just went out… so we can all see how current and aspiring property investors are feeling about the property market since COVID-19 entered our lives. And the results are kinda surprising!


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What we Cover in Today’s Episode…

  • How does the COVID-19 property market stack up to during previous Australian Recessions + The GFC?
  • How does the typical “Australian Aspiration” differ from other counties? And why is this critical in shaping the future of our property market?
  • Property Transactions vs Property Prices: What’s Happening Now?
  • Safe strategies to increase immigration and help Australia’s economy
  • What property sector will be most affected by COVID-19?
  • What is the Government proposing in order to stimulate the property market?
  • Which commercial properties are likely to survive the pandemic?
  • How many new dwellings should we be building per year? (minimum)
  • What 5 things would Peter’s tell his 20-something self BEFORE buying his first property? (check out our tips here)
  • Why Your First Home Shouldn’t Be Your Dream Home!
  • How old was Peter when he moved into his forever home?
  • How To Use Someone Else’s Hindsight To Make Better Investment Decisions
  • How can you help your kids get on the ladder while still investing yourself?
  • How many Australian property investors still think it’s a good time to invest?
  • How many investors are currently affected by financial hardship based on the PICA & PIPA sentiment survey??

287 | Why Buying a Harley Derailed Bryce’s Property Portfolio & Ten Tips We’d Tell Our 20-Something Selves

If we could go back and invest in property all over again, what would we do differently?!

Well, for one, Bryce probably wouldn’t have bought a Harley Davidson!! (Yep)

Folks, this is exactly the stuff we’re unpacking today – the top 10 tips we’d tell our “20-something” year-old selves BEFORE we purchased our first property!

To give you an idea… Ben purchased his first property at 23 & Bryce at 24. So, if we fast forward a couple of decades to where we are now – two of Australia’s leading property experts, each with a multimillion-dollar property portfolio — what would we go back in time and tell ourselves?

‘Cos, let’s be real, it was anything but a “walk in the park” – and we both made some really stupid and regretful decisions to get to where we are now! And we’re sharing these “rookie errors” with you so you can AVOID them yourself… or — if like us, you didn’t know you were doing the wrong thing – help you course-correct quickly!!

And folks…we’re NOT proud of how we’ve learnt some of these tips. Sure, some of us have to “learn things the hard way” and while it’s all part of our journey, we really suggest you learn from our “if only we knew this…” moments!

Almost always, wealth creation (or any success for that matter) comes from modelling those who’ve achieved the results you’re after, but here’s another bonus tip… it also comes much easier when you learn about the mistakes SECOND-HAND 😉

Enjoy these Top 10 Tips — we’re super excited to share these with you, even if we feel a bit vulnerable doing it!

As Ben mentions, if you’re a property professional keen to showcase the coalface of the property market so folks out there can see that, yep, the property market IS still alive and happening, simply update your photos on socials and use the hashtag #OZPropertyALIVE (feel free to tag us too…especially if you want our eyeballs on it!)

And remember, leave us a rating and review of ANY kind here for your chance to win FREE ACCESS to our brand new online course: Start & Build! (we’d obviously prefer 5-stars, but if that’s not how you feel about us, no worries!)

Congratulations to this week’s winners: Kim Schultze and Jarryd Hennequin! Please get in touch with us at [email protected] to claim your free course!


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“What’s Making Property News” Links


 What We Cover in Today’s Episode…


And of course…

If you’re worried about your finances or have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then check out Moorr and update your numbers now.

And if you want to know more about MoneySMARTS, claim your free copy of our bestselling book Make Money Simple Again that explains it all in detail!

286 | Best Case & Worst Case For Property, PLUS what’s making Property News?

You’ve probably heard Commbank’s “warning” that property prices could drop by “a third” as a result of the unemployment levels due to COVID-19…

You’ve probably ONLY seen this scary number come out of their March Quarter 2020 Trading Update, though right?

Probably because it’s the ONLY number being reported in the headlines!!!

But what’s really interesting is there’s a whole lot of OTHER scenarios that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia also modeled… and… guess what? Yep, you’re only getting the clickbait answer!

So, in today’s Q&A, we’re going to let you in The Best & The Worst-Case scenarios, and what Commbank actually believes is most likely to happen with property prices, according todata.

After that, we’re going through a fair few questions that have also come in over the last two weeks!

Plus, Ben’s also introduced a BRAND-NEW SEGMENT — “What’s Making Property News” — and you can just imagine how excited he is, right?!


We tick off quite a few boxes in this episode folks, so definitely tune in if you’re keen to hear what we can likely expect between now and 2022, and also get some current property, finance, money management and COVID-19answers!


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More Free Stuff From Ben’s Segment


The Questions

Question about withdrawing superannuation from Sabrina
Good evening. I really admire you both. I listen to your podcasts. I might don’t get chance to listen to every single one, but I love you guys and try to listen whenever I can. I need your advice please.

My situation is, I have some buffer savings in my offset account around $25,000 and me and my husband both have jobs in this situation. But I am working less hours because I am not sending my son to childcare. The monthly earnings will keep us going but very tight and I don’t know when I can send my son to childcare again.

So, my question is am I eligible to withdraw $10,000 superannuation? Because my hours has been reduced significantly (my company is giving me enough hours but I have elected not to work like before because of my son) so can I apply for super and what are the pros and cons if I withdraw super? I am just scared if I will run out of money and I didn’t apply for it.


Questions about cross-colleterialisation and accessing equity from Danielle
Hi Bryce, I have just started reading your book I bought last year “The Armchair Guide to Property Investing”. I find it quite interesting and a few similar matters are bought up like in the barefoot investor. I have read a few times not to have your loans with one bank so my first question is how do you use your equity you have with that bank to purchase another investment and get the loan with another bank? I can’t seem to find much information about it and do not understand it, but my partner has tried to do it and his broker seemed to think it was too hard, but reading it can be done? We have 6 properties between us. I have 2 and Brendon, my partner, has 4. We want to invest more — my aim was a property every two years until we reach the time, we want a new house for ourselves to live in; in the country or a shack.

My second question: I have read a lot about don’t cross-collaterise your loans. I felt like I did this and don’t see how you don’t do it if you’re using your property as security and the equity in it? Then yesterday I read an article, and it says if you have standalone loans for each property that isn’t cross collaterised — it’s only when you have all your properties and loans as one? Is this correct?

My third question is: my partner is about to pay off his first house and own it; the one we currently reside in. He wants to know, if he pays it off, does he get the deed to his house or not because he has used it as security with his other three investments?


Question about the planning process from Mazen
I’m up to Ep 120 of The Property Couch podcast and just read chapter 1 of your book. You have turned my mindset about property upside down, in a positive way! One thing I need to get my head around before moving on to chapter 2 is to actually try work out a monetary value of my future goals so that I can put a plan together to achieve them in the timeframe. I’m a bit unsure about where to start and what to consider when calculating how much money I will need (e.g. questions running through my mind… I want to travel “this” often and so I need “this” much money, I want to live close to the beach by “this” age so how much would I need for “this”, etc) Am I overthinking it? Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!


Question about LMI vs Renting from Hayley Robinson
What do you think is better? Paying LMI or rent when getting ready for buying a first home?


Question about Procrastination and Choosing the “right” debit/credit cars from Aaron
I’ve been trying to get all our debts/credit cards sorted before getting property investment advice, and feel like I’m just procrastinating now…


Question about Inflation and Passive Income Target from Grant
How much in today’s money do you need in assets to get $2k passive income?


And of course..

If you’re worried about your finances or if you have no clarity on your cash flow position, we strongly recommend you to organise your finances now. It’s more important than ever to have a clear view, down to the exact cent, on how much you’re spending each month and how much surplus you’ve got. If you don’t know it, then log in to your MoneySMARTS Platform here and update the numbers.

285 | “Catching a Falling Knife” Is investing in Commercial Real Estate a good idea right now? – Chat with Scott O’Neill

Is the “home office” the future office? Coronavirus has changed the face of many businesses – entire companies are now working from home, retail shops have switched to online selling and others, like cafés and restaurants, have simply “shut up shop”, either temporarily as they wait for the storm to pass, or permanently.

So it begs the question… is investing in COMMERCIAL property still a good idea?

Well, returning to the Couch is Scott O’Neill, Founder and Director of Rethink Investing, a buyers agency that specialises in both commercial and residential real estate! Yep, we first heard from him back on Episode 230 | From Residential to Commercial Investing: How this guy quit his Day Job at 28 … and  today we’re in for a very special treat as Scott walks us through the key themes unfolding in the office, retail and industrial space… PLUS, he gives us his expert opinion on the “new normal” in commercial real estate, so our folks interested in investing in commercial property know what to aim for, what to avoid and how to find the right commercial properties!

Oh, and Scott even manages to sprinkle in a few nuggets of gold on residential real estate too!


This is a fascinating and knowledge-backed episode that really sinks in a few key messages – and not just for our commercial property investors, but also for the rest of us who simply want to navigate this coronavirus and learn investing best-practices!


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What we talk about in today’s episode


277 | Coronavirus & Property FAQs

There have been many questions coming in about the coronavirus and its implications for the property market, finance sector and the economy at large — particularly in direct response to the higher levels of social distancing regulations we’re now seeing and its flowon effect to unemployment and how we transact property. 

Sotoday we’re answering a whole heap of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about how COVID-19 affects you as a property investor, a home owner, a first home buyeror someone who’s in fortunate circumstances to take action on the opportunity. 

‘Cos, let’s be real folks… if youre dining out on the news cycleits a very scary place out there!! 

Again, we must repeat… our message of calm remains…. but we’re going to dig even deeper into what we’re starting to see as this pandemic unfolds. 

As well as answering a whole lot of your questions (all of them listed below), we’re ALSO going to give you some Frameworks and Tips to support you during this time so you’re prepared, have the RIGHT knowledge behind you, and can navigate the “new world” we’re all now living through! 

We touch on it in today’s episode, but just in case you need a recap… folks are likely to fall into ONE of TWO categories during this time… 

  1. Take Action Club – This is a small percentage of folks who are ready to take action based on their individual circumstances (please seek professional advice before you do this). 
  2. Money Management” Club – The vast majority of folks will sit here and during this moment-in-time of uncertainty, should focus on the gaps in their money management. 


Free Resources Mentioned 

And here are the Questions!

Question about “Investor & Tenant Relief” from Greg 
Any talk from the banks/government on providing relief to investors on investment lending so as to enable them to provide relief to tenants who find themselves in financial trouble? For many owners they would have tenants they don’t want to lose and would like to assist (if required) but may not be in a position to do that themselves 


Question about “The Six-Month Freeze” from Jake 
Points to consider for the six-month freeze 🥶 on home loans? Ie. How is the loan recalculated after six months? Will interest still be required to be paid during the freeze? And could this result in households having higher repayments on completion of the six-month freeze? Will it impact your credit file? Cheers 🤙  


Question about “Property Prices Dropping” from Nicole 
I just heard that economists are predicting a 20% drop in house values. Would love your thoughts on this? If one is to take up the banks offer of 6 months “off” from the mortgage — besides extending the loan time frame, how will it affect households and do you advise it in what circumstances? 

Question about “Waiting To Buy” from James 
My partner and I are looking to buy in Queensland later this year. But are we better to wait until next year to buy?  

Question about “What the market will look like next year” from Jarrad
What will the market look like next year? Would it be a good time to buy if I was planning to buy my first property? Could it be a good time to get a great priced asset? Thanks guys. 


Question about “Offset Account Protection” from Matt 
Are offset accounts protected by the government up to 250k? Should I move funds above that to a different offset account, or should I use it to pay down the principal on the loan? Would this then secure these funds in the hopefully unlikely event that a bank failed? Note that this is not a Big 4 Bank. 


Question about Accessing The 10k Out of Superannuation” from Daniel 
If we have money in an offset account, can the bank access it to reduce their exposure? Also, not sure if you can answer, what are the new rules around accessing your super? If you’re a couple can you both access the $10k per FY? Is it means or asset tested? 


Question about “Finding a Remote Property Investment Advisor” from Aaron 
Was about to redo mortgage and borrow additional funds for deposit on 1st investment property (which we are not really sure on the process, have to talk to mortgage broker), but now that everything is closing down not sure what our next steps are. Can we find a property investment advisor completely remotely? Is it a good time for a newbie investor to try and get into the market, when our only knowledge comes from the podcast and your book? 


Question about “What To Do If Tenants Can’t Make Rent” from Rebecca 
I am a single mum with no family support… I have two investment properties but if tenants ask for ‘free rent’ don’t they realise that the landlord might be in a similar situation to them??? That this doesn’t make sense for tenants to ask for a pause on rent when mortgage payments still need to be made. I realise that some banks have waived the repayments for 3-6 months but I am actually not with the BIG banks who are doing this (WOW – it is impressive that it IS the big banks who are offering this support – makes me wants to transfer to one of them!)…any thoughts? 


Question about “Landlords Insurance” from Andrew 
 It would be great for you guys to canvas the current situation around landlords insurance and what policies will and will not cover in terms of loss of rent due to coronavirus circumstances e.g. actually getting Coronavirus and not being able to work vs being laid off because of economic difficulties. I can see this being a bit of a snake pit in terms of insurance policies and wordings associated with ‘pandemics’. 


Additional Helpful Resources on COVID-19

National Update: Click here

State Updates:


One Final Word…

And please… Just a (not so gentle) reminder. Stay at home if you don’t need to go out. Download our Isolate + Chill Pack if you want to use this self-isolation time to learn new things!


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