168 | Q & A on What % of your Income should you Spend, Borderless Investing and Smart Money Management Tips

It’s our favourite day of the month folks… Q & A Day!!!

And we’re covering quite a bit in a short & sweet amount of time today— including AN EXCLUSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT for our Couch listeners!!! (As it so happens, this was dropped with, “Yeah, go on, let’s tell ‘em” and a nod of the head… so an absolute scoop.)

Not only that, but also we answer 3 solid questions, thanks to the legends who leave us a SpeakPipe voicemail message (remember: we prioritise your Q if you do this too)!

But back to today’s episode — if you want to know what we think of investing in Hobart, and down in good ol’ Tassy in general (it’s been getting a bit of attention from a fair few property investors), OR you want to find out if now’s the time to invest in Perth … tune in.

But 100% TUNE IN if you’re keen to get on top of your Money SMARTS — we give you a rough rule of thumb for the amount of income you should allocate to your spending habits ie. How much you should spend on Bills, Living and Lifestyle and your Loan/s!!


The Q’s we’re answering are:


Question about investing in Perth vs Melbourne from David:

Good morning Ben, Bryce & The Stig,

I’m a keen Property Couch listener and thank you for your time generously sharing all your knowledge — it’s much appreciated. Just about myself, specifically: I’m a property investor with 3 properties — 2 in Perth, one in Brisbane. I’m a medical specialist with a good income and I’m looking to go again. I have a 900K pre-approval and looking at either Perth or Melbourne through a Buyers Agent. Clearly the Buyers Agent have biases… the Perth guy things Melbourne is a terrible place to Invest and the Melbourne guy thinks Perth is a terrible place to invest. If you had 900K, you wanted to go now and are a Buy and Hold investor that lines up with your ideas around a good quality growth asset, what would you do?
Thanks very much & come on the Dockers!


Question about Money Management Habits from Nerida:

What percentage of my income should be allocated to living and lifestyle account, primary account and payments account?


Question about investing in Tasmania from Stuart:

Hey guys, I just wanted to get your opinion on whether you’re focusing your attention on Tasmania? The reason for that question is I was just on a work trip to Tasmania last week, and there was a lot of commentary on the radio about shortage of supply in rental accommodation; even talk of people living in tents. I didn’t really get full across it … but something to do with legislation taking a long time to release land or planning approvals taking a long time, so bureaucracy essentially. I just wondered if any of this shortage of supply means your Buyers Agents were looking a little more closely at Tasmania, certainly on Hobart … I’m not sure whether somewhere like Launceston comes into that. But yeah, really interested in your take on what’s going on in Tasmania at the moment, especially people looking to make an investment entry sub- $500,000 as places like Melbourne and Syd make that harder to achieve. Interested on your opinion. Thanks very much!


P.S. The webinar we mention:

Webinar: Property Hotspots & How To Find Them: CLICK HERE to Watch


158 | Cut The Noise: How to Master Your Mindset with Chris Helder

That’s right, folks!

Back by popular demand, we have Chris Helder on The Couch… with his brand new (it’s only been out a week) book, Cut The Noise!!

We first heard Chris’ power of mindset and “Useful Belief” in Episode 113 | Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work and in Bryce’s email shoutout, many of you mentioned you’d benefit from having Chris back on…

Boy, are we glad you did!

For those who missed the episode or need a refresher, Chris Helder is a certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, public speaker, and author of Cut The Noise, Useful Belief and The Ultimate Book of Influence. He’s one of the most sought after speakers and his message is seriously impactful (and useful).

Today, he’s talking about: Better Results, Less Guilt.

Why? We’re bombarded by “news” every. single. day.

Media. Social Media. Marketing. Almost everywhere we look…

So, how do we cut the noise?

You’ll get answers to:

And stay around till Ben’s Did You Know too! There are some interesting discussions around the recent volatility in the stock exchange 😉

P.S. You can purchase all of Chris Helder’s books via his website: https://chrishelder.com.au/books/

P.P.S. Looking for Brené Brown’s Ted Talk on the Power of Vulnerability? Watch it here.

Want regular updates and exclusive freebies? Join our tribe when you download this cheatsheet of our MoneySMARTS System.


157 | 7 Reasons Why Investors Should Think Like Ants

Folks … we’ve gone a bit creative on today’s episode!!

We want you to think, act and do like …. ants!

Yep. We really do mean those teeny tiny insects…. who would have thought ants would come up in a property investing podcast? But before you ask yourself, “Have we left our marbles somewhere?”, we solemnly swear we’ve got a reason!

Well, 7 actually.

And we reckon you can take something away from today’s crafty, critter-fueled episode … especially if you’re in need a bit of a pick-me-up in the mindset department!
So, before we give you the low down on today’s episode, let’s get to the real talk: The proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act.

Yep, it’s causing a bit of a stir after a few disgruntled tenants have had their say ….but it’s now time to have ours. Because these reforms WILL have negative impacts on landlords. Some of the proposed changes include:

  • Allowing tenants to make non-structural modifications to rental properties, which may include repainting an entire property, installing hooks for picture frames, concreting the backyard or reconfiguring built in robes
  • Removal of the landlord’s rights to consent to, or refuse, pets
  • Changes to notice periods around ending a lease, removing the ability for a landlord to serve a 120 Day Notice to Vacate for ‘No Specified Reason’, and removing the option to serve a 60 or 90 Day Notice to Vacate for ‘End of Fixed-term tenancy’ after the initial first term
  • Capping bonds at one month’s rent where the rent is less than $760 per week. This reform will also apply rent that is paid in advance.

We get that a hook in the wall is one thing.. but concreting a backyard, or painting the walls in lime green, is an entirely different thing. These are our assets, and shouldn’t we have the voice to protect them?

So, The Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) released an online petition calling on the Andrews’ Government to change these proposed reforms to Victoria’s rental laws. We want fairness for both sides.


They need 20,000 signed petitions are needed by 6th February 2018.

So, if you feel passionate about this and want to make sure your landlord rights remain, you can sign the petition here.




Did you know that ants can carry 50 times the weight of their body weight?!

Impressive, huh?

This all comes into our 7 reasons why investors should think like ants because:

  1. Ants aren’t intimidated by their workload.

We’ll tell you how this all fits in with property investing, as well as:


Enjoy the episode, folks!
Please let us know what you think of today’s episode! (Be honest.)

155 | Think you know your A.B.C.D — How to Action The Four Pillars of Mastery in 2018!

It’s the day in our week we most look forward to… Happy Podcast Day, folks!

And, you betcha: this episode is ESSENTIAL!


If you’re a regular listener of the show (legend), you know that we go on and on about making sure you head back to our earliest episodes (pre-studio & pre-“professional podcast hosts”), because the information we shared in our glory days is vital. It’s foundational. It’s absolutely the name-of-the-game in property investing!

That’s why today we’re revisiting The Four Pillars of Mastery….. the ABCD of Property Investing. Because now, more than ever, they are going to determine the success of your property portfolio.

What are they again? (Click the link for their full episode).

ABCD. Memorise them. Make sure you’re intimate with every detail and action them in 2018.


Before we explain how you can achieve all this, we want to let you know that if you missed our Throwback Thursday this morning — either you haven’t checked your inbox yet or are yet to register for our free stuff — we gave you Dr Danika Wright’s slides, Controlling the housing asset bubble: Affordability, financial stability and regulation, which she presented at the Affordability Conference  late last year. So, if you’re interested in The Housing Bubble Debate or Supply and Demand, we suggest you check it out. You can access it here.

(And, remember: $5 is all you need to become a PICA Member!)


Right, what’s the deal with today’s episode?

  • What’s the latest with the negative gearing debate?
  • How can Ben’s latest acronym — SACI — influence your cash flow?
  • What is “open banking”, and how can changes in technology influence your cash flow?
  • What is the biggest risk with your cash flow?
  • What are the four categories of cost?
  • Conversational Commerce: Watch this space!
  • Is equity enough to land you a loan?
  • How do you get around the APRA lending changes?
  • Why do you need to have a borrowing strategy?
  • Looking towards the future, are there consequences of going P & I?
  • We’ll say it again: investment stock vs investment grade
  • What are fundamentals of asset selection?
  • What does defence protect?
  • What do you need to know about insurance that’s REALLY important?


Resources mentioned:

154 | The Do’s and Don’ts: The Discoveries We’ve Learnt in Property Investing (PART 2)

Alright, folks! It’s that time again… Podcast Day!

And today we’re bringing you PART 2 of our Summer Series on the Foundational Principles of Property Investing, featuring THE best bits of gold from our guests!

So if you’re interested in building a property portfolio in a tough market, learning the key elements of property investing or wouldn’t mind a handful of renovating tips to increase that capital growth……. then this episode’s got it all!

But before we jump in and tell you which FIVE GUESTS are featuring today, we thought we’d slap on a sticky note here that reads:

Remember: $5 is all you need to become a PICA Member!

At the end of the day, it’s important we come together and join forces in protecting our investments, livelihood and ability to determine our own future.


That said, let’s get on with today show!

Featuring in today’s episode include the following guests…

Answering these questions:



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