197 | Our Embarrassing True Stories: What Was Money Like in Our Own Lives?

Normally personal stories about money stay secret…  up until this episode!

The truth is folks — it’s not really the “done” thing to have a conversation about money, is it? Almost always, there’s this societal expectation to throw money matters — the real truth of your financial situation— off the table and bury it in the overflowing junk drawer.

After all, talking about money is embarrassing, right?

Well… not anymore!!

Today folks, we’re attempting to lead by example — so we’re simply going for it! We’re going to get real and vulnerable and we’re going to share with you OUR OWN that have shaped our relationship and habits with money.

In other words: we’re going to reveal what’s really happened in our life up until now (yep, this includes revealing some childhood influences), which might explain why we’re so obsessed with finance and on a two-man-and-a-couch crusade to help others excel in managing their own money!

So, yep. These stories include the good, the bad and plain embarrassing.

Ready to start the money conversation?


A glimpse into our embarrassing true stories…


And make sure you download your FREE CHAPTER of our latest book, Make Money Simple Again for more tips and money management hacks!
FREE CHAPTER of Make Money Simple Again – RRP $29.95 ———- >  Click here to download or just fill in the form below and we’ll email it to you right away!





195 | Property Bubble or Property Balloon?

Folks, no doubt you’re aware there’s been a shift in the property market.

House prices have dropped. This weekend’s Auction Clearance Rates here in Melbourne were below 50%. So it’s obvious that Sydney and Melbourne have come off their peak.

And back in Episode 66 (over 2 years ago now), we warned you that Winter was Coming… Well, let’s just say “Winter is Here”.

So where’s the good news? And what is a Property Balloon? 

Today we’re going to go “up in clouds” to see the 30,000ft view of the marketplace. We’re going to flashback to the last boom and show you what went down. We’re going to tell you how the correction’s playing out on the demand side and the supply side.

And we’re going to share with you The Big Switch.

So if you’re interested in the minor issues, the headwinds and the potential solution for the current property market… we’ve got over an hour of gold coming your way!


Folks, if think your cash flow story might need improving, don’t forget to take advantage of our free Money S.M.A.R.T.S Platform!

And, don’t forget our loyal listeners are able to Get 20% off our new book – Make Money Simple Again 🙂


Here’s what you’re in for…


194 | Seven Tips to Trap Your Surplus Cash

Folks, have you ever wanted to trap surplus cash and have more money?

If you want to get your hands on the tips to do exactly this, then this is the episode for you!
Because coming your way right now are the 7 Tips to Trap Surplus Cash!

Did you know: this will take us to over 100 money management tips! ‘Cos there are 95 tips in our book, Make Money Simple Again 😉


For the folks who haven’t got a copy of MMSA, you can head to our homepage (thepropertycouch.com.au) and pick up a FREE Chapter of the book!

CLICK HERE for the FREE Chapter of Make Money Simple Again (RRP $29.95)


And just a quick shout out to the countless folk who joined our Money S.M.A.R.T.S Platform to help manage their own money and get financial peace in less than 10 minutes a month — let us know what you think of the Platform!

For those who might be struggling to get passed the Google authenticator stage, which is there to protect your security and anonymity, Ben goes through this in today’s ep! Otherwise, please send us a snapshot of your computer screen, send it to [email protected] and we’ll sort it out for you!

We’ve also started a new Facebook Group, Make Money Simple Again, so we can keep sharing money management tips with the listeners who ask to join! Ben promises to jump on once a week to answer any money management questions you might have, especially if they’re about the Money SMARTS Platform.

  1. CLICK HERE to Join our Facebook Page – Make Money Simple Again
  2. CLICK HERE to get FREE Access to The Property Couch’s Money S.M.A.R.T.S. Platform
  3. CLICK HERE to Get 0ur Book – Make Money Simple Again


PLUS Could you be the Property Investor of the Year?

Your Investment Property Magazine is on the hunt for Australia’s Investor of the Year!
If you think you’ve got what it takes to win (up to $20K worth of prizes, including a 12-month membership to LocationScore.com.au!), apply now!
There are three categories up for grabs: New Investor, Strategic Investor and Reno Investor — Entries close Midnight on Tuesday 30th October 2018


Back to today’s show!

Here’s what you’re in for…

149 | Money Tips to Survive this Christmas

It’s beginning to look a lot like…… Spending!

That’s right, folks. Christmas is just around the corner, and let’s face it: it’s an expensive time of the year for all of us.

So we thought we’d share some money management tips so you avoid filling the stocking with all your hard earned cash. We’ve also taken apart the latest CBA Report, which explains some alarming spending habits that you and a whole lot of Australian’s are doing in December.

Plus, we’ve got a ripper SURPRISE FOR OUR 150TH EPISODE next week. Yep — not only is The Stig opening, closing and Life Hack-ing the show (thanks to your Movember donations, woot woot) — but also, we have a SERIOUSLY EXCITING GUEST ON!!! It’s someone we’ve been trying to get on for a loooooong time.

Want to find out who it is?

You’ll find out in today’s episode!!! (After all, we’re in the festive spirit.)


*****Also, stay tuned to the end and you’ll bear witness to Ben’s truly ridiculous Did You Know?*****


So, what are we on about today?



Final Movember Tally: $11,533

If you donated and haven’t given us your address yet, please email us at [email protected]


P.S. Don’t forget: next week’s 150th Episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S. And here’s the link to the Dirty Santa’s Rules!


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