155 | Think you know your A.B.C.D — How to Action The Four Pillars of Mastery in 2018!

It’s the day in our week we most look forward to… Happy Podcast Day, folks!

And, you betcha: this episode is ESSENTIAL!


If you’re a regular listener of the show (legend), you know that we go on and on about making sure you head back to our earliest episodes (pre-studio & pre-“professional podcast hosts”), because the information we shared in our glory days is vital. It’s foundational. It’s absolutely the name-of-the-game in property investing!

That’s why today we’re revisiting The Four Pillars of Mastery….. the ABCD of Property Investing. Because now, more than ever, they are going to determine the success of your property portfolio.

What are they again? (Click the link for their full episode).

ABCD. Memorise them. Make sure you’re intimate with every detail and action them in 2018.


Before we explain how you can achieve all this, we want to let you know that if you missed our Throwback Thursday this morning — either you haven’t checked your inbox yet or are yet to register for our free stuff — we gave you Dr Danika Wright’s slides, Controlling the housing asset bubble: Affordability, financial stability and regulation, which she presented at the Affordability Conference  late last year. So, if you’re interested in The Housing Bubble Debate or Supply and Demand, we suggest you check it out. You can access it here.

(And, remember: $5 is all you need to become a PICA Member!)


Right, what’s the deal with today’s episode?

  • What’s the latest with the negative gearing debate?
  • How can Ben’s latest acronym — SACI — influence your cash flow?
  • What is “open banking”, and how can changes in technology influence your cash flow?
  • What is the biggest risk with your cash flow?
  • What are the four categories of cost?
  • Conversational Commerce: Watch this space!
  • Is equity enough to land you a loan?
  • How do you get around the APRA lending changes?
  • Why do you need to have a borrowing strategy?
  • Looking towards the future, are there consequences of going P & I?
  • We’ll say it again: investment stock vs investment grade
  • What are fundamentals of asset selection?
  • What does defence protect?
  • What do you need to know about insurance that’s REALLY important?


Resources mentioned:

068 | Common complaints we hear from property investors

It has been some time since our last episode on investing and mindset framework so this time, Bryce and Ben will be unpacking the common complaints they hear from property investors. Here are the top 9!

  1. Wrong asset
  2. No buffer in place
  3. Mentoring was actually salesmanship
  4. Not maximising tax depreciation with Quantity Surveyor
  5. Solo sport
  6. Self property management (Check out Episode 31)
  7. Poor cash flow management (Check out Episode 3)
  8. Not starting early enough
  9. Selling


Apart from that, they will also be sharing some insider information on ‘offers’ they’ve received from property spruikers out there, Labor’s debate on negative gearing and the changes on foreign buyer stamp duty. Also, if you are interested in the BMT Tax Depreciation Application Form mentioned in this podcast, just fill in the form below and we’ll send it to you right away:

Free resources: BMT Tax Depreciation Application Form

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Other resources mentioned in this episode:


PS: We’ll also be holding a Live Q&A Event on Wednesday, 29th of June at 8:30 pm. Check out our Facebook page for more information!


If you like this episode (Common complaints we hear from property investors), don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. Any questions or ideas? Feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/

53 | The MoneySMARTS System

By now, our listeners should understand the importance of good money management habits. It is the core of building a successful property investment portfolio and has been reiterated multiples times throughout this podcast.

Since Episode 3, as part of the Four Pillars of Mastery, Bryce and Ben have talked on various occasions about Cash Flow Management and the flow of money in your household. This includes where money comes from, types of spending and types of investments for your surplus.

In Episode 41, they talk about the moving parts of cash flow management – otherwise known as the money and accumulation model. This model looks at variables and assumptions to consider when you’re modelling sophisticated money and wealth outcomes.

Ep 53 Money SMARTS system - which account do I use - picOn page 58 of the Armchair Guide to Property Investing, they introduced the MoneySMARTS system. It’s a money management system where SMARTS stands for Surplus, Mindset, Application, Resources, Timelines and Strategy.

The book provides an overall summary of each section and also some tips on how you can set up this account structure yourself. But we’ve received some feedback that our readers would like us to explain this in more detail so that is exactly what Bryce and Ben have done in this episode.

As an extension of the MoneySMARTS system, we are also sharing a “cheat sheet” on which account to use for different types of expenses. Just fill in your details below and we’ll send you the link to download it.


NEW Update:

Since this episode was produced, we’ve created a free online platform called Moorr and a book (now a bestseller) called Make Money Simple Again to help our community implement MoneySMARTS better. Make sure you check the app out and claim your free copy of the book!

041 | The Moving Parts of Cash Flow Management (Money & Wealth Accumulation Model)

Money & Wealth Accummulation Model - FinalThis week on The Property Couch, Bryce and Ben discuss the moving parts of a cash flow management strategy.

As compared to Episode 3 (Four Pillars of Mastery – Cash Flow Management) where we talked about the flow of money, this episode is mainly about the Money and Wealth Accumulation Model. It includes the variables and assumptions to consider when modelling sophisticated wealth outcomes.

As this topic can be fairly detailed, we strongly recommend you have the diagram open while listening to this episode.

We will also be answering this question from Bradden:

You often refer to paying down debt during your talks as a means of creating passive income. Is there a strategy of paying down debt on your rental properties? Is it just as simple as paying P&I? Do you only start paying down debt once you have finished your accumulation phase? Does this only happen when you start to sell one of your properties? I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on paying down debt. P.S. Ben’s not a bad bloke for a Collingwood supporter.

This topic is also discussed in Part Three (Section 10) of our book The Armchair Guide to Property Investing. For those who have the book, you can also refer to page 219 for additional reference.

Free resources mentioned in this episode

If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. Any questions or ideas? Feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/

016 (Part 2) | The 5 Essential Steps to Property Investing in Australia

Aaand we’re back at it folks!!   

Our first double part episode…ALL IN THE SPACE OF ONE WEEK!  

Yep. That’s how important we believe these two lessons are!!  

So today we’re finishing our “5 Essential Steps to Property Investing in Australia” framework (of course, if you haven’t already listened to the first part, tune in here) covering the last TWO steps of the process:  

4. Implement (The researching and buying – often what too many people do FIRST in the framework)  

5. Manage (The checking and monitoring of the property each year)  

Ep 16 The Property Couch - 5 Essential Steps to Property Investing in Australia Part 2

Combined, these 5 steps will guide you to effectively and successfully plan and achieve your life goals!  

AND (in the wise words of Bryce) if you’d like to turn your dream into a goal, our business – Empower Wealth – offers tailored Property Wealth Planning strategies based on YOUR financial and life goals.   

We discuss how these plans work and why they’re important… 

Plus, we define the 2 key metrics that Empower Wealth uses to create these insanely accurate financial plans!  

(Did we mention these advanced calculations have been designed by Ben himself??)  

If you’re interested in getting us to help you out with your property journey, check us out here!  

There’s so much gold in this framework finale episode, tune in now folks!  


Free Stuff Mentioned  

Just starting your property investing journey? Check out our FREE Binge Guide to the Foundations of Property, Finance and Money Management, which show you which episodes you need to understand the basics!

Here’s what it looks like inside:

What to expect in this 90-page cheat sheet?

  • The foundational knowledge from each of the first 20 episodes
  • The absolute GOLD that you should not miss out on!
  • Quotes from Bryce and Ben that will make all the difference
  • Links to all the free resources that they mention in the episodes
  • Additional bonuses that will help you in further understanding the fundamentals
  • And of course…charts and graphs that you can’t find on the podcast!


Interested? Fill in the form below and we’ll email it to you right away.


Here’s some of the gold we cover…

  • 0:40 – It’s all strategy and tactics folks… 
  • 1:01 – How to develop the best investment strategy for you (and how we can help!)  
  • 2:48 – The footy equivalent of what we’re teaching  
  • 3:41 – Plan to become what you plan to become! 
  • 5:39 – What you need to factor into your plans… 
  • 6:38 – This part is for the folks who want to do their own plan! (How we do it)  
  • 7:50 – Why Ben created Empower Wealth’s simulation software  
  • 9:39 – The 1st key metric in Ben’s software 
  • 10:26 – The 2nd key metric in Ben’s software (and why it’s so important!)  
  • 12:34 – Step 4 in our framework  
  • 15:50 – Step 5 (and what often happens without a plan…)  
  • 17:38 – What happens when you DO have a plan!  
  • 18:18 – Great property investments only require HOW much time?!  
  • 20:31 – We’ve done a…webinar?! Plus a bonus you can get!  



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