090 | Future of the Australian Property Market Post Donald Trump – Chat with Tim Lawless

Today’s episode is special guest day and joining Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley is Australia’s leading property analyst and CoreLogic’s Director of Research, Tim Lawless, who will discuss the future of each state in Australia. Following on from last week’s episode of President-Elect, Donald Trump and the uncertainty his win will have on the market; Bryce, Ben and Tim move on to discuss what the positives to follow are due to the presidential win, even though it’s is still early days.

So in today’s episode, the main areas these three will be talking about are:

  • Tim’s backstory and experience as a property analyst and how he got to where he is today
  • CoreLogic and research methodologies for the monthly reports
  • The potential risk if interest rates rise in Melbourne and Sydney
  • Wealth bases for Hobart, Canberra, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin
  • What the government needs to do to help and stimulate employment for those states that are in decline
  • Trends in population and what this means for Australian property market
  • The uncertainty of Trump’s win and how this has affected the market and what potential effects are to follow

We hope you enjoy this latest post and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matters brought up…even if it is a response to their thoughts on Kim Kardashian or Kanye West running for the next US election!

And here’s the reports mentioned in today’s podcast:


If you like this podcast: “Future of the Australian Property Market Post Donald Trump – Chat with Tim Lawless”, don’t forget to rate us on our iTunes channel (The Property Couch Podcast) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: https://thepropertycouch.com.au/topics/

RBA October 2015 Cash Rate Cut

Today the Reserve Governor and the Board met and kept the cash rate at 2%. In this RBA Cash Rate announcement, Ben will be touching on these points:

  • Market volatility around the world
  • Political changes in Australia
  • Business Conditions and Consumer Sentiment
  • Interest rate movement
  • The Australian Dollar and its impact on the Economy

Watch this video to find out more.




Ben Kingsley - Quote of the Day - The property couchCommentary & Opinion of Ben Kingsley – CEO & Founder; Property Investment Analyst and Advisor and current Chair of PIPA Ben Kingsley is the Founding Director of Empower Wealth and Chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA). A qualified Property Investment Advisor (QPIA), Ben holds a Real Estate Agency License (QLD), a Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, a Diploma of Business and has become one of Australia’s leading experts in property investing for wealth creation.


(People watching/reading this should be reminded this is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley, and should not be used when making decisions about financial matters without seeking further clarification and understanding of your own personal circumstances. This article is not advice you should rely upon. We recommend you to speak to a licensed professionals before taking any action with your financial affairs)


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