RBA July 2015 Cash Rate Cut

Today the Reserve Governor and the Board met and kept the cash rate at 2%. We saw changes in February and also in May of this year and now again, the Governor and the Board is basically just waiting to see what happens.




Ben Kingsley - Quote of the Day - The property couchCommentary & Opinion of Ben Kingsley – CEO & Founder; Property Investment Analyst and Advisor and current Chair of PIPA Ben Kingsley is the Founding Director of Empower Wealth and Chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA). A qualified Property Investment Advisor (QPIA), Ben holds a Real Estate Agency License (QLD), a Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, a Diploma of Business and has become one of Australia’s leading experts in property investing for wealth creation.


(People watching/reading this should be reminded this is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley, and should not be used when making decisions about financial matters without seeking further clarification and understanding of your own personal circumstances. This article is not advice you should rely upon. We recommend you to speak to a licensed professionals before taking any action with your financial affairs)

ABC News 24 – Property Bubble in Sydney and Melbourne?

Ben Kingsley has recently appeared as a guest on ABC News 24 – The Weekend Breakfast show. He has appeared on this show a couple of times but this time the main focus is on the Property Bubble in Sydney and Melbourne. First of all, is there a bubble? Ben has mentioned in Episode 14 that it’s not a bubble but more like a balloon. Also, he has created a free report and presentation on the Top 10 Suburbs in Sydney in 2003 and what happened to them in 2007 to help our listeners understand what he meant. In this show, he discuss further on our Treasury Secretary, John Fraser’s remark that Sydney is “unequivocally” in a property bubble, impact of the interest rate movement on Australia’s household borrowing power and loan servicing in the future. He also mentioned that the historically low interest rate at the moment will not last forever and will the Property Market crash as the interest rate starts to rise? Watch this video to find out more now.



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014 | Should You Buy During a Boom and Are We in a Property Bubble?!

There’s no denying that Sydney and Melbourne are in a boom right now…but what does that mean for the everyday investor?  

Here’s the deal: We’re exploring WHAT you should be considering if you’re thinking of jumping into these heated markets… 

WHY having the fundamentals of property selection is important during this time… 

And discussing the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s (APRA) new changes to lending policies that seriously affect pre-approvals for investors!! 

In fact, we discuss if you should even be investing at all during a boom – after all, how do you know the market hasn’t already peaked?  

We’ll also be sharing our strategy for dealing with booming markets! (Check out our episode on buying counter-cyclical as part of this!)   

And remember folks… 

It’s not a bubble, it’s a balloon! 🎈🎈 

You heard it here first!! Now that we’ve verbally trademarked it (Yep, that’s 100% legitimate 😉)…what do we mean?  

Well, you’ll have to tune in to find out!  

All we’re saying for now is that Sydney’s currently in a property balloon…listen in now!  


Free Stuff Mentioned  


Here’s some of the gold we cover…

  • 2:08 – What you need to remember about the property market  
  • 2:48 – Why Sydney is in a balloon…NOT a bubble!  
  • 5:10 – FREE data on Sydney’s top performing areas  
  • 6:25 – Should you buy during a boom?  
  • 7:20 – Why you need to have your property selection fundamentals right!  
  • 8:30 – Our strategy for our clients (& why we’re out of the Sydney market right now!)  
  • 10:30 – The “common sense” point of view  
  • 11:13 – A safe strategy for booming markets  
  • 11:53 – What is Compression Risk?  
  • 12:55 – What properties we’re buying in a boom vs. the typical properties we buy  
  • 13:57 – THESE are the times you should buy in!  
  • 15:00 – Why you should consider your timeframe  
  • 16:58 – Do the Commonwealth Games impact property value?  
  • 18:55 – Are you up to date on APRA’s changes to lender policies?  
  • 20:25 – Our key message!  


RBA June 2015 Cash Rate Cut

Today the Reserve Governor and the Board met and they’ve kept interest rates on hold. Now this was widely anticipated. The facts are, at 2% cash rate, it is at historically low level and if we were to actually move rates further down which we do have capacity to do if you look at the minutes. Now, if you are wondering what factors have motivated the RBA to make this decision, check out Ben’s commentary on it.



Ben Kingsley - Quote of the Day - The property couchCommentary & Opinion of Ben Kingsley – CEO & Founder; Property Investment Analyst and Advisor and current Chair of PIPA Ben Kingsley is the Founding Director of Empower Wealth and Chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA). A qualified Property Investment Advisor (QPIA), Ben holds a Real Estate Agency License (QLD), a Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, a Diploma of Business and has become one of Australia’s leading experts in property investing for wealth creation.   (People watching/reading this should be reminded this is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley, and should not be used when making decisions about financial matters without seeking further clarification and understanding of your own personal circumstances. This article is not advice you should rely upon. We recommend you to speak to a licensed professionals before taking any action with your financial affairs)



RBA May 2015 Cash Rate Cut

Today the Reserve Governor and the Board met and they’ve dropped interest rate once again to 2%. So following the February rate cut, they’ve followed it up with a May rate cut. Now, if you are wondering what factors have motivated the RBA to make this decision, check out Ben’s commentary on it.




Ben Kingsley - Quote of the Day - The property couchCommentary & Opinion of Ben Kingsley – CEO & Founder; Property Investment Analyst and Advisor and current Chair of PIPA Ben Kingsley is the Founding Director of Empower Wealth and Chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA). A qualified Property Investment Advisor (QPIA), Ben holds a Real Estate Agency License (QLD), a Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, a Diploma of Business and has become one of Australia’s leading experts in property investing for wealth creation. 


(People watching/reading this should be reminded this is an opinion comment by Ben Kingsley, and should not be used when making decisions about financial matters without seeking further clarification and understanding of your own personal circumstances. This article is not advice you should rely upon. We recommend you to speak to a licensed professionals before taking any action with your financial affairs)


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