327 | Winning A HOT Property Market (Part 3) – The Step-By-Step Process!

The final part of our mini-series: “The Step-By-Step Process To Win In A HOT Property Market” has landed!

Just in case you missed it…


  • Episode 326 was all about The SEARCH for the property and The DUE-DILIGENCE around the search and the finance (lending) for that property!
  • Episode 325 was about GETTING STARTED! Nailing the brief, how to get your FINANCE ready,


And this week is all about…..


Doesn’t matter if it’s an offer prior to auction, post auction or even a ZOOM auction…

We’ll be sharing practical, real-life and tested tips and tactics on setting your offer limit, the tone of voice to use, replies to common agent feedback, body language and more!

And of course…. What happens after the offer gets accepted?! If you think that you’ve signed on the dotted line and that’s it, you couldn’t be more wrong.

It’s not over until the keys to the property are in your hands and you can officially walk in without being considered a “trespasser” ….

We’ll be unpacking the mistakes, the last minute paperwork, the forgotten things and the follow-ups that a diligent buyer needs to do after signing the contract because let’s face it…. You’ve done so well to secure a property, you DO NOT want to stuff up the final leg.


Free Stuff Mentioned…

  • (AUDIOBOOK) The Armchair Guide to Property Investing now available on Audible & other audiobook platforms! And you can also get it at a discount here.
  • Real Estate Agent Series – Listen here


Here’s What We Cover…

  • 9:42 – The FOUR overarching themes to be in a position of making an offer in this seller’s market
  • 10:31 – One thing that you DO NOT WANT TO COMPROMISE ON at all to get the property
  • 13:43 – In a HOT Market, you may need to make THIS decision before you even inspect the property. But are you in the right headspace to do that?
  • 15:47 – The due diligence that you can do on the property BEFORE the open day
  • 16:49 – How quick should you really go if the property is the one?
  • 18:34 – If 6 months comparables are considered “old data” in this market… how do you even set a price or work out your offer/stretch?
  • 19:05 – The three price levels that you need to know when buying a property
  • 22:10 – What questions can you ask a competing (but friendly) agent who lost that listing?
  • 23:50 – Two professionals in your A-Team that needs to be on standby before you go to an open
  • 25:00 – Critical, Important and Nice-To-Haves in a contract – Which ones are worth taking a risk for?
  • 32:13 – Offer Prior to Auction – How to get one and be ready for it?
  • 32:30 – Boardroom auction – Is it still common these days and what’s the mystery behind it?
  • 36:13 – The real boss during an auction and what role you want to play to make sure you are in their favour?
  • 37:34 – Zoom Auction – Getting the art of body language right! (Yes, even if it’s online!)
  • 40:54 – Ben’s real-life story of losing the auction but still winning the property!
  • 43:23 – Making an Informal vs Formal Offer in current market prices
  • 43:51 – Top 3 questions to ask a RE Agent during an inspection to show that you’re in the game
  • 44:50 – The NUMBER ONE question to ask yourself when it comes to setting a price..
  • 45:47 – Your script to the real estate agent >> “I’m not asking what they’re offering, of course you’re not going to disclose that to me. But ultimately what I am saying here are two things. One, if you ______”
  • 48:32 – The CONDITIONS that you should include in a seller’s market to give you an added advantage 😉
  • 50:15 – The Competitive Tension of NOT being Conservative vs Legitimate.
  • 50:50 – Having THIS productive conversation with your broker and how to explain the nature of a hot market to them
  • 52:26 – The exact questions you should ask your investment savvy broker and understanding the pros and cons of the different buying ranges
  • 54:53 – When is it alright for you to jump up the risk spectrum?
  • 56:55 – THIS is not an escape clause. Don’t dance with the devil thinking you can use it.
  • 58:09 – Tips on taking away the vendor’s pain
  • 1:00:57 – Settlement – how to make sure it does not fall over?
  • 1:00:57 – Bryce’s (or rather Adit’s) Apple Lifehack!
  • 1:08:23 – Ben’s What’s Making Property News on times when the Property Market went “crazy”


Our Summer Series 2018/19!

For our Summer Series this time, we’re including everyone in our community; both experts of the industry as well as our fellow listeners!
Yes, it’s never been done before and what’s more, we are producing it TWICE A WEEK!

No doubt it’s a bit tricky but it’s all worth it. The wisdom and inspiration from our guests are exceptional.

You do not want to miss this series folks! 

So to help you catch up, here’s a link of all our Summer Series episode. Enjoy!


Thank you once again to all our guests for joining is on the show. It was an absolute pleasure chatting with all of you superstars and we look forward to a great 2019 ahead!


And if YOU would like to share your story with us, we’d love to hear it! Just fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch when our next series start. 😉

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  • And a quick summary on your Money Story!

    Let's start with What Money Means to You. We are interested to know what motivates you particularly when it comes to money. From the options below, please select the top five that matter to you.

  • A quick summary on your Money Story!
  • Don't spill all the beans 😉

  • And finally, have you implemented our MoneySMARTS system?

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209 | Veronica Morgan – From the Coalface of the Sydney Property Market

With 2019 officially off the ground, we thought we’d organise a reunion with our good friend “Ronnie”…  A.K.A the one and only Veronica Morgan, who is ABSOLUTELY qualified to give you the heads up on how to find an investment grade asset in this Buyer’s Market!

( Shhhh… don’t tell her we called her “Ronnie” here 😉 )


Folks, if you’ve been listening to us for a little while now, it’ll come as no surprise that Veronica Morgan was Bryce’s co-host back in the days of Location, Location, Location Australia and Relocation, Relocation on Foxtel’s Lifestyle Channel! Yep, you might have heard her previous eps on the Couch — Episode 76 | Building a property portfolio after the boom  and Episode 161 | How to Buy Property Like a Pro!

But this (and the friendly banter) is only half of the reason we love listening to what Veronica has to say about the Aus. Property Market — put simply: she’s an ace Buyers Agent on the grounds in the Sydney market!! Which makes total sense as the Founder and Principal of Good Deeds Property Buyers, a Buyers Agency specialising in the Sydney market! Plus, Veronica’s also a QPIA, a clever property investor and key note speaker and industry writer!

Oh, and a little birdie told us she has her OWN property podcast, The Elephant in the Room, which see co-hosts with Chris Bates!

So if someone knows the Sydney market, it’s Veronica!

Before we crack open the can of gold, just a quick shout out that Bryce’s brand new show Escape from the City AIRS TONIGHT!! So if you’re around, flick on ABC at 7:30PM!!


What’s in store today??


Missed our earlier episodes in The Summer Series?


DOWNLOAD our Free Binge Guide Here – The First 20 Episodes

This 80-odd page document is the vault containing all the foundational tips and insights you need to be a successful investor.
Want a Free Copy of The Golden Highlights? You can get it here.

208 | Tom Panos – Making MORE Money While You Sleep in 2019

Happy New Year Folks!!

And what better way to kick off the FIRST DAY of 2019 than with a brand new episode of our Summer Series??!! Not to mention, we’re also dropping the secret of how YOU can make more money in this year!

To help us welcome in your year of wealth is Tom Panos – real estate coach, trainer and founder of Real Estate Gym who has been an active property investor for the past 25 years!

If you missed his earlier episode on the Couch — Episode 120 | Secret to Making Money While You Sleep —then it might pay to know that Tom’s also the co-host of the Million Dollar Agent podcast, Real Estate Advertising Director for News Corp, and is one of Sydney’s leading Real Estate Auctioneers, as well as being a sought-after keynote for the Real Estate industry.

Oh, and just to add a bit more icing to the cake, Tom wakes up at 5am every single day just so he can bring his best to life. (With the shadow of New Year’s Eve still under most of our eyes, the discipline of this might feel MUCH more real, huh??)

In a nutshell: Tom knows his stuff. And he knows how to be the best at it.

So if you’re feeling a bit fragile today, all good, chuck on your headphones (maybe grab a glass of water on your way), and just chill out. We’ve done the hard work for you 😉


What can you expect to learn today?


Missed our earlier episodes in The Summer Series?


DOWNLOAD our Free Binge Guide Here – The First 20 Episodes

This 80-odd page document is the vault containing all the foundational tips and insights you need to be a successful investor.

Want a Free Copy of The Golden Highlights? You can get it here.

166 | How to Avoid 7 Common and Costly Settlement Mistakes when Buying a Property – Chat with Nicole Faid

Back by popular demand!

We heard from today’s guest back on Episode 107, and joining us again is none other than Nicole Faid, Principal and Founder of Accord Conveyancing, who has handed out accurate legal advice for over 25 years! Just a heads up — we covered her awesome back story in that previous episode, so if you want to hear it (and it’s well worth the listen), go back and check it out!

So — conveyancing — let’s take the mystery out of it, folks! Because a lot of people out there don’t know what happens once the documents have been handed over to a conveyancer, especially one like Nicole!

And we jump straight into it, folks! So get pumped for the 7 common & COSTLY mistakes you really DON’T want to make…

(If this episode doesn’t cement the fact that it’s crucial to get a contract review BEFORE you sign, very little will!)

So, let’s hear it!

  • In a nutshell, what does a conveyancer do?
  • What is the most important document that underpins a contract?
  • How many people don’t get the amount of land they thought they would when purchasing a property?
  • What happens if the discrepancy of this land is less than 5%?
  • What REAL LIFE EXAMPLE happened in Brunswick? (And how much did this mistake cost the buyer?!)
  • Why shouldn’t you rely on your own interpretation of “wear and tear”?
  • Are “back-to-back settlements” a bad idea?
  • What happens with the conveyancing rules if you’re a borderless investor?
  • What is a caveat?
  • If you’re purchasing through an SMSF, what title requirements do you need to be aware of?
  • What can happen in the settlement period that will seriously shock you?
  • Why is it important to distinguish between major and minor issues with the settlement process?
  • When should you conduct a Building and Pest Inspection?
  • How does the art of negotiation fit into all this?
  • What is the best risk management?
  • What do you need to keep in mind with the final inspection?
  • What is the legal requirement about having a granny flat?!

Yep, it’s a hairy and very serious episode folks, because the mistakes we talk about in this episode can be VERY EXPENSIVE!!


P.S. Missed yesterday’s Facebook Live?

We answered a couple of questions on your lunchbreak (in 15 minutes)! WATCH it here!



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