Ben Kingsley on ABC News 24 – Australia’s Housing Boom


Melbourne’s property prices have surged in the past month, pushing ahead of Sydney in the last quarter. The property market in Australia’s two biggest cities are currently dominated by investors who are currently making up to 60% of buyers. What had cause this housing boom in both cities and is it a good time to buy now considering the increasing prices? Ben discussed about this on ABC News 24 and will also be providing a brief update on the other states in Australia. Watch the video to learn more.




Ben Kingsley - Quote of the Day - The property couch Ben Kingsley – CEO & Founder; Property Investment Analyst and Advisor and current Chair of PIPA

Ben Kingsley is the Founding Director of Empower Wealth and Chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA). A qualified Property Investment Advisor (QPIA), Ben holds a Real Estate Agency License (QLD), a Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, a Diploma of Business and has become one of Australia’s leading experts in property investing for wealth creation.


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