485 | Must the Plane Have Landed BEFORE I Retire?


Is 64 too old to be starting a property portfolio?  

Must your investment property be fully funded by the time one retires?  

And why does investing with intention matter – even after you’ve acquired 5 properties?  

In today’s Q&A we’re answering these fantastic questions that explore the many layers folks should consider BEFORE they choose to enter or exit the property game.  

This episode highlights the importance of planning and intention, from calculating how much you really need (and gaining clarity around your next step) to why you shouldn’t invest in property like stepping stones. 

Plus, we have a Listener Tale (or horror story) highlighting why property management matters. Listen now! 


Free Stuff Mentioned

  • Moorr Webinar: Best Tools for the Job – What to Use When?
    7:30pm AEDT, 19 March
    Within Moorr, our money management platform, there are currently over 25 features and tools, providing more than 100 different insights! In our webinar we’ll guide you on the best tools for the job and reveal how all your data comes together to give you meaningful insights through our “track your progress” approach to money management. Find out more or reserve your spot >>  
  • Corelogic’s Women in Property Report just released! Read it now >>  
  • Leave us a Q or share your story with the TPC community!
    Leave us a Q for our next Q&A Day (and we’ll give you a free Start & Build course!) or share your property journey and be in our next Winter Series.  Send us a voice message now >>   


Questions We Answer

Q1) How important is it that an investment property is fully funded by the time you retire? from Richard  

Hi Ben and Bryce, Richard here.

I just wanna start by thanking you both for everything that you do for the community. It’s real eye opener and it helps me to get my head in the right spaces.

I look towards everyone my house fully paid off and looking to start my 1st investment, but my question is, I’m 52 just about paying my own property out.

How important is it that an investment property is fully funded by the time you retire, or is it okay if it’s just looking after itself and can continue on for another few years, whilst your in retirement and fund itself in the background, if you can give us any help on that, that would be great.

Thank you.


Q2) Investing at 64 from Ralph 

Hi, I just wanna know if I can build a property portfolio at the age of 64. Thank you. 


Q3) Multiple IP’s already and wondering what to do next? from Matt   

Hi guys, it’s Matt here. 

I live down in Torquay, VIC. We have a number of investment properties: 2 in Queensland, 3 Victoria and we own our home. 

We own most of our investment properties. There is still a little bit of debt there. 

Basically, just looking for a financial plan or some advice as to what to do to move forward. I plan to step away from our business within the next five years and just see whether we can somehow live off the equity. 

I basically just want a plan and just maybe get you guys to have a look at our overall situation and offer some advice, and look forward to hear back from you. Bye. 


Listener Tale: The Importance of Property Management 

Hey Ben and Bryce, 

Just wanted to reach out and say Ep. 480[How to Fail to Retire on $2k per week] 

Guys! This is phe . nom . enal ! I can relate to some if not all of the “how to fail to build” points you raised here. 

My true story goes a little something like this:  

I bought my first house and land package as a PPR just before the GFC hit and after living in it for a year, rented it out because I went off traveling the world in my mid 20s for the next 8/9 years. After the real estate agency secured what I thought was a good tenant, I gave them the flick and managed the property privately. Thought it was a great idea to save a few dollars on fee’s right. Those same tenants moved out 5 years later and I had to replace all the carpets, repaint the walls and replace some fans the kids had swung off of. Needless to say, the bond certainly didn’t cover this. I kept the bond and offered the tenants to pay the rest of the bill. Obviously, I heard crickets from them so had to pay the rest out of my own pocket. I had landlords insurance but this is a worst case insurance for me and I never use it to claim small things. Its just for the “what if the house burns down”. 

You’d think I’d learn right? Wrong. I went and got another tenant, funny enough it was the family next door and they were moving out of that house because it was up for sale. I saw an opportunity to save of management fees again and 2 weeks rent the real estate would have charged for finding a new tenant. The new family moved in under a private agreement. Sweet as right? Nope.. after trying to manage this house from a yacht somewhere in the Bahamas (which I worked on btw not owned) I found out while doing my own tax return one year that they had under paid me rent. I had to send them emails and show them spread sheets from a far of how much they were behind and it was more than 5 grand. I thought enough was enough and got a property manager to helped sort them out and they did pay me what I was owed and all was fine. 

But do you know what the kicker is, well it’s not keeping up with what the rental market is doing. I.e. rents around my house had gone up and considerably, but because I was managing this house myself from a far I didn’t have the finger on the pulse. After all of this learning, let me tell you fella’s.. I have now learnt! I maintained a property manager for this house from then on. 

That lesson had taught me about property management and it’s importance. What it didn’t teach was having the right strategy in place, and so I sold that house at roughly the 10 year mark (insert palm in face emoji). 

I can whole heartly say that the net of the money I 

saved in management fee’s over the years was surely a net negative and as you can see to top it off I sold the property and paid commission to do so. I can’t bring myself to check the growth of that suburb and what the house would be worth now or event to check what it’s rental yield would be. For context I sold it in 2022. 

Final point I’ll make on this and for people who may read this, I wish I got accredited professional help because my future self would have thanked me for it. My wife and I have now got that help through Empower Wealth and we are on a path of retribution. 

I am a dedicated listener to your podcast. Keep up the great work! 

You guys are my Joe Rogen! 

Cheers Trev. 



  • 0:00 – Must the Plane Have Landed BEFORE I Retire? 
  • 1:39 – The lengths we go through, Moorr webinar & a listener message!  
  • 7:29 – Mindset Minute: Rich vs Poor Mindset 
  • 12:17 – Q1) How important is it that an investment property is fully funded by the time you retire? 
  • 14:13 – If you wait, you rob yourself of the power of…  
  • 15:47 – We need to understand THIS before we start 
  • 18:05 – What your investment property should look like in retirement  
  • 19:34 – Why property investing isn’t like stepping stones  
  • 21:29 – “Strategy has to be informed by cashflow 
  • 23:53 – Q2) Investing at 64 
  • 24:50 – Work back from your needs 
  • 27:39 – Considerations for older investors 
  • 28:13 – Why market cycle timing is important 
  • 30:13 – Access to funding & lenders  
  • 34:41 – Q3) Multiple IP’s already and wondering what to do next? 
  • 35:42 – Why intention matters!  
  • 36:42 – Should Matt live off equity?  
  • 38:46 – How to figure out what is possible 
  • 39:49 – When rates or costs of living go up, how does it affect a Living Off Equity strategy? 
  • 41:57 – This is a perfect “What if” example 
  • 44:06 – The 4 Expense Categories  
  • 45:59 – What living off equity means  
  • 46:45 – Listener Tale: The Importance of Property Management 
  • 50:42 – You either pay with money or time!  


  • 52:13 – Lifehack: With or Without Me energy  
  • 55:22 – WMPN: Moving the dial for women!  

484 | Cracking the Code: Mastering the 60% Land to Asset Ratio


With soaring immigration and construction hitting historic lows, Australia’s property market faces an accommodation crisis. 

In Bryce’s words, “Disincentives have been happening for over a decade.”   

Kicking off our first Q&A session for 2024, we’re diving into the widespread economic and political factors that have become “the perfect recipe” for today’s housing crisis.  

We also dissect how to master the 60% of land-to-asset ratios and tackle this burning question:   

Is Brisbane a wise choice for investment with the 2032 Olympics on the horizon? Can we anticipate a property surge post-game? 

 Tune in now to find out! 


P.S. Happy International Women’s Day! To celebrate all the incredible women in our lives, how far we’ve come, and the work still to be done, we’ve got a special message from some of our great friends and past guests on The Property Couch. 


Free Stuff Mentioned

  • Moorr Webinar: Best Tools for the Job – What to Use When?
    7:30pm AEDT, 19 March
    Within Moorr, our money management platform, there are currently over 25 features and tools, providing more than 100 different insights! In our webinar we’ll guide you on the best tools for the job and reveal how all your data comes together to give you meaningful insights through our “track your progress” approach to money management. Find out more or reserve your spot >>  
  • Previous Episodes mentioned: 480 | How to FAIL to Retire on $2K Per Week 


Graphs mentioned

484 - Q2 Land to Value Ratios


Questions We Answer 

 Q1) Investment in Brisbane for 2032 Olympics from Jeremy  

“Hey Bryce and Ben, this is Jeremy from Brisbane. 

I’ve been listening to you guys now for approximately five months after I discovered your book. I’m up to episode 95 today, plus the one a week that you release. 

With this level of immersion, I think I’m actually hearing you guys talk in my dreams. I think I’ve finally got past the foreign language sign ups too, which is a big step. 

I really appreciate what you guys are offering with your knowledge and insight based on your experiences and expertise, it’s really helping me personally to make better choices in regards to where I’m coming with my investments. 

Anyway, the question is, what do you think about investing in the areas that are being upgraded for the upcoming Olympics in Brisbane? 

Do you think they will be good up until then and then crash, or at least decline? 

Or you believe that the infrastructure in the area will then support the growth for years to come? 

Thanks boys. Appreciate your help and keep up with work” 


Q2) Land to Asset Ratio from Bronwyn 

 “Hi Ben and Bryce, my name is Bronwyn and I just wanted to ask a general question in regards to Land values. We talk about Land to Asset ratios when purchasing property.  

I do have a property, and this doesn’t need to be generally specific to that property, but the council valuations or government valuations on the land are far lower than what land is being sold for in the area.   

I just wanted to understand when you’re looking at land to asset ratios, which land value were we actually utilizing to get our percentages?”  


Q3) Challenges in Addressing the Accommodation Crisis from Michael 

“Hi Bryce and Ben, my name is Michael. 

I’m interested in your thoughts on the accommodation crisis gripping our country at the moment. We have record levels of immigration while we are recording all time low levels in building approvals and building completions. Builders are going bankrupt every day and leaving the industry. 

We have a skills shortage with a lack of trades people available to do the work. Material costs keep rising faster than inflation there’s a shortage of land to develop, increasing interest rates are severely limiting the amount borrowers can obtain from the banks and APRA are still insisting bank apply a 3% test on interest rates charged. 

The only solution government seems to be able to come up with is to subsidise build to rent with land tax concessions, and massive investment in public housing. But there are not enough trades to build these dwellings. At the same time, the government punishes property investors with higher taxes, increased compliance costs, expectations of ever increasing standards and accommodation provision, and taxes on short term accommodation. 

With private sector provides 97% of private rental accommodation yet I can’t think of one incentive that is being provided to motivate them to provide more. 40% of the build cost goes to three level of government. I feel this needs to be reduced. I would like to see the removal of stamp duty for purchases buying off the plan in order to feed the pipeline for greater supply. 

This will provide developers and necessary pre-purchases required to obtain construction funding. The development section has been in decline ever since stamp duty concessions for off the plan purchases were removed several years ago. 

I’m interested on your thoughts on this proposal and whether you have any other ideas. Thanks.”  



  • 0:00 – Cracking the Code: Mastering the 60% Land to Asset Ratio   
  • 2:47 – Happy International Women’s Day!  
  • 10:07 – Moorr Webinar: The best tools for the job…  
  • 12:34 – Mindset Minute: Gold from Poor Charlie’s Almanack  
  • 21:00 – “The time horizon speak is directly proportional to…” 
  • 23:47 – Q1) Investment in Brisbane for 2032 Olympics 
  • 25:35 – What really matters for economic and property growth  
  • 29:03 – The benefits will actually be spread across Australia…  
  • 31:12 – Olympic-sized successes and failures  
  • 35:38 – What happens after the torch?  
  • 36:03 – Our verdict!  
  • 37:46 Q2) Land to Asset Ratio 
  • 38:48 – How to crack the 60% land-to-asset ratio 
  • 41:39 – Note! There are different costs for different types of builds  
  • 42:27 – Hack for properties that are older than 30 years!  
  • 45:08 – Watch the YouTube video to see this in-depth graph  
  • 46:28 – Why we prefer older over new properties  
  • 47:42 – Talk to your local Buyers Agents!  
  • 48:25 – What happens if you don’t care about land value?  
  • 50:05 Q3) Challenges in Addressing the Accommodation Crisis
  • 52:13 – Why did the builders tap out?  
  • 53:27 – The recipe for short-term disaster  
  • 57:31 – “We’ve Been Disincentivised for Over a Decade” 
  • 1:02:27 – Victoria’s Minimum Standards are a great example of this!  


  • 1:03:49 – Lifehack: How to improve your sleep quality  
  • 1:06:55 – WMPN 1) Fact-checking the Greens  
  • 1:12:02 – WMPN 2) NSW’s “No-Ground Eviction” up for debate 


464 | Using SMSFs to Avoid Getting Stuck on Your Next Property! – Q&A Day


Many investors can’t seem to move beyond owning 2-properties due to limited borrowing power or equity, so why don’t more people turn to Self-Manager Super Funds (SMSFs) as an answer?  

Folks, this is just ONE of the enlightening questions from today’s enormous Q&A episode which has a bit of gold for every property investor, no matter what stage you are at on your property journey.  

From the ultimate pros and cons list of SMSFs to revealing the true long-term advantages of owner-occupier appeal – and why it matters over high yield – we’re exploring the winning strategies one can use to move up the property ladder.  

 We also explore the moral and ethical dilemma of property investing (are you evil if you become a property owner?!?) and do a first-time reveal of our newest series.  

Tune in now to hear all this – and how you can access this series for free – and learn how to maximise your returns today! 😊  

Questions We Answer…

Q1) Property Owners Are Evil from Boyd 

Hi Bryce and Ben.

I just want to let you know that I love the podcast. Find it very insightful and I listen to it all the time. My question today is around property investing and, more around the ethical/ moral side.

You hear a lot of the media, even friends and colleagues always scrutinise property investors as – they’re the evil people in the world trying to screw over all the people – which I can agree to an extent I would say.

My partner and I are very ethical and morally driven, we feel like and we are looking to invest next year and struggling to sort of decide whether we actually want to because of those reasons.

We feel we still will because a) we want a better lives and our future, but also b) we don’t think we’re going to be those type of people that will squeeze every bit of money out of everyone and a bunch of other reasons.

I was just more wondering how you would end that sort of question if someone said that to you because….. and if there’s any other. reasons why which would maybe help us in our journey and other people in a journey that are sort of up in the arms about it.

Thank you very much for your time.


Q2) Buying Property Through SMSF from Milind 

Hi, I don’t see any dedicated episode on SMSF or buying property through SMSF.

Most buyers get stuck at the second property because of inadequate equity or borrowing power and SMSF is buying property is is really one of the good options but I don’t see anything on that so can you please cover that in detail thank you.


Q3) Why Owner Occupier Appeal from Kate

Hey guys,

Love the podcast but am struggling to see why you would hunt down properties that have owner occupier appeal and good long term capital growth if you also advocate to hold properties for the long term and never sell. 🤷‍♀️

If you’re never selling them then why does that matter? Wouldn’t you want to find high yielding properties and enjoy cash flow now and in retirement?

Sorry if this is an ignorant question.

Thank you 🙏


Free Stuff Mentioned

Heres some of the gold we cover 

  • 0:00 – Using SMSFs to Avoid Getting Stuck on Your Next Property!  
  • 3:35 – We’ve got a brand-new series out?! (+ How you can get it for FREE!)  
  • 5:12 – Want to be on the couch?? Calling all 2023/24 Summer Series Guests  
  • 5:50 – Mindset Minute: The 3 Magic Principles of Mastery  
  • 8:58  Q1) Property Owners Are Evil  
  • 10:32 A perception shift around providing rental accommodation… 
  • 14:07 Why your friends aren’t always right!  
  • 16:01 The Fishing Analogy 🐟 
  • 18:15 How do we benefit Australia economically and socially?  
  • 22:42 Q2) Buying Property Through SMSF (Self-Managed Super Fund)  
  • 23:24 A little disclaimer… 
  • 24:13 – How does SMSF work?  
  • 26:18 The Pros of SMSF 
  • 28:07 Beware of these Cons!    
  • 29:39 Considerations BEFORE using a SMSF 
  • 36:50 – Why does the name of the contract matter?
  • 40:25 Q3) Why Owner Occupier Appeal?  
  • 41:39 It boils down to these 2 things… 
  • 46:06 – The true advantage of owner-occupier appeal 
  • 50:41 – Justify by emotion & logic! 


  • 57:39 – Lifehack: Why should you only eat to 80% capacity?  
  • 1:00:21 – WMPN: The BEST and WORST states to invest in and more findings from PIPA’s 2023 Sentiment Survey  

463 | Property Managers: Are They Worth It?! – Q&A Day


With today’s property and economic conditions in mind, we’re back with a Q&A Day that’s focused on how to maximise your savings. 

Tune in to hear:  

Are property managers really worth it?!  

We’re giving you the unfiltered pros and cons of managing tenants, insurance, taxes and more (Basically we’re unpacking exactly what goes on behind the scenes!)  

If you renovate your Principal Place of Residence (PPOR) can it be considered tax-deductible when you turn it into an investment property?!   

Why is it important to separate household and business incomes? Plus, the newest features coming out on Moorr and managing finances at the start of a new relationship, and… 

How accurate is the narrative around property owners today?! 

Another massive episode that picked our brains (and the brains of our friends at BMT Tax Experts 😉) tune in now to discover our answers! 


Questions We Answer…

Q1) Saving $$ through getting rid of the property manager from Sean 

Firstly, thank you Bryce and Ben for your advice and your podcast.

Based on that we bought our first investment property just over a year ago which was great. But obviously it went from being very positively geared to rapidly. going to negatively geared very much so.

I know recently you’ve said to hold property at all costs and also mention taking on a second job etcetera.

Would you consider removing the property manager as part of this is as this would save us $50 a week and potentially bring it around to. being cash flow neutral?

Bear in mind that we live a literal stones throw away from our investment property and I have some friends who are electricians etc.

I’m just interested on your thoughts and whether that would be. considered almost like taking on a second job.



Q2) Investment Deductions when moving to PPR from Edward 

Hi, we currently live in a property.

We are looking at getting an investment property and maybe moving out of our current primary residency and turning that into an investment property.

We are doing some works on it at the moment and new floors new kitchen, maybe new bathrooms.

Is there a way to get them as a investment deduction when they transfer to an investment property?

How can I leverage that?


Q3) Moorr – money management with business AND partner

Hey guys, thank you for the books.

Make money simple again. Completely went through it and it makes complete sense. I just got a question for you, I’m in Moorr and I’m doing all my expenses, income and all that kind of stuff.

The income that I derive is from my business, so I use my individual taxes returns – average the two trust distributions, and that’s what I’ve done for my income.

However, with the debts, I’ve got a few debts in the business.

I was just wondering whether or not I need to put that that credit card debt in the Moorr portal and then how to separate the expenses because obviously I’ve got business expenses and what not and what to add and what not to add a little query.

The other question was my partner and I do our banking separately we derive our income separately but then we put a joint budget to cover you know groceries, car expenses and any expenses as a joint expense.

I’m just trying to figure out whether to just do a separate portion from there and just kind of figure it out that way or just really get her involved and bring her on to the Moorr portal and really nut down and try to do it together.

Any advice would be amazing. Thank you.


Q4) Property Investors as Small Business Owners 

Hi Bryce (and Ben),

I have been loving the winter series and listening with interest to the some of the conversations (your show and others) that all landlords are “rich heartless bastards (excuse the language) who are just taking advantage of the rental crisis” and wanted to add our own recent experience to try and provide some balance.

We have a property in the NE of Adelaide that has come up for a lease renewal and we were presented with two options/recommendations from our property manager to consider.

Option 1

In line with what has been unprecedented rental increases (well at least in the 20 years I have been investing) in the area, apply what they called a “modest” increase of $30 per week to the current rent.

Option 2

Not renew with this tenant and place the property on the market, with no changes to the property other than an outgoing clean, at current market rental rates which would see us attain somewhere between $130-$150pw increase.

Now to put into perspective Option 1, a $30 pw increase, would be the biggest increase we have ever applied to this property in the 18 years we have owned it.

Historically we have only ever applied increases of $5-$15 pw even when reletting to the market (and across the Covid we applied $0 for no other reason than it felt the right thing to do) so to apply a $30 increase would have been huge, let alone attain $100+!

So what did we do I hear you ask? For us it was a no brainer, we have a great tenant who has been in the property for over 7 years, treats it as her own (she is a single, middle aged lady who initially had her daughters at the home with her, but now is there alone) and who we know would struggle to find an equivalent rental in this market if we did not renew so it was an easy decision for us to offer a renewal of $20 pw (still large in our eyes but we felt fair) which she signed up to within a couple of hours.

We did this despite seeing, since October 2019, our interest costs on this property go up 116% ($11,200pa) whilst only passing along a 4% ($780pa) rental increase to our tenant over that same period.

Yes, we could have tried to recoup more from our existing tenant or not renewing and grabbing one of the many people we know would be queuing up to secure a property like ours however the combination of it just not passing the “sleep tax test” (as one of your guests so well put recently) as the right thing to do and knowing this is a long term play where we have built up our buffers (in part thanks to your teachings) over the years that allow us to ride out this period, do the right thing by our tenant, and still be on our path to being self funded retirees in the next 5-10 years.

Anyway, sorry this has become such a long email but I felt the need to share and confirm what you have been saying over the last few months – not all property owners are bastards, many of us genuinely play the balancing game of trying to set ourselves up to be comfortable (not outrageously rich) in retirement without being a financial burden on society.

We are also very aware that at the end of the day there is a person/family calling our property home that needs to be treated respectfully as well.

I hope it helps in what you are doing [and if you want to share it in any way that assists I am happy for you to do that if you could just keep us reasonably anonymous with anything you might make public].

Thanks, keep up the good work and of course “Go Crows!”


Free Stuff Mentioned



  • 0:00 – Property Managers: Are They Worth It?!
  • 6:24 – Calling all Summer Series guests! ☀️ 
  • 8:01 – A little teaser about a NEW course coming out… 
  • 8:56 Mindset Minute – The 2 master skills for an extraordinary life 😊
  • 12:40 – Q1) Saving $$ through getting rid of the property manager 
  • 15:05 – The 3 Buckets 🪣 
  • 15:53 – What risks do you run with tenants?  
  • 21:10 – The Basics vs. The Rest  
  • 23:14 – Limited Growth: It’s human nature! 🌱 
  • 24:33 – Insurance, Tax & Fools Gold?!  
  • 27:55 – In summary, our answer is…  
  • 29:03 Q2) Investment Deductions when moving to PPR 
  • 29:49 – THIS is considered second hand 😮  
  • 31:50 – What we’d recommend! (Read the report from BMT here!)  
  • 33:38  Q3) Moorr: Money management with business AND partner 
  • 35:39 – Household vs. business incomes: Why does it matter?!  
  • 38:29 – A lot of people don’t realise Moorr has THIS capability!  
  • 41:23 – Transparency & finances in early relationships  
  • 43:03 – ANOTHER SNEAK PEEK!!! 😉  
  • 46:24 Q4) Property Investors as Small Business Owners 
  • 50:34 – The Real vs. Fake narrative being sold… 
  • 52:10 – Findings from PIPA’s 2023 Sentiment Survey  


  • 56:08  Lifehack: Save videos to watch later!  
  • 58:38 What’s Making Property News: Ben was at the Victorian Inquiry!  

448 | The Interest Only vs P&I Debate – which is better?

In our latest Q&A episode, we dive deep into the intricate mechanics of interest-only loans, we unveil some of the strategies for managing mortgage stress, and we also unlock the hidden gems of building financial muscle memory.  

Get ready to unlock a wealth of knowledge and practical insights as we explore the art of budgeting, saving, and setting goals. Discover the power of delayed gratification and learn how it can shape your financial future. 

In this episode, we address the burning questions that have been on your mind.  

We leave no stone unturned as we demystify these key themes: 

  • The complexities of interest-only loans, shedding light on their benefits and considerations 
  • We explore the nuances of repayment options 
  • Interest rates, and the potential long-term impact of interest-only loans on your financial journey 

We also navigate the realm of mortgage stress and unpack how to establish a realistic budget to prioritising savings!  

But wait, there’s more! Prepare to unleash the ultimate weapon: financial muscle memory. Discover how small, consistent actions can lead to significant financial gains over time. We delve into the psychology of decision-making, empowering you to seize control, make savvy choices, and skyrocket your financial well-being. 

Don’t miss out on our latest Q&A episode folks!!  Tune in now or watch the episode below


Here’s some of the gold we cover… 

  • 4:28 – Mindset Minute 
  • 12:35 – Question #1 
  • 15:50 – Not everyone will buy new! 
  • 16:40 – Investing in new vs living in new 
  • 19:23 – The optimal outcome 
  • 20:35 – Basics of Land to asset ratio can be aspirational  
  • 24:40 – We are not fully rusted!! 
  • 26:45 – Question #2 
  • 28:50 – Interest Only mechanics 
  • 30:00 – Will the banks allow IO loans? 
  • 30:25 – How it affects loan term 
  • 31:35 – Interest only lending the whole time 
  • 33:20 – Filling offset buckets is the key 
  • 34:50 – What happens if you refinance to another lender? 
  • 35:50 – Higher interest rate currently 
  • 37:25 – Question #3 
  • 39:40 – Building muscle memory  
  • 41:35 – More surplus to make decisions 
  • 42:30 – Upside gains 
  • 43:00 – Informed decisions  
  • 43:30 – Mortgage stress – Refer to previous episode around Ep 444 – How to tackle mortgage stress 
  • 43:45 – Question #4 
  • 47:00 – Teaching them to fish 
  • 47:50 – The value of money 
  • 50:40 – Budgeting and saving 
  • 51:25 – Try and make it fun 
  • 56:50 – Financial Literacy 
  • 59:00 – Love is spelt T.I.M.E  
  • AND….. 
  • 59:20 – Life Hack (from Ben 😊) 
  • 1:02:20 – What’s Making Property News

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