Money Magazine Cover Story – Rent and Invest / Rentvesting

Money Magazine - March 2016 Cover PicThank you for your interest in the Rentvesting article!

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For those of you who have stumbled on to this post, please do check out Episode 59 where Bryce & Ben discuss this investment strategy in detail.

53 | The Money SMARTS System

By now, our listeners should understand the importance of good money management habits. It is the core of building a successful property investment portfolio and has been reiterated multiples times throughout this podcast.

Since episode 3, as part of the Four Pillars of Mastery, Bryce and Ben have talked in various occasions about Cash Flow Management and the flow of money in your household. This includes where money comes from, types of spending and types of investments for your surplus. In episode 41, they talked about the moving parts of cash flow management otherwise known as the money and accumulation model. This model looks at variables and assumptions to consider when you’re modelling sophisticated money and wealth outcomes.

Ep 53 Money SMARTS system - which account do I use - picOn page 58 of the Armchair Guide to Property Investing, they introduced the money SMARTS system. It’s a money management system and the name stands for Surplus, Mindset, Application, Resources, Timelines and Strategy. The book provided an overall summary of each section and also some tips on how you can set up this account structure yourself. But we’ve received some feedback that our readers would like us to explain this little bit more so that is exactly what Bryce and Ben have done in this podcast.

As an extension of the money SMARTS system, we are also sharing a “cheat sheet” on which account to use for different types of expenses. Just fill in your details below and we’ll send you the link to download it.




NEW Update:

Since this episode was produced, we’ve published a Free Online Platform and a Book (now a best seller) to help our community implement Money SMARTS better. If you’re interested, simply fill in the form below to create a free account and download a free e-copy of the book!

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The Money SMARTS System – Cheat Sheet

Ep 53 Money SMARTS system - which account do I use - picAs promised in Episode 53, here’s the extension of the money SMARTS system: A “cheat sheet” on which account to use for different types of expenses.

This cheat sheet is an extension of the money SMARTS system which was discussed about in page 58 of The Armchair Guide to Property Investing and in Episode 53 of The Property Couch Podcast. If you have yet to read the book or listened to that episode, we strongly recommend you to do that prior to reading this document.

Just fill in your details below and we’ll send you the link to download it.


Money SMARTS System | Cheat sheet

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